Chapter 379 You can bet on anything
Yuan Shouwei did not reply immediately, but asked Zheng Huai behind him to take out the drawings from the Ministry of Works and look at them, and then showed Zhu Yitan their drawings. After comparing the two, he looked at the terrible gap and clicked absentmindedly. He nodded and said, "No problem."

As soon as these words came out, all four were shocked.

Zhu Yitan and others showed incredulous expressions.

Hui Neng said loudly with his face flushed:
"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"We tried all kinds of methods, exhausted all our efforts, and spent more than ten days, but still couldn't solve it."

"Fellow Taoist, why can you block this gap?"

Yuan Shouwei withdrew his gaze, turned to look at Wu Fu and Liu Miaozhen, and then explained to Huineng:
"It's not difficult. First use the sword to split the water flow in half, and then temporarily fill it with the Five Elements Earth Talisman."

"In order to prevent the soil from being washed away by water, the soil was split again and cement was poured into it to create a new embankment."

"This should be okay."

After hearing this, Huineng couldn't help but snorted coldly from his nose and said:

"Let's not talk about anything else, let's just split the water flow. Without the strength of the eighth-level martial arts realm, it is absolutely impossible."

"May I ask, fellow Taoist, what is your current level of cultivation?"

Yuan Shouwei also replied seriously:
"Six paragraphs."

After finishing speaking, he was afraid that Huineng would not be able to do it, so he explained:
"Oh, it's really sixth-dan. It hasn't been long since I was promoted."

After hearing this, Huineng's excited expression calmed down a little, but he still denied it:

"You, fellow Taoist, have already advanced to the sixth level at a young age. You are indeed a talent."

"But the current situation cannot be solved by the sixth level of martial arts."

"Let me say, you are still too young and energetic, and a little ignorant."

I just want to know the depth of the beautiful little lady, and I am not interested in the depth of the Yellow River water. Yuan Shouwei complained silently and said:
“You have to try it before you know whether it works or not.”

Dou Ziren on the side frowned, looked at Yuan Shouwei and asked:
"May I ask my friend, which family are you a disciple of?"

Obviously, it is not yet time to reveal my mystery. Yuan Shouwei also laughed and said:

"It's just a small sect, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

Seeing that he was unwilling to reveal his identity, Dou Ziren didn't show up in front of him, but continued to ask:
"Little friend, let me ask you, do you know how much one of these Five Elements Earth Talismans is worth?"

"How many paintings can a Taoist spell master draw in a day?"

"Do you know how many charms are needed for this breach in the dike?"

His words immediately confused Yuan Shouwei. Apart from knowing that Yuan Tiangang could draw more than ten talismans a day, he didn't know anything else about the situation, so he had to cast doubtful eyes on Wu Fu.

Seeing the domineering attitude of these two people, Wu Fu felt dissatisfied. Seeing Yuan Shouwei looking at her, he turned to Dou Ziren and said:

"We really don't know the price. This charm is for my own use. The price doesn't matter."

"As for who can draw a few talisman in a day, we don't care. Anyway, as long as you draw enough for your own use."

"You said how many spells we have, but I really haven't counted them. You reminded me, so I'll count them now."

After speaking, he took the talisman handed over by Liu Miaozhen and rummaged around for a while, muttering: "Where is the earth talisman?"

Seeing this, Dou Ziyi on the side thought that she had few charms and it was difficult to find them, so he said sarcastically:

"If it's too little, don't take it out and make it look embarrassing."

Wu Fu ignored his sarcasm, but lowered his head and continued to search seriously:

"This is the fire talisman." After saying that, he took out a fire talisman and put it aside.

Seeing this, Dou Ziyi couldn't help but feel nervous, why did she have so many Five Elements Fire Talismans.Fortunately, I didn't see her take out any other Five Elements Talisman.

Just when he thought of this, Wu Fu took out another golden talisman and placed it next to him, saying:
"This is a golden talisman."

Dou Ziyi was shocked again, and secretly comforted herself. No matter how many other talismans there were, it was of no use. She still had no earth talisman.

At this moment, Wu Fu suddenly shouted in surprise:

"Yeah, I found it. It turned out to be in the corner."

Dou Ziyi felt a sudden pain in his heart. When he saw that Wu Fu only took out a dozen earth talismans, he suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

He maintained his last stubbornness, thinking: What's the use of her earth talismans? These earth talismans won't solve the problem at all.

Just when he thought of this, Wu Fu took out a thick pair of five elements earth talismans, clapped his hands excitedly and said:
"Phew, finally found them all."

Then he looked up at Dou Ziyi and said sincerely:
"Taoist Priest, I don't understand either. Do you think there are so many spells that are enough?"

Dou Ziyi covered his chest with his hands, his face was extremely embarrassed, and he murmured to himself:

"Sorry, I'm being superficial."

Seeing so many earth talismans, Zhu Yitan felt somewhat relieved. He looked at Yuan Shouwei with some doubts and asked:

"Taoist Master, just like you said, this earth talisman can only temporarily block the gap."

"I wonder what kind of treasure the cement you are talking about is?"

Yuan Shouwei waved his hand and said:
"It's not a treasure, it's an object made of limestone, clay, etc. I call it cement."

"After they solidify, their hardness is comparable to bluestone."

Although Zhu Yitan couldn't understand what Yuan Shouwei said, he could still understand the word cement.

He thought about Yuan Shouwei's martial arts strength again, and thought to himself: You are just trying to please others by grandstanding and win the favor of the prince.Then I'll see how it ends after you fail to block the embankment.

But because of the prince's face, he couldn't explain clearly, so he had to bow his hands to Yuan Shouwei and said:

"Then Taoist Master Lao will give it a try."

The tone is also full of distrust.

But at this moment, Na Huineng was heard saying:

"Wait a minute. Fellow Taoist, let's talk about this."

"We have spent more than ten days working on this gap, but we have not succeeded in blocking it. You just arrived here, and you don't understand the situation, so you said that you can block the gap, which makes us put our faces there."

"If you are willing to hit the wall, I won't stop you. But we might as well make a bet. What if you can't stop it?"

It's impossible to stop it. Let's just forget about the bet. I've already ruined your face. It's not appropriate if I do it again and again. Yuan Shouwei thought in his heart and said humbly:

"I'll just plug the gap, so bet on it."

When Hui Neng heard this, he thought he was timid, so he said arrogantly and aggressively:
"How can it be counted?"

"Are you afraid that you don't dare to bet for me?"

Yuan Shouwei wanted to speak, but Wu Fu beside him said:
"Bet, why not bet?"

"Master, tell us what we bet on, and I, Wu Fu, will accompany you to the end."

Huineng said confidently:
"You can bet on anything."

(End of this chapter)

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