Chapter 375 A good assistant

Her soft and hard words made Yang completely dumbfounded.

He knew in his heart that if he stopped him again, Wu Fu would definitely sneak out on his own, and even the supervisor would be unable to control him.

Instead of doing this, it is better to give her three chapters of advice, so that at least it will not ruin the reputation of the Wu family. After thinking of this, he sighed helplessly and said:

"Oh, my son can't help his mother, so go ahead."

"But we have to make a three-part agreement."

Wu Fu glanced at Yuan Shouwei proudly, and then acted coquettishly and cutely towards Yang.

"Auntie, tell me, don't say three chapters, I agree to all four chapters."

Yang looked at Wu Fu who was approaching her with disgust and said:

"First of all, during these days when you are out, you must recite "The Female Ring" every day. After reading it, you must write me your thoughts every day. I want to read it when you bring it back."

"Second, you must wear men's clothing when going out."

"Third, you must stay close to His Highness the Crown Prince and cannot be alone with Yuan Shouwei."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei on the side breathed a sigh of relief. In his opinion, these things were all trivial matters. He opened his mouth to agree, but he saw Wu Yan, who was beating Yang's back, winking at him. .

He was a little puzzled, so he had no choice but to close his mouth and wait for Wu Fu to reply.

Looking at Wu Fu again, he walked around in front of Yang diligently, and while beating her legs, he said with a sad face:

"Auntie, there's no problem with wearing men's clothing. But the other two are a bit difficult."

"Do you think this is okay? I read "The Female Ring" once a day. What do you think? Is it okay to write it every five days?"

"There are differences between men and women. It's not appropriate for me to always stay with the prince. But it's much better to stay with Yuan Shouwei. After all, he is a monk. He has jumped out of the three realms and is not in the five elements."

After hearing this, Ms. Yang almost became angry and said in her heart:

Why do I want you to look at the ring every day? Why do I want you to stay with the prince? Isn't it because I'm afraid that something will happen to you two together?

Yuan Shouwei is considered a Taoist of some kind. His sect does not abstain from anything. Breaking the sexual abstinence is not a matter of time.

After thinking of this, his face darkened again, and he said sternly:

"If you agree to these three items, I will let you go. If you don't agree, I will never let you go out."

After hearing this, Wu Fu's pink and tender face suddenly looked as listless as an eggplant beaten by frost.

After thinking about it for a long time, I reluctantly agreed.

When Yang looked at the sad-faced Wu Fu, she felt happy in her heart: You little girl, do you think you will be free if you go to Bianliang?I still have to be manipulated by my mother.

After thinking of this, she snorted majestically and said to Yuan Shouwei:
"Yuan Shouwei, please go out for a while. We two have some private things to say."

Yuan Shouwei agreed and waited outside the main hall.

After a short time, Wu Fu came out of it. Yuan Shouwei looked at her flushed face and couldn't help but asked curiously:
"What did your mother-in-law tell you? Why are you looking so red?"

Wu Fu still blushed, gave Yuan Shouwei a soft look and said:

"I won't tell you."

If you don’t tell me, don’t ask. Yuan Shouwei asked again:
"Then I think the three things your mother proposed are not difficult to implement. Why have you been arguing with your mother for so long?"

After hearing this, Wu Fu smiled like a little fox who had stolen a chicken, and said proudly:
"You don't know my mother-in-law. If I open my mouth and agree happily, she will definitely give me another ten or eight."

"If I'm embarrassed, she'll feel like she's got a handle on me."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei suddenly understood. He looked around and asked cautiously:
"Are you going to listen to your mother-in-law?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Wu Fu took his arm and walked out of the house, smiling and saying, "What do you think?"

The two of them went out and rode directly to Yuan Tiangang's house.

After waiting, the servant said that the Heavenly Master went to the palace to accompany His Majesty, and he should be back soon after calculating the time.

After the two of them listened, they waited for Yuan Tiangang in the main hall.

After a quarter of an hour, with the sound of brisk footsteps outside, Yuan Tiangang entered the main hall.

The two sides divided the guests and hosts into seats.

Yuan Shouwei explained the purpose of his visit and asked the Heavenly Master if he had been busy recently and if he had time to go to Bianliang with them.

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang shook his head a little helplessly and said:
"You should go there. It can be of some help if you go there."

"It's just that His Majesty has been having nightmares and night sweats recently. He asked me to stay with him every day, but I'm afraid I won't be able to go this time."

After Yuan Shouwei heard this, he also pondered and said:

"In that case, Wu Fu and I will go to the palace to check on His Majesty later."

Yuan Tiangang shook his head and said:
"That's not necessary. In fact, when men reach middle age, they will inevitably have these situations."

"Coupled with the fact that His Majesty has many beloved concubines, this situation is a little more serious than others."

Wu Fu on the side listened to Yuan Tiangang's confused words and couldn't help but asked curiously:
"Uncle Tiangang, why don't I understand what you mean?"

"What does your Majesty's nightmares and night sweats have to do with being middle-aged and having many concubines?"

Yuan Tiangang did not reply, but looked at each other with Yuan Shouwei, showing an expression that every man would understand.

Yuan Shouwei said to Wu Yan meaningfully:
"Zhao'er, your medical skills are at the level of half a bottle of medicine."

Then he said to Yuan Tiangang:
"In this case, the master can stay at home and accompany His Majesty."

"In addition, you are more or less familiar with my Tai Chi sword technique. This sword technique not only overcomes strength with softness, but also has the effect of strengthening the body if practiced regularly."

"I will go back later, simplify the sword technique and change it into boxing technique, and have someone bring it to you. You can give it to His Majesty and let him practice more. It should help his body recover."

Yuan Tiangang also nodded in agreement.

After Yuan Tiangang told them to be careful when going to Bianliang, the two of them also said goodbye and left.

According to Yuan Shouwei's intention, he was looking for Zhongqing to ask him if he would go with him this time, but Wu Fu stopped him and said with a smile:
"You don't need to ask him about this. Even if you don't let him go, he still has to go if he cries and shouts."

"Think about it. His Majesty asked the prince to go, which is obviously to train him. When he comes back, he will definitely appreciate his achievements."

"Zhongqing must have understood what's going on here. If you go out for a walk and get promoted and make a fortune when you come back, do you think he will give up?"

Yuan Shouwei thought about this and said:
"That's the truth, but if you don't tell him, I'm always afraid that he will feel uncomfortable."

"Besides, his medical skills are pretty good, and he has some talent in this area. He will definitely be of some use when he gets to Bianliang."

"Then I will ask Dashan to inform him so that he will not misunderstand."

Wu Fu nodded in agreement and asked curiously:
"Then besides us, who else are you going to take with you this time?"

Yuan Shouwei said:
"Actually, I want to take Dashan with me. He is a good assistant. It's just that now he is working as an errand in the Yamen and can't help himself. Let's forget it this time."

"So I asked Miaozhen to go with us. I don't plan to ask her to do anything specific. I just want her to follow and have some experience."

Wu Fu also recognized this hard-working and serious girl and nodded in agreement.

While the two were discussing, they headed to Dongshi and began to prepare some items in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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