Chapter 382 A rare heavenly master

Seeing this, Li Chengqian on the side also came out to smooth things over and said:

"President Hui Neng, it was just a joke. Let it be over."

"There are still many gaps in this embankment, so we need to rely more on your magical powers."

"I'll be the one to decide this matter. Just put the beads away and give them to Wu Fu as a small gift."

Since it was Li Chengqian who spoke, Huineng couldn't hold on anymore, so he took the beads back.

Instead, he took off a string of rosary beads on his wrist, handed them directly to Wu Yan, and said in his mouth:
"Donor, this rosary is exactly the same as my prayer beads, and it can also use the power of the dragon elephant, but it is less powerful. Please accept it."

Wu Yan didn't refuse, he saluted Huineng and thanked him, happily took the rosary beads and began to play with them.

At this time, the sun had already set below the horizon, and Zhu Yitan once again urged everyone to return to Bianliang as soon as possible.

It is said that there are floods everywhere now, and there is no river to go on. It is too risky to sail at night.

Li Chengqian didn't answer, but called Li Ji and Yuan Shouwei aside to discuss.

What he means is that the disaster is serious now and the people are suffering.

It would be great if the other gaps could be blocked at night, even if not all of them, half of them would be good.

After Yuan Shouwei thought for a moment, he shook his head and said:

"No, the gap today is too big, and too much cement has been used. There is not much cement left, and we can't close the gaps."

"The other is Zhao'er's safety. She is above the water, and the lights are dark at night. I'm afraid she will be in danger."

Li Ji on the side also said:
"Your Highness, the most important gap has been blocked now. The others can be postponed for a while, even tomorrow."

"Besides, the disaster is over now, and the people have basically been resettled. There is no rush at this moment."

"However, although we will not block the gap tonight, we will send some people to guard it with the people from Bianliang City to prevent any accidents."

After listening to what the two of them said, Li Chengqian followed suit and agreed.

He called Zhu Yitan over again, and after asking about the number of breaches, he only left two personal guards, and the other Qianniu Guards were sent to various breaches.

At this time, the sun has completely disappeared, leaving only the last touch of white belly in the sky.

And everything had been discussed, and everyone returned to Bianliang City by boat.

Everyone moved forward carefully and finally arrived at Bianliang City.

Although Bianliang was not submerged by floods, due to the continuous heavy rain for many days, the bluestone ground was also slippery, and sewage from accumulated pits could be seen everywhere.From time to time, you can still see houses that have been washed away by rain.

Roadside, wall corners, under city walls, and nooks and crannies everywhere are crowded with victims of the disaster, and the awnings set above their heads are also those kind of awnings.

After reading all this, Li Chengqian's face darkened again, and he called Zhu Yitan to ask about the situation.

Zhu Yitan said with a sad face:

"Your Highness, except for the governor's mansion and official residences, all other places where people can live have been filled."

"Now even this kind of pergola is gone, and I am really worried."

After listening to what he said, Li Chengqian could understand. He turned to look at Dou Ziren and Huineng and said:

"You two, I don't know if there are any better tents in your place. If there are any, let these people use them temporarily."

"When the materials from the imperial court arrive, I will return them all."

Huineng also shook his head with a grimace.

Dou Ziren thought about it and said:
"I can still get some out. I'll get someone to meet the officials later." Li Chengqian also nodded his thanks, and then led everyone to a porridge shed not far ahead.

Zhongqing understood what he meant and took the lead to walk over. He picked up a spoon and scooped it up. After looking at it, he nodded with satisfaction. After looking at a few more porridge sheds, he came back and reported to Li Chengqian:

"Your Highness, the porridge this time is not bad. Half of it is corn when you take a spoonful of it. There is no problem in filling your stomach."

Only then did Li Chengqian nodded in satisfaction, encouraged Zhu Yitan a few words, and led him to the official residence.

After everyone was arranged, Zhu Yitan said goodbye and left. Before leaving, he said that he would ask the gentlemen to rest for a while while he went to prepare the dinner and come back to pick him up later.

Li Chengqian signaled that there is no need for such trouble, and asked him to go to rest for a while, and the welcome banquet will be skipped, just prepare some food, and they will go there by themselves later.

After resting for half an hour, Zhu Yitan ran over in person and took everyone to the Governor's Mansion.

When everyone arrived at the main hall, he first asked Li Chengqian to take a seat at the front, and then asked Li Ji to take a seat on his left. After he invited everyone else to take their seats, he sat down on Li Chengqian's right hand side.

Li Chengqian looked around and couldn't help but ask:
"Prince Zhu, why didn't you see Headmaster Dou Ziren?"

Zhu Yitan also hurriedly replied:
"I just went to ask someone to teach Master Dou, and I learned that he has already gone to Gaodian Village to arrange tents. I think he will be back today if he is tired enough."

After hearing this, Li Chengqian couldn't help but sigh:
"Although Headmaster Dou is an outsider, he cares deeply about the sufferings of the people. He is also a rare heavenly master."

"After the disaster is over, I will definitely report to Your Majesty and ask for the title of Master Dou and Master Huineng."

Huineng, who was so panicked, stood up again and thanked him repeatedly.

After everyone chatted for a while, the dishes were served one after another.

It's very simple, just two dishes, one soup and a bottle of wine.

The dish was a plate of pork and goose feet, and the wine was fermented wine.

Zhu Yitan looked at the food on the table and explained to everyone somewhat impressively:
"My lords, it's not that I don't want to prepare something rich for everyone. It's really an extraordinary period and the disaster is serious, so we can only make it simpler. I ask for your understanding."

"After the flood is over, I will definitely hold a big banquet to make amends to you all."

After hearing this, Li Chengqian said indifferently:

"It's just business when I go out, as long as I can have enough to eat."

"If you, Zhu Yitan, are particularly rich, I will blame you instead."

"Besides, the streets are now full of disaster victims, and many of them don't have enough to eat. We are much better off than them."

While he was talking, he casually picked up a chopstick of pork on the table and put it into his mouth. His eyes lit up and he said:

"What kind of pork is this? How does it taste so crispy and delicious?"

Zhu Yitan was stunned for a moment and said:
"Is it delicious?"

"It's just ordinary pork, cooked in high broth. Since His Highness thinks it tastes good, eat more."

"Come, come, gentlemen, please."

Everyone also took their chopsticks to taste it, and they all thought it tasted good.

Zhu Yitan raised the wine on the table again, and said to Li Chengqian:
"To be honest with you, Your Highness, this wine is the Wei family's fermented wine. I buy a batch every year when I go back to the Ministry of Personnel to report on my work."

"Come, Your Highness, please drink this cup."

"My lords, please."

(End of this chapter)

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