Chapter 374 Is there anything to be courteous?
Yuan Shouwei thought about it for the same reason, nodded and gritted his teeth and said harshly:
"Then buy more. I won't be surprised if you give me gifts to many people. I'll try to make your mother-in-law relax once and for all."

After hearing this, Wu Fu also clapped his hands repeatedly and said:
"My lord is still considerate."

After the two arrived at the West Market, Yuan Shouwei also waved his hand, opened the flowers, bought food, clothing, housing and transportation, bought a large cart full of gifts, hired a carriage and headed to Wu's house.

Wu Fu on the side was also full of joy. She didn't lack the money, but she felt really happy when she saw Yuan Shouwei spending a lot of money for her.

The two of them arrived at Wu's house chatting and laughing, and Wu Fu directed his servants to move things into the courtyard.

I bought too many things, and the servants moved them back and forth several times, which already alarmed Yang.

She stopped a servant who was sweating profusely from moving and asked in confusion:

"Where did this gift come from? Why are there so many?"

The servant wiped the sweat from his head and said with a smile:

"Mrs. Yuan, Daoist Yuan bought it. It's a big cart, and there are many more on the cart at the door."

After hearing this, Yang couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart:
Why did you suddenly buy so many gifts? Could it be that you are coming to propose marriage?

But why do you suddenly come to propose marriage?
There is only one possibility, this young boy and girl spends all day together, and then...,

If this matter spreads out, it will really disgrace the reputation of my Wu family.

Thinking of this, Yang's face immediately became solemn, and she ordered her servants to move things inside quickly, and then arrived at the gate in a hurry.

At a glance, he saw Wu Fu and Yuan Shouwei commanding his servants.

Immediately, he coughed heavily. When the two of them looked over, with a straight face and the authority of a parent, he said seriously:

"You two, come with me."

When the two of them saw Yang's face, their hearts sank, this?
This was obviously because he knew that Wu Fu was going to Bianliang, and it was obvious from his face that he disagreed.

They couldn't help but look at each other, and followed Yang into the main hall anxiously.

Mr. Yang sat upright on the main seat, looking at the two people who were sitting on pins and needles. He became more and more convinced of his guess, and he spoke majestically:

"Tell me, when did it happen?"

Yuan Shouwei trembled with fright and said in a loud voice:

"This morning."

Yes, this girl Wu Fu went out in a panic when she got up early this morning. When asked what she was doing, she ignored her. Apparently she just went to discuss the matter with Yuan Shouwei.

Then he bought a gift and hurriedly came to propose marriage. After finishing her thoughts, Yang looked at Yuan Shouwei majestically again and said:

"Tell me, what are you going to do?"

Yuan Shouwei scratched his head and said:
"Isn't this just what I discussed with you?"

"Wu Fu said that it would be inappropriate to come empty-handed to discuss this matter, so he stopped by the West Market and bought you some gifts."

After Yang Shi heard this, she couldn't help but gave Wu Yan a hard look, and said in her heart:

You girl, you have such a big heart. You did something so humiliating to your family tradition, and yet you didn't take it seriously.

Do you think this matter can be solved with a carload of gifts?

Thinking of this, he snorted coldly, looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"Yuan Shouwei, you have done such a scandal, let's not talk about the blame for now."

"But for such a big matter, you just let Wu Yan mess around?"

"He is ignorant, so are you ignorant?"

Yuan Shouwei was right. He had already run away with Wu Fu last time, and he had indeed lost a member of the Wu family.

Then he said sincerely:

"Ma'am is right, you can't let Wu Yan mess around this time. Isn't this just to ask for your opinion?" After hearing this, Yang's anger eased somewhat, and she sneaked a glance at Wu Yan's stomach, Seeing that there was still no bulge, he breathed a sigh of relief and said:
"Zhao'er's condition looks fine."

"In this case, according to my opinion, the six rites of acceptance, asking for name, acceptance, acceptance, request for appointment, and personal greeting are all indispensable."

"But the process can be faster, as long as Zhao'er doesn't show her pregnancy."

Wu Fu, who had been pondering the situation next to him, finally understood. He stamped his feet fiercely and scolded Yang with a blushing face:

"Mother, where do you want to go?"

Yang looked at Wu Fu with some suspicion. Her daughter had always been cunning and weird. What did this mean?
Are you going to eat it up and refuse to admit it?

But looking at her appearance, she didn't want to be fake.

She simply clarified the matter, looked at Wu Yan and said:

"It's not that I'm pregnant. Why are you buying so many gifts on this special day?"

"Nothing to show courteousness?"

Only then did Yuan Shouwei realize that Yang had misunderstood, but he didn't think it was a big deal.Only then did he tell Yang the reason for buying the gift.

After hearing this, Ms. Yang felt embarrassed at first, knowing that she had misunderstood the two children.

But then I thought about it, and I couldn't agree to the trip to Bianliang. It would be easy for the two of them to get into trouble, and it was a flood, so their daughter's safety could not be guaranteed.

Thinking of this, she suddenly covered her face with her sleeves and began to sob softly, mumbling:
"Alang, have you seen it?"

"Your daughter has grown up and her wings have hardened. You can leave as soon as you say it or elope as soon as you say it."

"How can I live like this?"

Wu Yan at the side rolled his eyes helplessly, glanced at Yuan Shouwei, and thought: I knew this was the result.

Over there, Yuan Shouwei heard a black thread, eloped here and there, didn't this come for you to discuss.He quickly spoke to persuade:
"Madam, we are following the prince on errands this time, so our safety is guaranteed."

"Besides, you have seen my strength. If there is any danger, I will do my best to ensure that nothing happens to Zhao'er."

"If she comes back and loses a hair, you will ask me to blame."

Yang said sobbingly:
"Yuan Shouwei, I understand everything you said. It's just that disaster relief is your men's business."

"What can I do if I go to a girl's house? I have to take such a big risk."

"You don't have to say anything, just take away the gift. I will definitely not agree to it."

Seeing Yuan Shouwei's helpless look, Wu Fu knew that his mother still had to take care of things by herself, so she asked Yang:

"Auntie, hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced, homeless, and mourning is everywhere."

"I know some medical skills, why not go and help?"

"You always talk about me, but if you think about it, if I was still alive, he would definitely support me."

Her words immediately silenced Yang. She gave Wu Yan a hard look and reprimanded:
"You girl are really capable now. You even know how to use your father to pressure me."

"Okay, then let me ask you, what if you encounter a flood and Yuan Shouwei is not around, what will you do? Wait to die?"

Her words scratched Wu Fu's itch, and Wu Fu pulled the water spirit bead directly from his chest and said proudly:

"Auntie, what do you think this is? Water Lingzhu, the most precious treasure in the world, can enter water without falling."

"So the flood may be a catastrophe to others, but it does not pose any danger to me."

"Aniang, we have thought about your worries in advance. Just let me go, please Aniang. You can't just let me run away secretly."

(End of this chapter)

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