Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 372 Taoist priests can know the affairs of the world without going out

Chapter 372 Taoist priests can know the affairs of the world without going out

Just as he was talking, Li Shi caught the chickens and threw them into the coop again.

This made Zheng Huai look at Yuan Shouwei with some confusion and asked:
"Master, what do you mean? You actually use such good things to build a chicken coop?"

"This, this... this is simply a feast for the gods. I'm going to eat it right now."

Yuan Shouwei touched his head and explained with some embarrassment:
"It's not that I did it intentionally. It was mainly because after renovating the bathhouse, there was still a little bit left, so I conveniently converted it into a chicken coop."

When Li Chengqian saw this, he quickly smoothed things over and said:

"Forget it, forget it. The national teacher is a monk. Although he invented this cement, he doesn't know its purpose."

"Besides, this thing is still in the experimental stage."

"Since it is strong and guaranteed, I will ask the Imperial Master to teach you how to do it later. Then we can go to Bianliang to mass-produce it and block the embankment."

Only then did Zheng Huai give up.

When Yuan Shouwei heard that Li Chengqian was going to block the embankment, he frowned and said:

"Is it just a blockage?"

Li Chengqian shook his head and said:

"There are a lot of things."

"Block the embankment, relieve the victims, and find out why Luo Tianyi dug the embankment."

Cui Ning was also on the side and added confidently:
"It is better to focus on blocking and dredging as a supplement to divert the floods from the Jinshui River to the three rivers: Bianhe River, Wuzhang River and Huimin River."

“This can completely solve the problem of flooding.”

"Only then can the people live and work in peace and contentment."

After he said this, Li Chengqian and Li Ji nodded in approval.

Li Chengqian glanced at him with satisfaction and said in his heart:
Although this Cui Ning was born in Qiwang, the fifth surname, he did not have the airs of a child of a big family.

What's even more rare is that he is willing to do things himself, which can be seen from guarding Liquan.

Such talents must be reused.

After Yuan Shouwei finished listening, he recalled the content of "River Defense Statement" and frowned again and asked:

"How to deal with the sediment deposited on the bottom of the river?"

This sentence immediately confused Cui Ning. He hesitated for a moment, then spoke confidently again:
"Sediment, the sediment is naturally washed away with the river."

"The Imperial Master has never treated water before, so he obviously doesn't know what's inside."

After finishing speaking, he despised Yuan Shouwei in his heart:

You, an amateur who secretly digs embankments, discuss water control with me, an expert. This is simply humiliating yourself.

But he didn't expect Yuan Shouwei to look at him and say sincerely:
"Master Cui, you may not have been able to control the river for a short time, and some situations are not yet clear."

"Water control first controls sand. Sediment is an important source of floods in the Yellow River. As the upstream silt is carried down by the water, it accumulates in places where the water is calm."

"Over time, the more sediment accumulates, the higher the water potential becomes, and the levees are unable to withstand the pressure. Eventually, the levees collapse and floods surge out, inundating farmland and houses."

"So both blockage and dredging are temporary solutions. If we want to achieve long-term stability in the Yellow River, we should focus on blocking, supplemented by dredging, and use blocking to promote dredging."

After hearing this, Cui Ning said with disbelief:

"Isn't the Imperial Master a little alarmist?"

"Since Dayu's flood control, water control in all dynasties has mainly focused on blocking and dredging as a supplement."

"I have never heard of this yellow sand accumulation."

At the same time, I despised Yuan Shouwei again. This must be because after being scolded by me under the embankment that day, I asked other people about river management.

It's just that there is a specialization in this art, and the gap between you and me is infinitely large on the road of river control.

Yuan Shouwei thought about it seriously and said, "The Yellow River carries a large amount of sediment from the upper reaches into the middle and lower reaches. It is true that part of it was taken away by the Yellow River."

"However, a large part of it is deposited in the middle and lower reaches of the river. As the sediment gets higher and higher, the water level will also get higher and higher. Especially in the flood season, when the river surges, there is a danger of bursting the embankment. "

"So we have to keep raising and strengthening the embankment, which also leads to an increasing height difference between the river bed and the ground on both sides, and the potential flood threat is also increasing. Once the breach occurs, the consequences will be disastrous."

After Cui Ning listened, he felt that what Yuan Shouwei said seemed reasonable, but after thinking about it again and again, he found that none of the books on water control he read had the views put forward by Yuan Shouwei.

Then he spoke unconvinced:

"May I ask the Imperial Master, what evidence is there to prove what you said?"

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei spread his hands and said:

"I really can't prove this."

"But you can go to the Ministry of Household Affairs and check the height of the Yellow River measured every year in Bianliang. You will know at a glance."

Zheng Huai, who was still holding cement on the side, heard this, stood up directly, walked to everyone and said:
"I'm taking it with me because I'm going to Bianliang, so I have all the data about the Yellow River."

After speaking, he took out a scroll from his sleeve and said:

"We will know at a glance whether the National Master's words are true or false."

Several people couldn't help but become interested and gathered around him. Before anyone could check, there was suddenly a foul smell.

Everyone covered their mouths and noses one after another, looking for the source of the stench.Only then did he see that Zheng Huai was covered in chicken feces. Li Chengqian couldn't help but said in disgust:
"Mr. Zheng, please wipe the chicken shit off your body before you speak."

Only then did Zheng Huai notice the chicken feces on his body, and he smiled sheepishly. He took out a dirty silk handkerchief from his pocket and began to wipe it off.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he quickly asked Li Shi to bring a basin of hot water and let him wipe it thoroughly.

After wiping it, Zheng Huai took out the scroll for everyone to check.

Sure enough, as Yuan Shouwei said, the height of the Yellow River in Bianliang ten years ago was obviously lower than last year.

This time it really shocked everyone.

Li Ji said with emotion:
"It's true that a Taoist knows everything about the world without going out."

Seeing this, Li Chengqian over there also solemnly said to Yuan Shouwei:
"The Imperial Master is in the mountains, but his heart is closely connected with the people of the world. Please accept my worship."

Yuan Shouwei supported him, smiled and said:

"There is no need to be so polite between you and me. I just did a little research."

"Let me tell you my thoughts and let's discuss it together."

After listening to it, several people couldn't help but feel ashamed. This national master is really a genius. If he studies casually, he can do things that others can't achieve in a lifetime.

Yuan Shouwei thought for a while, and speaking in plain words would inevitably make people suspicious, just like Cui Ning questioned himself just now.Then he took a few people to the back mountain and preached to them as he walked:

"I had nothing to do in the last period of time, and occasionally made a realistic picture of the stream and Yellow River for stargazing."

"It's in the back mountain. I'll show you. Once you see this, you will all understand."

As he spoke, he had already reached the back hill, and the first thing he saw was a house that looked like a scale.

Li Chengqian suddenly realized:

"Yuan Shouwei, is this the bathhouse you built?"

Yuan Shouwei was a little surprised. Looking at the curious eyes of everyone, he quickly said:

"That's not the point, that's the point."

"Look, everyone, that's the 'Little Creek and Yellow River Map' I made."

When he said the last sentence, his words were full of pride.

(End of this chapter)

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