Chapter 369 Avoiding Casualties
Li Chengqian was not an outsider, so Wu Fu didn't have to avoid suspicion. The three of them sat in the main hall and chatted while eating.

Li Chengqian looked at the two of them and said:

"The result of Li's case has come down."

"Li planned to murder the princess and colluded with the rebels. She will be executed after three days."

After speaking, he took out another file, handed it to Yuan Shouwei, and said:
"Yeah, let me send you a copy of Li's file for you to take a look at."

Yuan Shouwei knew that Li Shimin was trying to compensate him, so he took it with a smile, looked at it carefully, and doubts arose in his heart.

He glanced at Li and Wu, who were concentrating on cooking, and asked unintentionally:

"Is Mrs. Li also confessed to killing Wu and Zhu?"

Li Chengqian was concentrating on the plate of 'Bright Shrimp Moxibustion' in front of him. While peeling the prawns in his hand, he said absently:

"It's all written in the file, you can read it yourself."

"However, it doesn't matter whether she is recruited or not, she is dead anyway."

Yuan Shouwei calmly put the file on the table and said:
"How did Zhang Liang deal with it?"

Li Chengqian picked up the silk handkerchief on the table and wiped the greasy hands, and said:
"Some old people in the court saved him."

After hearing this, Wu Fu couldn't help but raise his head in surprise and asked:

"Zhang Liang is so popular? As far as I know, many old people look down on him, saying that he is just a snitch."

Li Chengqian picked up the wine on the table, took a sip and said:
"That's true. The reason why those old people protected him is because of the money Zhang Shenwei used."

"That Zhang Shenwei usually looks a bit weak, but I didn't expect that he was quite reliable at the critical moment. I heard that after Zhang Liang was imprisoned, many servants in his family wanted to sneak away with their things. But I didn't expect that Zhang Shenwei was blocking the door. , and killed several people in a row, and then the situation was stabilized."

"Then he sold two houses in the city at a low price. With the money, he went to find the old people, kowtowed at their doors, gave gifts, and asked them for help. Many people couldn't save their face, so they went to Ye Ye to plead for Zhang Liang. "

"In addition, Zhang Shenwei also gave Ye Yesong a meteorite that fell from the sky, hoping that Ye Ye would show mercy. However, Ye Ye still did not relent and upheld the original sentence. Zhang Liang will never be used again in this life."

After hearing this, Wu Fu couldn't help but laugh happily:

"I knew His Majesty would deal with it impartially. Now it's fine. I'll see how he can seek revenge from me in the future."

Yuan Shouwei on the side looked at the happy Wu Fu with doubts.

When Wu and Zhu died, he asked Li Ying, did Li do it?

Li Ying couldn't say much, but he said it was indeed a coincidence; and Li Shi shouted that he wanted to avenge Wu Yuanqing.

At that time, I thought Mrs. Li was shouting to catch the thief, but now she refused to admit it even to her death.

Coupled with the fact that Zhang Liang was the Taoist priest he was looking for for the Li family, Yuan Shouwei had a vague feeling that there must be something going on here.

Just who should investigate?

After thinking about it for a while, he already had a suitable candidate in his heart.

The next day, several craftsmen from the Wu family arrived, and Yuan Shouwei walked around the back mountain with them with his sketches.

Everyone is familiar with building a house. After a brief communication with Yuan Shouwei, they already knew how to do it.

At the same time, they became interested in Liu Miaozhen, who was mixing cement on the side.

Just look at her facing a wooden barrel with a big belly and a small mouth, standing horizontally in the air, putting a wooden sword into the barrel, and stirring it back and forth repeatedly.

When Yuan Shouwei on the side heard this, he repeatedly corrected them. Liu Miaozhen was mainly practicing swordsmanship, and mixing cement was just a casual thing.

In this way, the craftsmen and Liu Miaozhen began to work seriously, leaving only Yuan Shouwei who had nothing to do.

He looked at the busy people and the creek not far away, and really remembered something very important.

Isn’t the flood season of the Yellow River coming recently?I happen to have a copy of "River Defense Narrative" in my hand. Since I have nothing to do, I will go and study it. Maybe I will be able to use it after a while.

Thinking of this, he also returned to the main hall, picked up "River Defense Statement" and read it carefully.

"Records of River Defense" was written by Chen Huang, a famous official in river management during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty.

In order to formulate a river control project plan, Chen Huang traveled through dangerous obstacles and traveled tens of thousands of miles up and down the Yellow River to review them one by one.

In terms of governance methods, the river governance theory of "reinforcement of water and attack of sand" by Pan Jixun, a famous river governance expert in the Ming Dynasty, was inherited and developed.

It advocates the combination of "diversion" and "confluence", and "diversion and killing" as an emergency measure when the river surges, and "confluence to attack sand" as a long-term arrangement.

In terms of specific methods, the methods of building water reduction dams and excavation to divert rivers were adopted.

In order to maintain a certain flow rate of the Zhenghe River, the "water measuring method" was invented, which put the theory of "confining water to attack sand" on a more scientific basis and promoted the safety of the Yellow River.

After reading "River Control Narrative", Yuan Shouwei could not help but admire Chen Huang's various river control strategies.

When I saw the best "Yellow River Picture", I suddenly had an idea. I don't have a lot of things to do recently, so I might as well transform the creek behind the mountain according to the Yellow River Picture.

It was transformed into a huge sand table. When the time comes to regulate the river, the whole picture of the Yellow River will be known at a glance.

Just do it.

How many more craftsmen will we need from Wu Mansion?
It doesn't seem appropriate to drag a sheep to death.

Thinking of this, he simply went down the mountain and hired a group of skilled craftsmen, and asked them to start transforming the creek according to his own intentions.

The days passed by like quicksand, and in a blink of an eye it was already the hot summer, and Chang'an City also experienced several heavy rains.

As a result, the eight rivers around the city also swelled a lot. Fortunately, the embankments were strong enough and the government personnel were conscientious enough, so no losses were caused.

But at the same time, inside the palace, above the main hall.

The eunuch Ding Yu was standing next to Li Shimin, reading a memorial in front of the civil and military officials below:
Minister: Zhu Yitan, the governor of Bianliang, impeached Sihu of Bianliang and joined the army Luo Tianyi.

At this time of the flood season, the water in the Yellow River in Bianliang Prefecture has surged, and there is a danger of bursting its banks at any time.

The minister knew that he had a heavy responsibility and did not want the people to be devastated by the flood. He not only guarded the embankment day and night, but also organized soldiers and civilians to build embankments to fight the flood.

At the same time, Luo Tianyi was ordered to evacuate people to resettlement sites to avoid casualties.

On July 29, I escorted the disaster relief funds to the Jinshui River embankment and prepared to distribute the disaster relief funds to the soldiers and civilians guarding the embankment.

It happened that Luo Tianyi was disobeying his will and preparing to break the embankment and release the flood privately.

I tried my best to stop it, but Luo Tianyi had so many minions that I was unable to stop him. I watched helplessly as Luo Tianyi led his troops to breach the embankment.

There were numerous casualties on the spot, and all the relief funds were lost in the floods.

I originally wanted to live and die with the embankment, but I was rescued by my servants.

At present, all seven counties in Bianliang Prefecture are plunged into floods, and everywhere you look, there is a vast ocean.

Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced and miserable.

There are villages that were severely affected by the disaster, with only one survivor out of ten.

The minister asked himself to plead guilty and made meritorious service. After the flood, he went to Beijing to plead guilty.

The guilty party: Zhu Yitan

July 29, the tenth year of Zhenguan

(End of this chapter)

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