Chapter 370
After Ding Yu finished reading the memorial, Li Shimin, who was behind the Dragon Case, looked at the silent officials below and said:
"Let's all talk about it and see what should be done?"

Shangshu Zuopu Shefang Xuanling first came out of the class to play:

"I think there is something unclear in Zhu Governor's memorial."

"Then Luo Tian joined the army as the commander of Bianliang County, why did he suddenly dig a dike?"

"The reasons need to be further investigated."

Shangshu Youpushe Changsun Wuji immediately went out of the class and played:

"I believe that the top priority is to provide disaster relief, to prevent excessive casualties among the people, and to prevent civil unrest."

Tongzhong Shumen Li Ji also came out of the class at this time and said:
"I believe that the top priority is to fight floods, provide disaster relief, and investigate simultaneously. At the same time, I will send a capable minister to Bianliang for on-the-spot investigation and resolution."

Everyone else also expressed their opinions.

After everyone finished expressing their suggestions, they all looked at Li Shimin, who was meditating after the Long Case.

Li Shimin saw this and said:
"Disaster relief and gap filling are carried out simultaneously."

"Dai Aiqing, based on the list of people and other personnel in Bianliang Mansion, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has prepared a supply of money and food to go to rescue."

"Duan Aiqing, the Ministry of Works has prepared supplies and the Ministry of Works Department, Tuntian Department and relevant craftsmen are ready to go to rescue."

"Li Aiqing, one person each from the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are preparing to investigate the embankment digging in Luotian."

After all arrangements were completed, Li Shimin said to Li Chengqian:

"Cheng Qian, this time you will be the deposed envoy, and Li Ji, the Minister of War, will be the deputy deposed envoy."

"The two of you will lead a team to Bianliang Mansion to handle some matters."

After hearing this, Li Chengqian and Li Ji hurriedly came out to take charge.

After everything was arranged, Ding Yu announced the dispersal of the court.

The disaster was urgent, and no one dared to neglect it.

Li Chengqian, Li Ji and several related ministers did not leave, but went to Zhongshu Province to discuss some specific matters.

By the time everyone had finished discussing everything, it was already evening.

The chef from Zhongshu Province brought some food to everyone, including the 'Bright Shrimp Moxibustion' that Li Chengqian liked to eat.

When Li Chengqian saw the plate of 'Bright Shrimp Moxibustion', he suddenly thought of the cement Yuan Shouwei had said and couldn't help but blurt out:
"Dear gentlemen, I think of an item that is very useful for blocking the gap in the embankment. It saves time and effort, and the effect is pretty good."

After hearing this, everyone was shocked and urged Li Chengqian to speak.

Li Chengqian said:
"This thing is called cement, and it was invented by Yuan Shou for Yuan Guoshi."

"He was experimenting with this thing two months ago, and now I think the experiment should have been successful."

"According to him, the hardness of this cement is comparable to bluestone, and it is easier to make and the cost is lower."

After he finished speaking, everyone was skeptical. Duan Lun, Minister of Industry, was the first to say:
"The best way to plug the gap is to sink the ship first and then add bluestone and sandbags."

"I have never heard of this cement, and it is still in the experimental stage."

"And now that the situation is urgent, I think it's okay to not use this cement for the time being."

Others also objected one after another.

At this time, Li Ji on the side said:

"Now that the prince has said it, it means he is still certain."

"Otherwise, the prince and I will go to the Imperial Preceptor's place tomorrow to have a look. Mr. Duan, please arrange for a Yuanwailang to accompany you."

"It won't take too long."

When everyone heard that they would not waste their time anyway, they all nodded in agreement.

While the court was discussing how to deal with the locust plague in Bianliang.

Zhang Liang's mansion, the backyard.

Zhang Liang was discussing with the man.

After being imprisoned, Zhang Liang no longer had the high spirits of the past, and there was already a lot of gray hair on his temples.

His spine, which had always been straight, also became rickety, giving him the impression that he had suddenly aged ten years.

The man looked at him and encouraged him: "Cheer up and don't let trivial matters affect our overall layout."

Zhang Liang sighed and said:
"I know. It's just that I never thought that a small thing would almost ruin our big event."

The man said confidently:
"Everything is still under control."

"Now that the Yellow River has burst its banks, you should start making preparations and do as I say."

"I'll take the first step here."

After finishing speaking, he warned again worriedly:

"As soon as I leave, you will really be left to fight alone in Chang'an City."

"Just remember to follow my arrangements, and never, never create complications."

Zhang Liang let out a dull sigh, then gritted his teeth and said:
"I listen to you."

"Sooner or later I will get back everything that belongs to me."

"I must let Li Shimin and Yuan Shou die without a place to bury them."

The man chuckled and said:
"Yes, everything will come true."

"Then I'll set off tomorrow, so be careful."

A trace of reluctance flashed in Zhang Liang's eyes, but in the end he only condensed into one sentence:

"You take care too."

Early the next morning.

Li Chengqian and Li Ji took Zheng Huai, a member of the Ministry of Industry, and Cui, the chief secretary of Liquan County, to the foot of Beiming Mountain.

It gets bright very early in this season, and there are many people busy in the mountains.

Except for Li Chengqian, the other three people came here for the first time.

Li Ji looked at Beiming Mountain surrounded by spiritual energy and said with emotion:

"Looking at the spiritual energy, you know that Yuan Shou is a master of the country."

"And my disciples Li Sisheng, Li Mingzhi, and Xue Rengui have all dealt with him, and they all have high praise for his character, Taoism, and martial arts."

Zheng Huai, the foreign minister, was a little unimpressed. He tied up his greasy cuffs and said:

"It is a great thing for a person to be loyal to one thing throughout his life."

"I heard that Yuan Shouwei, the national master, is outstanding in Taoism and martial arts. I'm afraid he has no energy to do anything like engineering and construction."

Cui Ning on the side also nodded repeatedly after hearing this, deeply convinced.

Li Chengqian has been busy with official duties recently, and he doesn't know what kind of cement research Yuan Shouwei is doing.

Now that they heard that they suspected Yuan Shouwei, it was hard to say anything, so they just hurried up the mountain.

When we reached the top of the mountain, we saw that Yuan Shouwei had just finished his morning class.

After several people met, Li Chengqian started to introduce Li Ji. When Yuan Shouwei heard that it was Li Ji, he was also surprised. This is the cornerstone of the Tang Dynasty.

It was also Jishou who saluted and said:
"Yuan Shouwei has met the British Duke. I have heard Li Sisheng, Li Mingzhi, and Xue Rengui mention you many times, and today I finally have the chance to meet you. It is truly a blessing."

Li Ji also smiled and cupped his hands and said:
"You're welcome, Imperial Master. I've heard of your name for a long time, and when I saw you today, you are indeed the best among people."

At the same time, he secretly commented:

Yuan Shouwei's conversation and temperament are indeed excellent.

It's just that he is too young after all, maybe as Zheng Huai said, he should not have the energy to engage in those engineering constructions, I'm afraid this trip is really a waste of time.

When Cui Ning was introduced, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but smile and said:

"Isn't this the Master Cui whom I saw on the Liquan Embankment that day?"

Master Cui also raised his hand and said loudly:

"Cui Ning has met the Imperial Master."

"Your Majesty saw that I was somewhat effective in guarding the Liquan Embankment, so he was transferred to the Ministry of Industry for further training."

(End of this chapter)

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