Chapter 371
After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei also smiled and said:
"Okay, okay, then we can discuss water control together when we have time."

Cui Ning could only hear her secretly despising:
You, a person who secretly digs soil on the embankment, have what qualifications do you have to discuss water control with me?

While talking, Yuan Shouwei had already invited several people to sit in the main hall.

After sitting down, he asked Li Chengqian what happened.

Li Chengqian told Yuan Shouwei about the flood in Bianliang.

They were going to provide disaster relief. Before they came, they wanted to see how Yuan Shouwei's cement experiment was going?

If the experiment has been successful, then I will bring a batch this time.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei suddenly became elated, nodded repeatedly and said:

"The experiment has been successful. I have also made some things with cement. I will take you to see it now."

After saying that, he led everyone out of the main hall and came to the corner of a side room in the front yard. He pointed to a hut and said:
"Look, this is cement. After the bathhouse was built at the back, there was still a little bit left, so I used it to make another one..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zheng Huai. He looked at the hut in front of him, which was made of gray bluestone, four to five meters long and wide, square and about three feet high, and asked questioningly:
"National Master, do you think this is cement?"

Yuan Shouwei was in a good mood at the moment, so he naturally didn't mind him interrupting his speech. He still nodded enthusiastically and said:

"That's right, genuine cement, if it's fake, you'll get ten compensation for the fake one."

Zheng Huai was already a little excited at this time. He smoothed his knotted beard and said angrily:
"The Imperial Master really thinks that we are all blind. This is clearly bluestone, it's just polished to be flatter and smoother."

It is true that the ignorant are fearless. Yuan Shouwei looked at this Yuanwailang with the eyes of an idiot. When he saw the oil-stained cuffs, unkempt bun, and messy beard, he knew that this man was similar to the men of science and engineering in later generations. He must be Conquer him with facts.

So he grabbed a piece of cement, broke it off with his bare hands, let a few people check it, and said:
"This is really cement, not bluestone."

"You can look at its composition. It contains limestone, iron ore, and clay."

"Because the purification level is not very high, you should be able to see the iron ore in it."

Several people looked carefully at the cement in Yuan Shouwei's hand. It was indeed true. This was cement, not bluestone.

Zheng Huai then spoke again:

"National Master, I understand now, this is cement."

"It's just that this crap-like thing can really replace the bluestone and cast the embankment?"

Yuan Shouwei understood it as soon as he heard it. When he saw that he grabbed a piece of it, he felt that the cement was not strong.

He smiled and did not waste any more time explaining that he was a martial arts master. Instead, he asked Li Shi, who was walking beside him, to go to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife, and repeatedly told him to get the sharpest one.

Soon, the kitchen knife was brought over. Yuan Shouwei handed it to Zheng Huai and motioned for him to chop the cement with the knife.

Zheng Huai said with some doubt:

"Then I will really kill you, Imperial Master."

"This is also for verification. Please don't be offended by the National Master."

Why are you talking so much nonsense? If you can cut open the cement, I will treat you as your grandson. Yuan Shouwei cursed and pointed at the cement again, gesturing for him to do it.

Zheng Huai didn't hesitate anymore, picked up the kitchen knife in his hand and slashed towards the cement at his feet.

Because Zheng Huai saw Yuan Shouwei grabbing a piece of cement, he naturally did not dare to chop it hard, so he first chopped it down with a light knife.

With a 'click' sound, a shallow white mark appeared on the cement.

The cement was apparently stronger than I thought.

After thinking of this, Zheng Huai increased his strength and slashed with his sword again.

With a 'click' sound, a white mark appeared again on the cement.

Shouldn't it?Is it because I am too weak?

Zheng Huai took a deep breath this time, raised the kitchen knife high, and slashed it down with all his strength.

Hearing a 'click', a shallow gap was left in the cement, and Zheng Huai felt his wrist go numb from the shock, and the kitchen knife in his hand flew into the hut with a whoosh.

It directly disturbed a few chickens that were resting in the nest. They were frightened and immediately rushed out with a clucking sound.

Li Shi was so panicked that he rushed around to catch him.

Li Chengqian and Li Ji were surprised when they saw this situation. Is this cement really so strong?

Yuan Shouwei looked at Zheng Huai with a wicked smile and said:

"Mr. Zheng, is your hand okay?"

"Is the kitchen knife not sharp enough? Do you want to find another sharp guy to try?"

After hearing this, Zheng Huai, who still refused to admit defeat, repeatedly said yes, and then set his eyes on the sword on Li Chengqian's waist.

I pondered in my heart: the sword that the crown prince wears must not be ordinary, and it is the best way to test the firmness of this cement.

Li Chengqian saw his gaze and was curious about how strong the cement was, so he took off the sword from his waist, handed it to Zheng Huai, and said solemnly:

"This sword is the work of a famous craftsman. It is called 'Longquan'. It has a blade of three feet and seven inches, a net weight of seven kilograms and four taels, and cuts iron like clay."

"I'll leave it to you to give it a try for now."

After hearing this, Zheng Huai was overjoyed. Such a sword would definitely be able to split the cement in half like tofu.

Thinking of this, he also solemnly took the sword and said:
"Thank you, Your Highness, for the sword."

After saying that, he rubbed his still numb wrist, tightened his grip on the long sword, let out a loud roar, exerted all his strength, and struck the cement with a vicious sword strike.

Several people only heard a 'snap' sound, and the Longquan sword had already penetrated into the cement.

Hmm, really good.

It actually penetrated more than an inch.

Zheng Huai ignored his arms that were numb from the shock. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head to confirm that he had seen it correctly.

Then he exclaimed, turned around and stared at Yuan Shouwei and asked:
"National Master, does this cement production cost a lot of money?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head and said:

"No money. The limestone was mined from the back mountain; the iron ore was given by the prince; the clay was dug from the embankment. Others."

Zheng Huai said excitedly after hearing this:

"It's so cheap."

"National Master, don't you know that this transportation cost is high?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head again and said:

"It's not high. The main thing is that you need someone strong when stirring. The rest is some simple handling. Anyone can do it."

Before the words were spoken, Zheng Huai had already rushed to the concrete, not caring about the chicken excrement on it, and hugged him tightly, shouting as if he was crazy:
"Oh my God, this is a valuable weapon of the country."

"The cost is so cheap and the labor cost is low, it can be widely adopted."

“Building houses, building roads, building walls, building embankments, there are so many ways it can be used.”

(End of this chapter)

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