Chapter 378 Can This Gap Be Plugged?
When Zhu Yitan saw that everyone had disembarked from the boat, he walked a few steps closer to Li Chengqian and Li Ji. Regardless of the slippery ground, he fell to his knees with a plop and said in tears:
"The humble minister Zhu Yitan deserves death. He failed to protect the Jinshui Embankment. He betrayed His Majesty's trust and harmed the people of Li."

"I also ask His Royal Highness to punish me."

When he said the last part, he was choked up and speechless.

Li Chengqian was full of anger when he came here. Now that he saw Zhu Yilong solving the problem of the gap in the embankment on the dangerous bridge, and also sincerely confessing his guilt, he already laughed a lot with the anger in his heart, and sighed softly:

"Get up and talk."

"Let's solve the gap problem first, and everything else will be easy to deal with."

After Zhu Yitan heard what Li Chengqian said, he knew that he would not be punished for the time being, and he felt much relieved. He picked up the silk handkerchief handed over by the guard next to him, wiped the tears on his face, stood up, and said:
"Thank you for your magnanimity, Your Highness."

"Counting the days, I thought you should be here in three days."

Li Chengqian said with a noncommittal 'hmm' and said:

"The disaster is urgent, and we don't dare to delay our trip."

With that said, he walked up to the highest point of the bridge.

Seeing this, Zhu Yitan quickly led Li Chengqian aside and said:

"The rain has just stopped and the bridge is slippery. Your Highness, please go this way."

Only then did everyone see that there was a large piece of white carpet spread on one side of the Jinshui Bridge, which was obviously used to prevent slipping.

Li Chengqian was used to being well-dressed and well-fed, so he didn't feel anything was wrong and walked over.

Li Ji on the side frowned calmly. It was a wool carpet, and it seemed to be expensive to make.

But he understood the seriousness of the matter and followed Li Chengqian to the top of the bridge without any trouble.

Only then did Zhu Yitan begin to introduce the two people behind him.

The one wearing Taoist robes, with a long and thin face, and a pair of fine eyes with a glimmer of light between the opening and closing, was none other than Dou Ziren, the headmaster of Sansheng Sect.

The other thick-faced and big-eyed man, dressed in cassock, was Master Huineng, the abbot of Puji Temple, but he really didn't look like a well-educated eminent monk, but more like a butcher selling meat in the neighborhood.

Li Chengqian did not judge people by their appearance. When he remembered that many of the victims were resettled by Sanshengjiao and Puji Temple, he bowed his hands and thanked them, saying:
"The disaster is urgent, and too many people are homeless. I am grateful to the two Ming Gongs for taking care of them."

"Li Chengqian is here to thank you both on behalf of the people of Bianliang."

The two of them were so panicked that they quickly returned the gift, saying they didn't dare.

After the two parties met the ceremony, Li Chengqian asked:
"Chief Zhu, where is the gap?"

While he was talking, he was already standing at the railing of the bridge, with half of his body outside the railing, looking up.

Zhongqing was so panicked that he quickly protected him and said:
"Your Highness, step back a little, it's too dangerous."

Li Chengqian waved his hand indifferently, glanced at Yuan Shouwei beside him and said:
"With Yuan Shouwei here, what danger can there be?"

Zhu Yitan, Dou Ziren, and Huineng couldn't help but look at Yuan Shouwei a few more times after hearing this.

Zhu Yitan now also stood slightly behind Li Chengqian, pointed to the east and said:

"Please see, Your Highness, the location of the breach is where I pointed out, less than a mile away from here."

"Both you and Mr. Britain know the situation. It was Luo Tianyi who dug the embankment without permission. It's really hateful."

Li Chengqian said "Hmm" expressionlessly, and looked carefully in the direction of Zhu Yitan's finger. He saw that the water there was obviously very fast, and he could vaguely see the turbid Yellow River water swirling towards the south.

If he hadn't come from Bianliang City, he could still tell the direction, but he really couldn't tell where was the embankment, where was in the river, and where was outside the river.After observing carefully for a while, he asked again:
"How big is the gap now, and how did you close it?"

Zhu Yitan said with a solemn expression:

"At the beginning, the gap was only less than one foot, but with the impact of the water flow, it quickly expanded to two or three feet in size."

"The gap is now at least twenty feet wide."

"And now there is more than just this one gap. There are at least a dozen gaps from here to the east. If this continues, something big will happen."

After hearing this, Cui Ning couldn't help it anymore and asked directly:
"Chief Zhu, why didn't you start blocking me when we were two or three feet away?"

Because he was not wearing official uniform, Zhu Yitan did not know Cui Ning's status. When he looked at his waist, he did not see a fish bag, so he did not dare to neglect and explained hurriedly:

"How could it not be blocked? I don't know how many times it has been blocked."

"The larger official ships have basically been filled in, but the heavy rain has not stopped in the past few days, so the water flow has been turbulent."

"Not long after the boat got off the boat, it was washed away and disappeared."

After he finished speaking, he sighed heavily again, his words full of helplessness.

Host Hui Neng saw Zhu Yitan's pitiful look and added:
"I used the Buddhist magical power 'Dragon and Elephant Power' to move a small mountain."

"The gap was indeed blocked at first, but unfortunately the water flow was too strong, and the soil mountain was soaked by the river water, and it was quickly washed away."

"It's really helpless."

Dou Ziren heard this and said:

"When Huineng presided over the move to the hill, I used dozens of golden warriors to move a lot of bluestone in an attempt to stabilize the foundation, but in the end it was unsuccessful."

"Later, Huineng and I worked together and used the Stone Pingshan Technique to move a rocky mountain again, but the gap was still not blocked."

After finishing speaking, there was also a long sigh, and there was melancholy between the eyebrows.

After everyone listened, they couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

These three people made it clear about blocking the gap in a few words.

Combined with the situation at the scene, you can also think about how dangerous the situation was because the water flow was turbulent at the time.

If a mountain of stone cannot block it, what else can be used to block it?

Seeing that everyone was silent, Zhu Yitan then spoke:

"At this point, neither manpower nor magic can solve the problem."

"So I brought the two of them here today to discuss it. If this gap cannot be blocked, we can only block other small gaps first."

"As for this gap, alas. I'm afraid we can only wait until the flood season is over to find a way to close it."

Dou Ziren next to him nodded again and again, deeply convinced.

Huineng shouted the Buddha's name loudly and said categorically to Li Chengqian:
"Unless the Buddha descends to earth, this gap can only be left to chance."

After Li Chengqian heard this, he showed a noncommittal expression again, looked at Yuan Shouwei beside him and asked:

"Yuan Shouwei, can this gap be blocked?"

(End of this chapter)

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