Chapter 368 Bathhouse
Everyone around Dakeng was immediately dumbfounded. What method did this Taoist use?
It was already shocking to walk into mid-air out of thin air, and the big hole was filled in the blink of an eye.

Master Cui was also quite surprised at this moment. His first thought was that the soil must be fake.

I also hurriedly arrived in front of the big pit in a few steps. I stepped hard on it a few times with my feet, then grabbed a handful of soil and looked carefully. There was no doubt that it was real soil.

I couldn't help but secretly complain in my heart: You Taoist priest are just here to make fun of you. Why do you come here to dig soil when you can obviously make soil yourself?
At this moment, several more people were rushing towards the embankment. One of them shouted loudly to Yuan Shouwei in the air:

"National Master, please accept your magical powers."

It turned out to be the magistrate of Liquan County: Wei Yingcai.

He was an official of Li Chengqian, so he naturally recognized Yuan Shouwei.

After hearing this, Master Cui couldn't help being surprised: Imperial Master?Could it be that Yuan Shou is Yuan Guoshi?

Seeing that he was an acquaintance, Yuan Shou was embarrassed to show off and slowly walked down from the air.

Wei Yingcai had already arrived in front of him. He quickly raised his hands and saluted:

"Wei Yingcai has met the Imperial Master, why didn't you say hello when you came to Liquan County?"

"What were you doing just now? Could it be that you discovered locusts again and wanted to lure the phoenix to kill them?"

Yuan Shouwei also bowed his head and told him his purpose of coming.

After Wei Yingcai listened, he couldn't help but smile and said:

"A little bit of soil, just take it."

First, he said to Chief Cui:

"Cui Ning, you just came here and didn't understand the situation. This is the Yuan Shouwei Yuan Guoshi I often mentioned to you."

Then he explained to Yuan Shouwei:

"Cui Ning just came to Liquan County to take up a post. Because of the heavy rain this year, he took the initiative to apply to guard the levee."

"Each person has different responsibilities. It's just a small misunderstanding. The Imperial Master will not remember the faults of the villain, so let him go."

Only then did Cui Ning know Yuan Shouwei's identity and understand why he had such a method.

He couldn't help but feel like he was trying to make things difficult for Yuan Shouwei just now, so he quickly stepped forward, bowed deeply, and said:

"Cui Ning is too blind to recognize Mount Tai and has misunderstood the national master."

"Please forgive me for being rude."

The broom-browed eyebrows and upturned nose behind him were frightened. The person he was mocking just now was Yuan Guoshi, who was a brother to the prince. What should he do?

Suddenly he fell to his knees and begged.

When the people on the side heard that it was Yuan Shouwei, they were all grateful to him for exterminating locusts last year, and they also knelt down to thank him.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he also smiled and said:

"Everyone, please get up. I just came to get some clay and build a pool. I didn't expect to cause so much trouble to everyone."

Seeing that Yuan Shouwei didn't care, Cui Ning breathed a sigh of relief and said:
"National Master, I will find someone to transport this soil back to Beiming Mountain for you now."

Yuan Shouwei waved his hand and said:
"No, this is enough to cause trouble to everyone. I'll do it myself."

After saying that, he took out the sword box, recited a spell, and sucked in the half-acre of soil.

After exchanging a few words with everyone, he drifted away in their stunned and admiring eyes.


Liquan Embankment.

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

A figure sneaked onto the embankment.

He first looked around, then said to himself:
"Which field is it from?"

"I should have made a mark during the day."

This dark figure is none other than Yuan Shouwei, who appeared in front of people during the day.I saw that after looking around, he finally locked the place. After arriving at the place where he cast the spell during the day, he confirmed that it was correct.

He directly dug out the soil again according to the method during the day, exposing the big pit, then poured new soil from the sword box, filled the big hole, and murmured to himself:
"My father-in-law, don't blame me. The soil of this Five Elements Talisman is not suitable for planting."

"I dug another piece from near Beiming Mountain and patched it up for you, so that it won't delay you from planting crops."

"I will ask Miaozhen to send you some money during the day tomorrow, so that I can make up for your loss."

While talking, he had finished his work and returned to Beiming Mountain.

The next day, early in the morning.

Li Chengqian and Wu Fu came to Beiming Mountain.

Li Chengqian came to tell him about Zhang Liang, and he was a little curious to see what bathhouse he was going to use clay for.

Wu Fu, on the other hand, heard that he was going to cast a large iron pot, and was full of curiosity, so he came to take a look.

The two of them were a little surprised when they saw Yuan Shouwei sitting there, yawning and looking listless. Wu Fu asked:
"Yuan Shouwei, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Could I tell you that there is a price to pay for pretending? Yuan Shouwei cursed in his heart and said:
"It's okay. It's just that after I advanced to the sixth level of the martial arts realm, I have been working harder these days."

After Wu Fu heard this, he couldn't help but said angrily:

"Then why don't you just rest more?"

"Why did you go to the bathhouse again?"

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei immediately became energetic, stopped yawning, and said excitedly:
"It's too troublesome to take a bath. Every time I finish practicing, I'm covered in stinky sweat. It's easy to hurt the body if I wash with cold water. It's troublesome to boil the water with hot water."

"So I thought about building a bathhouse where you can take a hot bath at any time."

"Go, I'll show you around."

After saying that, he happily led the curious two people to the back mountain.

He first took them to see the creek, then pointed to an open space where the creek passed, and said excitedly:
"This is where the bathhouse is."

After saying that, he picked up the sketch in his hand and told the two of them.

Li Chengqian suddenly realized:

"You went to Liquan County yesterday to get clay just to make this cement?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded repeatedly and said:

"Well, the clay has been prepared. You still need to get me some iron ore. I will pay you every penny."

Li Chengqian waved his hand and said:
"Just a little bit of ore, no need."

"But I'm very interested in the cement you mentioned."

"If it's as solid as bluestone and as cheap as you said, then the uses of this thing are too wide."

Yuan Shouwei said modestly:

"It's still in the experimental stage. Once it's done, we have to see the effect before we can make a final decision."

After hearing this, Li Chengqian said:

"Then how about I find some craftsmen for you in the Ministry of Industry and ask them to help you do it together?"

Yuan Shouwei thought for a while and said:
"I need to test this thing a few more times. After the effect is confirmed to be ok, I will let people from the Ministry of Industry participate."

"Lest the imperial censor accuses us of engaging in some strange and obscene tricks."

Wu Fu next to him said:

"Yuan Shouwei, let me send you some craftsmen from the Wu family. This should be fine."

Yuan Shouwei originally wanted to find a few craftsmen from above and below, but when Wu Fu said that they were all from his own family anyway, it would be more considerate to use them, so he nodded and agreed.

After standing in the open space again, he gave some directions to the two people. After seeing that it was time to eat, he took the two of them back to the main hall.

(End of this chapter)

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