Chapter 376 Disaster
Two days later, outside Chang'an City, Li Chengqian, Li Ji, Yuan Shouwei, as well as accompanying officials from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Personnel, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs arrived, accompanied by a large amount of supplies.

Zhongshu Sheng and the six ministers also gathered outside the city to see everyone off.

After some instructions and farewells, the large group of people began to set off.

They first took the dry road to Shangzhou, and then took the waterway to Bianliang. However, because Bianliang was flooded and the waterway was blocked, they could only reach Xingyang County (Zhengzhou) and then take the dry road to Bianliang.

Speechless all the way.

After arriving in Xingyang, everyone discussed that the supplies and troops could move a little slower, because other prefectures and counties around Bianliang are also delivering supplies to Bianliang.

It's better for them to go ahead as a group, so that they can go there as soon as possible and take charge of the overall situation.

After the discussion, everyone rode lightly and headed towards Bianliang.

On this day, we have arrived in Yangwu County, which is upstream of Bianliang and is not within the scope of the disaster.

However, due to heavy rainfall during the flood season, the ground is wet and muddy, making it difficult to walk.

When we got here, officials from the Ministry of Industry told us that the floods were widespread. Except for the locations close to the embankment, the floods did not rush over at other locations far away. Instead, there was a step-by-step process. First, snakes, insects, rats, and ants fled in all directions. , and then the ground starts to get wet.

In a few days, water will start to come slowly. At first, the water will cover the ground, and then the water level will gradually rise.

From the untouched ground to the untouched feet, then to the calves, and then to the thighs. At that time, if people escape now, they basically have no chance.

After that, there will be a torrential flood, which will prevent the roads and houses from being submerged, and everything in sight will be destroyed.

During the time of speaking, dozens of common people can be seen from a distance, with simple salutes, dragging their families and mouths.

Li Chengqian dismounted and took Yuan Shouwei and others to the people. He smiled and said to an old man in front of him:

"My father-in-law, what are you doing here with a family?"

When the old man saw the clothes of the group of people in front of him, he knew they were not ordinary people, so he quickly put down the children on his back, returned the favor and said:
"I met Lang Jun. We are from Gaojiaji in Bianliang. Our family was hit by a flood. We have relatives in xx city, so we came to join them."

After hearing this, Li Chengqian was a little puzzled and said:

"Isn't there a unified government organization to arrange your resettlement?"

The old man smiled honestly and explained:
"It's organized. It's just that there are too many people who need to be accommodated, and we don't want to cause trouble to others, so we reported it to the government and came to join our relatives."

After hearing this, Li Chengqian felt somewhat relieved and asked again:
"My father-in-law, how serious is the flood in Bianliang City now?"

The old man shook his head and said:

"I'm not sure about this. The embankment was still in good condition when we left."

"It was Luo Gong of Luo Canjun who asked us to retreat. At that time, he said that in order to avoid the embankment bursting, we should leave first."

"Later, I heard news one after another in the past two days that we learned that the embankment had burst."

After Li Chengqian asked some more basic information, he knew that the disaster was serious, so he said goodbye to the old man and hurried to Bianliang with everyone.

After walking for dozens of miles, we finally arrived in Yanjin and officially entered the disaster area.

As the official from the Ministry of Industry said, the floods spread little by little. At this time, the water surface in Yanjin County was already wet. If you step back and forth for a dozen feet, the water will overflow.

Wang Hua, the magistrate of Yanjin County, had already received the notice and appeared in front of everyone covered in mud to pay his respects.After Li Chengqian learned about the situation, he learned that the current flood situation in Yanjin was relatively mild compared to Bianliang. The main problem was the resettlement of the victims.

Fortunately, the surrounding states and counties have begun to provide support early, and local Taoists, temples, and wealthy households are actively participating in disaster relief.

But if the breach in Bianliang is not blocked as soon as possible, no one can predict the consequences if the water spreads.

Li Chengqian listened to Wang Hua's description and looked at the countless people on the high ground not far away. He knew that the situation was extremely urgent, so he immediately ordered Wang Hua to send someone to lead the way to Bianliang.

Wang Hua repeatedly dissuaded Li Chengqian not to put himself in danger, but seeing his resolute attitude, he had no choice but to lead everyone to the nearby dock.After arranging the personnel and ships, we watched them go to Bianliang.

Everyone was checking on the boat, and all they could see was a vast expanse of ocean. From time to time, they could see the corpses of people or various domestic animals, furniture, trees, etc., which made people feel heartbroken.

Moreover, these obstacles caused a lot of obstacles to the boat. It was extremely difficult to stop and go along the way, and finally arrived in Bianliang.

After walking forward for a while, there were more and more boats on the water, and boats of various sizes were shuttled on the water.

Some are government ships, and they rescue people who are alone at high places.

Some ships are salvaging obstacles on the water and cleaning them.

Some relocated the victims from some resettlement sites to the vicinity of Bianliang City.
After walking forward for a while, we saw several hills and high slopes, which were densely packed with people. The mountains and plains were so bustling and bustling that from a distance it seemed that there was no place to even set foot.

After walking a little further, I saw that there were actually quite a few tents among the crowd, of different sizes. Although they looked a bit crude, they were good enough to keep out wind and rain.

Looking carefully, just at the foot of the mountain, there are porridge sheds set up. Someone is giving porridge, and people are queuing up to receive it. There are still people maintaining order.

Seeing this scene, Li Chengqian and Li Ji nodded repeatedly. Zhu Yitan's government affairs ability was indeed outstanding. In the face of such a chaos, he could still accommodate the victims and stabilize the situation.

It's just that Yuan Shouwei, who was on the side, was a little puzzled, because he had excellent vision, so he found those who gave porridge and maintained order.

Either they were wearing Taoist robes or monk uniforms, and many of them were dressed as servants, but I didn't see anyone wearing government officials, not even a handyman.

Just when everyone was checking the disaster situation, they had already arrived at Bianliang City.

Because the location of Bianliang City at this time was relatively high, and there were four rivers that discharged floods, the water on the ground in Bianliang City at this time was not too much, and it was barely possible to walk.

The boatman found a place to park the boat, and the people arranged by Wang Hua led everyone to Bianliang City.

At this time, there was another scene outside Bianliang City.

There were many pavilions built on both sides of the road, which were drafty from all sides, and there were not many people living in them.

Everyone couldn't help but be puzzled. This looked like a disaster relief point set up by the government, but why was it so crude compared to what we saw just now?

He raised his head and looked forward again. Not far ahead, there were more than [-] large pots placed in a row. They were steaming. It seemed that what was cooking in them was hot porridge.

But there were not many people receiving food. There were only a dozen handymen standing behind listlessly, yawning from time to time.

It was in sharp contrast to the bustling crowds on the high slopes just now.

Everyone became more and more confused.

(End of this chapter)

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