Chapter 381 Willing to gamble and admit defeat
Looking at the twenty-foot-long embankment in front of her, she also let out a long breath, looked up at Yuan Shouwei in the sky and shouted:
"Elder Yuan, please accept your magical powers."

When Yuan Shouwei saw that she had retreated to the outside of the embankment, he withdrew his sword energy. He looked at the embankment that had been built and the blocked water of the Yellow River. He shouted to the martial artist on the water in a mighty voice:

"I still have some courage to spare!"

Wu Fu waved his hand at him and returned directly to the bridge.

Yuan Shouwei did not return, but went to the dirt hill where cement was filled.

At this time, everyone on the Jinshui Bridge looked at the dam that appeared out of thin air. They were all dumbfounded and extremely surprised.

They couldn't see the details in the distance. At first, they saw Yuan Shouwei cut the Yellow River into two parts with a finger.

Then I saw Wu Fu standing in the gap and making gestures, and then I saw the embankment rising into the sky.

I really don't know what happened inside, but the levee has actually been built and successfully blocked the water of the Yellow River.

Only Zhu Yitan and Dou Ziren looked at each other speechlessly, with earthy faces, and murmured to themselves:
"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Others clapped their hands excitedly, embraced each other and celebrated, shouting excitedly:

"It's blocked. It's really blocked. This is a miracle."

Huineng touched his prayer beads, and reminded everyone with a painful face:

"Don't panic, it's not over yet."

"This kind of embankment will soon be washed away by the water of the Yellow River."

"We still have to look at that laoshizi cement."

Everyone gradually stopped being excited and once again turned their attention to Yuan Shouwei, who was walking in the air.

Yuan Shouwei also reached the top of the earth mountain at this moment. He looked at the cement spread and waved everyone to stay away. Then he took out the sword box and put all the cement into it like a dragon absorbing water.

He secretly muttered in his heart: "I hope you don't dirty my sword box."

After absorbing the cement, it returns to the position of the embankment again.

First, he split the loess embankment with his backhand, and then poured countless amounts of cement into the cracks.

After finishing all this, he Shi Shiran returned to the Jinshui Bridge. As soon as he landed, Li Chengqian bowed deeply and said:
"The national teacher has worked hard."

"I have thanked the Imperial Master on behalf of the people of Bianliang."

Yuan Shouwei first raised his head and glanced at the scorching sun in the sky, then he solemnly returned the salute and said:
"There's no rush. Let's wait and see how the cement solidifies in another three hours."

After Zhu Yitan heard this, he looked at the roaring Yellow River water below him and said to Li Chengqian and Li Ji:

"Prince, British Lord, the risk on this bridge is too high, and the wind and waves are high, why don't you send two people to be on duty here, and let's go back to Bianliang first?"

Li Chengqian shook his head without hesitation and said:

"No, right here."

"Compared to those people, my sin is nothing."

“And I got to see the cement set with my own eyes.”

Li Ji also nodded in approval.

Zhu Yitan responded helplessly, and arranged for his men to find a few big umbrellas, and gave them a few to match, which could somewhat shield them from the scorching sun.

At this time, Wu Fu's eyes were like two searchlights, looking back and forth at the Buddhist beads on Huineng's chest.

Seeing this, Hui Neng also shouted the Buddha's name loudly and said with force:
"We have blocked the gap more than once, but it was quickly washed away by floods."

"Donor, don't be anxious, we will wait for a few more hours before talking."

After thinking about it, he added: "Of course, I also hope to succeed. Although the beads are precious, they are still not as important as the people."

After Wu Fu heard this, he was too embarrassed to press for it.

Cui Ning, on the other hand, looked at Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu with fanatical admiration in his eyes. He kept asking questions around Yuan Shouwei. Yuan Shouwei also had a few dates with them. One chatted.

As the sun sets, the afterglow of the sun shines on the water, as if it has covered the turbulent Yellow River with a layer of golden gauze.

Three hours had passed. Yuan Shouwei stood up and looked at the earth-brown embankment.

Just looking at it, the earth wall facing the river had been washed away a lot by the river water. In some thin places, the gray cement inside could be faintly seen. I knew that there was no problem.

Then he said to Li Chengqian:

"Your Highness, there is no problem."

"I'm going to verify the hardness of the cement now."

Before Li Chengqian could reply, Huineng on the side took the lead and said:

"Fellow Daoist has worked so hard for so long, why don't you ask the poor monk to check the hardness of the cement?"

Li Chengqian and Yuan Shouwei naturally understood what he meant.Since he was willing to run, Yuan Shouwei would be relieved.Then he opened his mouth and said:
"Okay, then you go."

After hearing this, Huineng quickly boarded the boat and headed for the embankment. In a short time, he was already there.

Everyone was also watching his every move on the bridge.

Just look at Huineng standing on the bow of the boat, holding a long gun. After the boat reached the bottom of the embankment, he found a place where the cement was exposed and stabbed it with a fierce shot.

Others could not see clearly, but Yuan Shouwei looked carefully. The tip of the spear obviously did not penetrate into the cement.

Huineng, who still didn't believe in evil, fired a few more shots, but still didn't penetrate.

Huineng simply threw away the spear, and asked someone to bring a long knife. He jumped up and struck the cement with a heavy blow.

This Huineng's strength was obviously far beyond that of ordinary people. With one strike, he had penetrated more than two or three inches.

Huineng held the knife and looked at the gap with a look of joy on his face. He saluted the cement and turned back.

As soon as he returned to the bridge, he immediately took off the Buddhist beads from his chest, raised his hands in front of Yuan Shouwei and said:
"My Taoist friend's skills are almost divine. The poor monk has verified it. The cement is indeed as strong as bluestone."

"The poor monk is willing to admit defeat. Please accept this Buddhist beads."

"In addition, there is also the magical power of the dragon-elephant power that can be used with the Buddhist beads. When we return to Bianliang, I will give them to you."

Yuan Shouwei did not expect Huineng to be so cheerful. He did not pick up the beads, but turned his head to look at Wu Fu.

Wu Fu was in a good mood at this time, sticking out his tongue at him, and then shook his head.

Yuan Shouwei understood what she meant and said to Huineng:

"Host, it was just a joke just now, it can't be true."

"Besides, you have sacrificed a lot for the Bianliang victims. We have all seen it along the way."

"So please take back this prayer bead."

Hui Neng was still a little bit reluctant to give up, but after listening to Yuan Shouwei's words, he became stubborn and handed the beads to Yuan Shouwei again, saying:

"I am willing to admit defeat and promise good things. The poor monk will naturally not regret it, otherwise he will be ridiculed by others."

"Fellow Taoist, please accept this prayer bead."

Yuan Shouwei was determined not to give it, and Hui Neng was determined to give it. The two sides were deadlocked for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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