Chapter 380 Split the gap
Hearing this, Wu Yan rolled his eyes, stared at the string of crystal clear milky white beads on his chest, and said:

"Then use your string of Buddhist beads."

"If we lose, I'll give you this bag of charms."

As he spoke, he had already pushed the baggage full of charms in front of Huineng.

When Huineng heard that Wu Fu asked for the Buddhist beads on his chest, he couldn't help but feel stunned. This was what he relied on to use the power of the dragon elephant.

This was something that saved his life, and he was a little reluctant to part with it for a while.

But then I thought about it, this is a sure win but not a loss, so why not bet? When I thought of this, I also said:
"Okay, the poor monk will make a bet for you."

"It's not because of your talismans, it's just to gain some reputation."

Wu Fu agreed with a smile, turned to Li Chengqian and Li Ji and said:
"I also ask the eldest brother of the prince and Mr. Li to be a witness."

Li Chengqian and Li Ji knew that if Wu Fu vented his anger on Yuan Shouwei, they would naturally not point it out, so they all agreed with a smile.

Yuan Shouwei looked at Huineng with extremely sympathetic eyes, reached out to take down the sword box from behind, handed it to Liu Miaozhen, and said to her:
"Miaozhen, just go to the hillside over there and let me know after you've mixed the cement."

Although Liu Miaozhen followed without speaking, he saw everything with his eyes. In his heart, it was time for him to show off to his master. He responded with a crisp voice, turned around, took Zheng Huai and more than a dozen burly men by boat to the top of the mountain. And go.

Along with the endless roaring of the Yellow River, more than an hour passed. Liu Miaozhen returned with the sword box, his small face covered with sweat and sweat stains.

She handed the sword box to Yuan Shouwei and said:

"Master, the cement is basically completed."

"You can use it after you and Wu Niang have finished intercepting it."

"I'll go to that hill and wait for you now."

Yuan Shouwei took out a silk handkerchief from his arms and handed it to her:

"Wipe your face."

"Go ahead, I'll be back soon."

Liu Miaozhen took the handkerchief and wiped the sweat from her face. When she took it off, she saw that the silk handkerchief was covered with gray stains. She stuck out her tongue in embarrassment and turned back to the top of the mountain.

During this hour, Yuan Shouwei was not idle. He and Wu Fu repeatedly deliberated and simulated the interception process several times on one side of the bridge.

One is to ensure Wu Fu’s absolute safety;

The second is to succeed the first time;
So now I have a plan in mind.

He glanced at Wu Yan with a smile and said:

"Zhao'er, shall we start now?"

Following Wu Fu's oriole-like "OK", Yuan Shouwei jumped up, stepped on the air, and walked towards the gap step by step.

Beneath your feet is the boundless Yellow River, roaring and rushing.

Surrounded by gusts of wind, Yuan Shouwei's Taoist robe was blown up, making a rattling noise.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the sonorous sound of fighting and fighting.

at the same time,

Just when everyone was looking up at Yuan Shouwei who was walking in the air, Wu Fu had already jumped out from the bridge railing and headed straight for the rough water under the bridge.

Everyone noticed this scene out of the corner of their eyes, and they all shouted "No". Cui Ning even climbed to the edge of the bridge and was about to go down, but was grabbed by Li Chengqian and said in a deep voice:

"Zhao'er is fine. This is what she and Yuan Shouwei had discussed in advance."

Although he was trying to dissuade Cui Ning, and although he knew that nothing would happen to Wu Fu, facing the boundless and surging Yellow River water, Li Chengqian still felt waves of heart palpitations, and secretly prayed in his heart:
"Please God bless me and never let Zhao'er be in any danger."

At this time, Yuan Shouwei, who was in mid-air, had been observing Wu Fu's movements, watching Wu Fu fall to the ground freely, and stepped on the turbulent Yellow River with his feet.Although his body was ups and downs with the waves, it was obvious that he would not be submerged in the water. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and shouted: "Zhao'er, are you okay?"

Wu Fu heard his voice, looked up at Yuan Shouwei in the air, and shouted loudly:
"I am fine."

The sound reached Yuan Shouwei's ears along with the howling wind on the Yellow River, and he felt relieved.

Looking up at the majestic Yellow River, where the water and sky are the same color, I felt a surge of pride in my chest and said loudly:

"Zhao'er, do you still remember the poem we read when we first fought Qianlong?"

Wu Fu responded loudly:

"I'll never forget it for the rest of my life."

"Shall I read it with you one more time?"

Yuan Shouwei said "Hello" loudly, and then began to recite:

"Looking at Jieshi in the east, you can see the sea. The water is so light, and the mountains and islands stand tall"

As he sang, a clear girl also sounded on the water of the Yellow River:

"The movement of the sun and the moon can be seen within it; the brilliant stars can be seen within it."

Accompanied by the turbulent Yellow River water, the two of them seemed like a couple of gods.

This also made everyone on the bridge feel heartbroken.

Cui Ning's blood boiled even more when she saw it, and she shouted loudly to the two people in the distance:
"I also recite a poem and send it to the two of you."

"In the third year of Huangchu, I went to the capital and returned to Luochuan. The ancients said: The god of Si water is named Mi Fei."

"I told him: Its shape is as graceful as a frightened giant, and as graceful as a wandering dragon."

For a while, everyone on the bridge started chanting in unison.

While everyone was chanting, Yuan Shouwei had already reached the gap. He took out the drawing again, and after confirming that it was correct, he looked up at Wu Fu who was stopping in the distance. Although his body was rising and falling with the waves, But his feet didn't move, obviously he was ready.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he drew the Xuanyuan Sword directly from his back. As the Xuanyuan Sword turned into yin and yang, it wrapped around a finger in Yuan Shouwei's hand.

Yuan Shouwei shouted the word "break" gently in his mouth, and a silent sword energy fell directly on the waves.

Just like a hot knife hitting butter, the water of the Yellow River was cut in half, and huge waves on both sides rose out of thin air, rising to a height of twenty or thirty feet.

The yellow sand at the bottom of the river bed is clearly visible, and the remains of many dilapidated official ships can also be seen vaguely.

But the entire water surface seemed to be boiling at this time, with waves rising everywhere.

Wu Fu in the distance was obviously also affected. The waves kept rolling under her feet, and countless big waves rushed to hit her head and face.

But every time he tried to pounce on her, he dodged to both sides without even a drop of water splashing onto Wu Fu.

She saw that Yuan Shouwei had already opened the gap, so she pushed hard with her feet and moved forward. In a short time, she had already reached the gap on one side.

As he chanted the incantation in his mouth, he threw down the thick earthen talisman in his hand without any hesitation.

Countless pieces of loess appeared out of thin air and scattered towards the gap.

The first loess that fell into the water immediately mixed with the water and sediment, making it impossible to distinguish.

As more and more loess fell, it quickly gathered into a tower, getting thicker and taller.

One foot, two feet, three feet.
Finally, a brown-yellow embankment appeared in Wu Fu's field of vision.

Still feeling that it was not enough, she used another earth talisman to raise and compact the dam again.

(End of this chapter)

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