Chapter 377: Close the gap
Zhongqing saw the confused Li Chengqian, and quickly ran to the nearest porridge shed, called his head, and asked the yawning guard:
"Sir, let me ask, why are so few disaster-stricken people resettled here?"

Zhongqingsheng had a good skin, and with the appearance of a Taoist immortal, the guard knew that he was not an ordinary person, so he quickly responded with a courtesy:

"I have seen the Taoist priest."

"Our place is a disaster relief point set up by the government. On top of those mountains are disaster relief points set up by Sanshengjiao, Puji Temple and some wealthy families."

"It's just why it's not as good as others, I'm not too good to say."

Wu Fu on the side was attentive. She came to an iron pot, fanned the mist on it, stretched her head and looked inside, and immediately took a clear picture of herself.

Is this porridge too thin?

Wu Fu picked up the spoon again and scooped out a spoonful, only to see that there were only a few dozen grains of corn in it.

Li Chengqian also came to her side at this moment. When he saw the situation inside the spoon, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

At this moment, there was a rapid sound of horse hoofbeats. When they arrived not far from the porridge shed, the man on the horse immediately got off his horse and hurriedly came in front of everyone.

Regardless of the mud on the ground, he paid homage to Li Chengqian and said:

"Bianliang Sicang joined the army, Fan Hanlin, met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and the Duke of England."

When Fan Hanlin knelt down, the servants in the porridge shed and the surrounding people all fell to their knees.

There was a trace of seriousness on Li Chengqian's face. He motioned to Yuan Shouwei and others to help the surrounding people up first, and then said to Fan Hanlin, who had been kneeling:

"Get up, Fan Canjun."

"Let me ask you, why are the disaster relief sites set up by the government not as good as those set up by the private sector?"

After hearing this, Fan Hanlin looked troubled, took a few steps in front of Li Chengqian, and whispered:
"Your Highness, the money for disaster relief has been submerged in the flood. Governor Zhu mentioned this in his memorial."

Li Chengqian obviously didn't agree with him, so he stepped back and said:
“Can all the money be lost in the flood?”

“Even if all the money is lost, aren’t there any supplies from surrounding counties?”

Fan Hanlin wiped the sweat from his face and quickly explained again:

"Yes, there are some. They are all stored in the warehouse."

"It's just because the manpower is limited, so we need to deploy it slowly."

Li Chengqian originally wanted to ask more questions, but when he saw Li Ji winking at him, he understood what was going on and forced a smile and said:

"Since there is a shortage of manpower, we must deploy them as soon as possible."

"A lot of supplies will arrive in the future, so you have to make preparations in advance."

"Where is Governor Zhu now?"

Fan Hanlin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Li Chengqian didn't ask any more questions. After hearing this, he quickly replied:
"Report to Your Highness, Governor Zhu, Master Dou Zishan of Sansheng, and Master Huineng of Puji Temple have gone to the embankment breach to discuss the matter of sealing the embankment."

After hearing this, Li Chengqian raised his head and glanced at the sky, then said to Li Ji beside him:
"Mr. Li, it's still early. How about we go to the place where the embankment burst and have a look?"

Li Ji nodded without hesitation and said:
"It should be so. The earlier we understand the situation, the earlier we can find a solution."

Li Chengqian turned his attention to Yuan Shouwei again, and Yuan Shouwei nodded and said:

"Go, if possible, we will close the gap today."

After hearing this, Fan Hanlin on the side couldn't help but glance at Yuan Shouwei without revealing any trace, and said in his heart:
"I don't know the height of the sky and the height of the bull's nose."

But he said to Li Chengqian with a smile: "Your Highness, you have been tired all the way, why not rest in the city for a day, and it is not too late to go surveying tomorrow."

But Yuan Shouwei's words gave Li Chengqian great confidence. He shook his head at Fan Hanlin and said:
"Go as soon as possible and try to close the gap today."

"In this way, the people will be able to suffer less for one day."

"You arrange the boat now and take us there."

Fan Hanlin agreed while looking at this group of people. Seeing that they were all wearing simple luggage, he couldn't help but sneer again:

"This prince is also a person who doesn't understand the people's sentiments. If you want to block him, he will block it. What should he block it with? Is it with his mouth?"

"The most you can do today is come up with a plan."

He was despised in his heart, but he did not dare to neglect his actions. He quickly ordered people to prepare a light and strong official ship for a few days to take everyone to the breach of the embankment.

When I first started walking, I could barely feel the movement of the water. It felt like the water was still.

After walking for a while, we could see with the naked eye that the water began to flow slowly from north to south.

At this time, both Fan Hanlin and the boatman became nervous, and the boat slowed down, moving forward cautiously.

After about an hour, I saw that the river began to become turbulent, and the sound of flowing water in my ears was endless.

Looking up, not far ahead, there is a huge stone arch bridge spanning both sides of the Jinshui River.

Fan Hanlin on the side introduced that this is the Jinshui Bridge, which is almost more than ten feet high. The daily flow of the Yellow River is about one foot below the bridge, and it is difficult to exceed three feet at most.

However, this year's rain has been too heavy and the flood season has been long, causing the water volume to continue to rise. Currently, two-thirds of Jinshui Bridge is submerged in water.

Hearing about it and seeing it with your own eyes are two completely different things.

No matter how glamorous others describe it, or how immersive it is, it’s still not as good as seeing it in person.

At this time, everyone on the boat felt this way.

Looking at the boundless water of the Yellow River, the sound of rushing water, the submerged Jinshui Bridge, and corpses and debris floating beside the boat from time to time.
Everyone feels their own insignificance. In the face of such a natural disaster, it is really difficult for one person to contend with his strength.

At this time, the ship was getting closer to the Jinshui Bridge. From a distance, more than ten people could be seen standing on the bridge, looking into the distance and pointing and saying something.

Fan Hanlin said that it was Zhu Yitan, the governor of Bianliang, and his party.

Li Chengqian ordered him to go there immediately and meet with Zhu Yitan to discuss closing the gap.

In a short time, everyone had already reached the middle of the bridge.

Zhu Yitan obviously also discovered them, and saw only one officer and came over to ask about the situation.

After Fan Hanlin explained the situation, the guard was obviously shocked and hurried over to report to Zhu Yitan.

A group of people on the bridge heard this and hurriedly went under the bridge to greet them. After arriving at the bow of the ship, a tall fat man in front of him gave Li Chengqian a deep bow and said:

"The guilty minister Zhu Yitan pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the British Duke."

The people behind him also shouted in a noisy manner.

Li Chengqian and Li Ji also responded from a distance:
"The situation is special, Governor Zhu shouldn't be too polite."

While they were talking, some officers had already set up the planks of the boat, and Zhongqing carefully protected Li Chengqian as he walked to the bridge.

(End of this chapter)

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