Chapter 373

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger and saw a small stream in the mountains winding from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. The water was crystal clear and the sound of water flowing was endless.

What makes it different from other creeks is that there are many miniature houses built with wood next to it, and there are many fonts marked on them.

When I walked in and took a look, I only saw the place names written on it: Jiannan Road, Longyou Road, and Gulingzhou.

Everyone was a little puzzled when they saw this. Only Zheng Huai reacted. He opened his mouth wide and said with an incredible look on his face:
"Master, this is the flow chart of the Yellow River. Did you turn it into a landscape?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said:

"Yes, Mr. Zheng is very discerning."

"I'll just talk to this picture, and it will be easier for you to understand."

After speaking, he pointed to the top and said:

"Let's start with the origin of the Yellow River. It originates from the northern foothills of the Bayan Har Mountains, the Kariqu River Valley and the Yogu Zonglie Basin under the Gezigeya Mountains, and is divided into two sources, the north and the south."

Li Ji listened to Yuan Shouwei's introduction, looked at the magical scene in front of him, and said with emotion:
"In the past, His Majesty ordered Li Jing, Hou Junji, and Li Daozong to arrive at Xingxuchuan to search for the source of the Yellow River."

"If I had known this, why bother? As long as I ask the Imperial Master to observe the stars once, all the problems will be solved."

Yuan Shouwei looked at everyone's shocked looks and felt happy in his heart, and said modestly:
"Stargazing is also an occasional revelation, which is really not worth mentioning."

Then he went on to say:

"The water of the Yellow River was crystal clear at the beginning, and it flowed all the way east."

"Visits Jiannan Road (Sichuan Province), Longyou Road (Gansu Province), Guring Prefecture (Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region), Yunzhong Duhufu (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region), Chang'an (Shaanxi), Hedong Road (Shanxi Province), Henan Dao (Henan Province), Hebei Dao (Shandong), and enters the Bohai Sea."

"When it passes through Longyou Road to Hedong Road, it carries a large amount of sediment from these plains, so the Yellow River at this time is truly called the Yellow River."

Everyone nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. It turned out that this was the origin of the name of the Yellow River.

Yuan Shouwei nodded, took everyone further down the creek, pointed to the place marked Henan Road Bianliang and said:

"Everyone, here, the sediment at the bottom of the Yellow River has been silted up and settled quite seriously."

"Combined with the figures provided by Zheng Gong, everyone should understand the reason."

Several people nodded in succession, looking eager for knowledge.

Yuan Shouwei then led everyone down, pointed at Hebei Road and said:
"The Yellow River spreads for tens of thousands of miles, and finally passes through here and flows into the Bohai Sea."

"And this should also be the place where the sediment accumulation is the most serious."

"As expected, suspended rivers have formed in some places. Mr. Zheng will know when he goes back and checks the data."

Zheng Huai was convinced and said categorically:

"There is no need to check. What the Imperial Master said is absolutely correct."

Cui Ning on the side also suddenly realized:
"National Master, is this why you just said that water control should be controlled first?"

Seeing that everyone understood it clearly, Yuan Shouwei said in conclusion:

"Master Cui is right. So I think the core of managing the Yellow River is to 'reinforce water and attack sand'."

"The main method is to combine "diversion" and "merging". Use "diversion to kill" as an emergency measure when the river water surges, and use "merging to attack sand" as a long-term arrangement."

"The specific method can be to use the method of building a dam to reduce water and digging to divert the river."

After hearing all this, Cui Ning looked at the "Yellow River Picture" that seemed to be alive in front of him. He no longer had the arrogance he had just now. He bowed deeply to Yuan Shouwei and said:

"It was Cui Ning who was ignorant just now."

"Please forgive me, Imperial Master."

Yuan Shouwei waved his hand and said:

"We can't talk about it, they just have different ideas."

Li Ji on the side also said with emotion:
"Originally, this time I was looking for the National Master to see how the cement experiments were going."

"I didn't have any hope before coming here." "But I never expected that the Imperial Master would create surprises for us one after another."

At this time, Li Chengqian also bowed deeply to Yuan Shouwei and said:

"National Master, for the sake of the common people in the world, I ask you to go to Bianliang to control floods and regulate the Yellow River."

When Yuan Shouwei heard that hundreds of thousands of people were affected by the disaster, he was already moved with sympathy. When Li Chengqian spoke, he said without hesitation:
"Okay, let's take a walk together."

The four of them were overjoyed and decided to set off in three days before saying goodbye and leaving.

At noon, Wu Fu came. After taking a hot bath, he lazily leaned on Yuan Shouwei and chatted with each other.

Yuan Shouwei also told her that he would follow Li Chengqian in disaster relief in three days.

After Wu Fu heard this, he sat upright and looked at Yuan Shouwei with a flattering look on his face, and said with a hint of tea:
"Mr. Lang, you will definitely take me with you this time, right?"

Yuan Shouwei looked at her pitiful look, swallowed hard and said:
"I don't dare to make the decision. You can talk about it after you go back and ask your mother-in-law."

Wu Fu wrinkled his nose and said:
"Is that necessary?"

"Didn't you tell grandma last time?"

Yuan Shouwei had a mournful face, shook his head like a rattle and said:

"In the past, it didn't matter that much, so I could just pretend to be stupid."

"Not now. Your mother-in-law and Heavenly Master have told me several times that it would be inappropriate if I continue to do this."

"Besides, it's not good for your reputation."

After hearing this, Wu Yan jumped up and said:
"What you said makes sense. Come on, you can go see my mother-in-law right now."

Yuan Shouwei was startled. He remembered Yang's crying look and asked cautiously:
"Can I not go?"

Wu Fu stamped his feet angrily and said:

"If I tell it myself, believe it or not, Aniang will ground me immediately and send people to keep an eye on me all day long."

"If you tell me, there is still a slight possibility that A Niang will do it because of her face."

Yuan Shouwei thought for a while, and then he said with some uneasiness:

"Then what if your mother disagrees?"

After Wu Fu heard this, he looked at Yuan Shouwei with a strange smile and said:
"Then what do you say?"

Yuan Shouwei immediately understood what she meant, and couldn't help but shuddered and said:

"I'm warning you, I'm going to tell your mother-in-law right now."

"If she agrees, you can come to me."

"If she doesn't agree, you can stay at home honestly, and it can't be the same as last time."

Wu Fu grabbed Yuan Shouwei's arm and said coquettishly:

"Okay, okay, just listen to my husband. That's all right."

After the discussion, the two went to Chang'an City together.

But after arriving at Wu's house, Wu Fu took Yuan Shouwei directly around the house and continued walking forward.

Yuan Shouwei was puzzled for a while and asked:

"what do you mean?"

"We haven't started to control the floods yet, and you want Dayu to stop entering your house three times?"

Wu Yan immediately said with a smile:
"Go to the West Market to buy some gifts and let you bring them to the door. This will make it easier to talk."

(End of this chapter)

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