Chapter 366 What God Gives

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but nodded secretly, remembering all his symptoms one by one.

Hou Junji paused, and then said:

"The National Master also knew what happened next. You transformed into a Buddha and saved me."

"From that day on, I began to gradually become sober, until I finally became completely sober a few days ago."

"Then I quickly came to thank the Imperial Master. In addition, I have also heard about you and Zhang Liang. As long as it is useful to me, Hou Jun, you can speak up."

Yuan Shouwei thanked him profusely after hearing this.

After a few people chatted for a while, Hou Junji and his wife left a lot of gifts and then left with a lot of thanks.

After seeing them off, Yuan Shouwei thought about the sixth level of martial arts for a while, then came to the back mountain and started practicing his moves.

The first thing to practice was the 'Broken River'. As he used the move, a large hole about twenty feet wide was opened in the air, and the number of black holes in the surrounding area also increased a lot.

This makes Yuan Shouwei quite satisfied. It seems that the sixth stage and the fifth stage are two completely different concepts, which fully doubles the power of the move.

However, the terrifying black hole did not appear at Jiang Xiang's mausoleum, which made Yuan Shouwei have a lot of thoughts:
It seems that the collision between my own moves and Cao Ziyi's moves can create different sparks. If there is a chance, I will practice with him again.

After trying the 'Broken River', he tried the other two moves.

'Qianlong Moves Mountain' The number of earth dragons has doubled, and their speed and power have also doubled.

'Han Ming Turns into a Dragon' The rain curtain became bigger and the waves became more and more numerous, almost more waves than Yuan Shouwei himself.

The dragon has also become much thicker and bigger, not ordinary thick, but so thick that people can't help but scream at the sight of it.

After completing the Xuanyuan Sword Technique test, he began to try other moves. As expected, all martial arts moves were much more powerful.

The biggest surprise to him was the 'Ladder Cloud'. He could actually step on the void and walk into the mid-air in one breath.

It's faster and lasts longer. Who doesn't like it?

After experimenting with all the moves, Yuan Shouwei was sweating from exhaustion. He happily returned to the backyard and asked Li Shi to boil water for him to take a bath.

While waiting, he suddenly thought that taking a bath in this day and age is really inconvenient.

Especially if you want to take a hot bath, you have to wait a long time just to boil the water.

In the past, there were just a few rough men on this mountain, and it didn't matter whether they had hot or cold water.

Now that I have a disciple, if possible, I will solve the problem of hot bath for them.

Thinking of this, he became interested again, and planned to use his current skills to build a bathhouse.

Cement, first of all, is cement.

The materials used are mainly limestone, clay, iron ore and coal.
Yuan Shouwei made some calculations, and the limestone can be obtained from Beiming Mountain;

You can go to Liquan County to get the clay yourself, and use the Xuanyuan Sword Box to load a few carts back;

Ask Li Chengqian for iron ore;
Coal is available everywhere.

Stirring is troublesome, what should I do?
Yes, give the Tai Chi sword technique to my apprentice, Li Shi, and Lao Li, and let them mix it with the Tai Chi sword technique.

While stirring, practice sword practice.

Well, am I being mean by doing this?
Well, I am indeed a bitch!

The bathhouse is done, but a boiler is needed below.

Ask Wu Fu to find someone to make me two extra large, heat-resistant, sealed iron pots.

When the time comes, she will definitely ask me why I do this, and I will tell her that if I take a mandarin duck bath with her, she will definitely be so beautiful.

What to do with hot water?
Easy to handle, use the Five Elements Fire Talisman.

For others, it would naturally be reluctant.

But who are we?

A master at drawing symbols!
It's just a waste of a piece of yellow paper and a few drops of ink.All that's left is to choose a location, put it near the creek in the back mountain, and build a few houses there.

Use bamboo to guide water into the iron pot of the house to heat it, and then use bamboo to guide hot and cold water into the bathhouse.

In order to ensure continuous hot water, he gave the Five Elements Fire Talisman to Li Shi and asked him to use a few talismans in it every day, so that he could take a hot bath at any time.

After Yuan Shouwei thought about it, he immediately started to organize it with great fanfare.

First go to Liquan County to get some clay.

After Yuan Shouwei had lunch, he went down the mountain and headed all the way to Liquan County.

When we arrived not far from Liquan, we saw large tracts of farmland with green wheat seedlings about a foot tall.

Further ahead is a wide and towering embankment. If you listen carefully, you can faintly hear the sound of the river flowing.

When he reached the embankment, he saw that the river was turbulent and rushing, and the water level had basically reached two-thirds of the embankment.

Then I remembered that there was a lot of rain this year, which caused the water level to rise a lot.

From this point of view, it is obviously not suitable to dig the clay on the embankment.

After thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei also grabbed a handful of soil from the embankment, turned down the embankment, and reached the farmland behind him, where he grabbed another handful of soil.

After comparing the two, it was found that the viscosity of the soil on the embankment was obviously better than that of the soil in the farmland.

Yuan Shouwei chose farmland soil without hesitation. The viscosity was almost the same, but if he dug the soil for the embankment, the people would point their fingers at him and scold him. He couldn't afford to lose this person.

He stood up and looked around, only to see an old farmer tending the crops in another piece of farmland. He walked over and said with a sigh:

"Old man, I'm so polite here."

"May I ask you something?"

When the old farmer saw this, he stood up and returned the gift to Yuan Shouwei, saying:
"Hi Taoist, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Yuan Shouwei pointed to the farmland beside him and said:

"I don't know if this farmland belongs to you. I want to dig some soil and build a pond at home."

"If you don't dig your soil in vain, I'll pay you."

After hearing this, the old farmer smiled and waved his hand and said:
"How much does it cost to give something from God?"

After finishing speaking, he looked around, walked to a piece of land near the lower edge of the embankment, and said:

"Master Dao, just dig the soil here, there are fewer wheat seedlings in this area."

Yuan Shouwei followed him and looked around. The land was almost more than ten square meters. If he dug deeper, it would be enough.

He also nodded with satisfaction and said:
"Okay, then this is it."

Then he took out a lot of money from the sword box and handed it to the old farmer, and said:

"Old man, if you take this money, I will dig up a lot of soil and destroy this wheat seedling for you."

"The money counts as compensation."

When the old farmer saw Yuan Shouwei taking out so much money, he couldn't help but be shocked. He waved his hands and said:
"Taoist Priest, you are not worthy of your responsibility. You are not worthy of your responsibility."

"Put the money away quickly."

After speaking, he looked at Yuan Shouwei again and said:
"How can you dig if you don't bring anything with you?"

Yuan Shouwei smiled and gave the money to the old farmer, then gestured to the land and explained to him:
"I want all this land, so you must accept the money."

"As for digging, I have my own way."

"You step back a little first."

After saying that, he had already arrived at the edge of the field. After looking back and forth, he took out the Xuanyuan Sword from behind and inserted it gently into the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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