Chapter 383 Nine Dead Lives

Li Chengqian picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip:

"It's indeed a very good wine."

"I wouldn't believe it if you were impoverished when you worked abroad."

"Chief Zhu made his words clear. I can't believe it even if I don't believe it."

His words to ease the atmosphere immediately livened up the atmosphere at the wine table.

Zhongqing, who had almost finished the food on his own table, turned to look at Cui Ning at the table next to him, and found that his food was almost untouched, and instead he drank a bowl of corn soup cleanly.

I couldn't help but jokingly asked:
"Brother Cui, is this corn soup so delicious?"

"The way I look at you, you're so delicious that you can't stop drinking."

Cui Ning picked up the spoon again, drank a little corn soup at the bottom of the bowl, and asked in surprise:
“For such a rare thing, it’s natural to drink more.”

"To be honest, Taoist Master, I have been serving in Chang'an for almost a year, and I have only had corn soup once."

"This soup suits my taste very much."

Zhongqing suddenly understood that corn is still in the stage of being grown as grain, so it is difficult to buy it on the market. Therefore, it is rare and expensive. No wonder Cui Ning likes it so much.

As for me, I was helping Yuan Shouwei's light. When I wanted to drink, I could drink it at Beiming Mountain at any time, so I didn't feel it was strange.

But where did Zhu Yitan get so much corn?
This thing is already very rare in Chang'an, and it will only become more expensive in Bianliang, which is thousands of miles away.

Thinking of those people living in the open air again, Zhongqing became more and more confused.

After a meal, the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

Seeing that Li Chengqian was in a good mood, Zhu Yitan asked someone to serve more food and drinks, but was stopped by Li Chengqian and said:

"Chief Zhu, you've had your fill of wine and food."

"Everyone has had a tiring day today. Let's go to bed early. We still have to deal with the breach early tomorrow morning."

Zhu Yitan knew that what he said was reasonable, so he did not dare to force it any more, and chatted some gossip with the others.

Li Chengqian and his party said goodbye and left.

After returning to the official residence, Zhongqing went to Yuan Shouwei's room and told him about the corn soup.

Yuan Shouwei frowned after hearing this. All of them were guilty of being dark under the lamp, and no one cared about the corn soup.

Perhaps as Tadakiyo said, we should investigate.

Thinking of this, he called Liu Miaozhen over and asked her to take some time to investigate in private.

When things are arranged, everyone takes a rest.

But when Yinshi arrived, Yuan Shouwei was awakened by a rapid knock on the door.

Yuan Shouwei was startled and subconsciously stood up. Before he could ask, he heard Zhongqing's urgent voice at the door:
"Yuan Shouwei, the Yellow River has burst its banks again. The prince wants you to go over and discuss it quickly."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei immediately lost all sleepiness. He got dressed in a few seconds. When he saw Zhongqing looking anxious at the door, he asked with some confusion:
"Is it the gap we blocked today?"

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't be flushed away."

Zhongqing gasped, shook his head and said:
"It's not that gap, it's another gap, and there are several gaps. You can go to the prince's house and ask about the specific situation."

Yuan Shouwei knew that something big must have happened, otherwise Li Chengqian would not be so anxious, so he responded and hurried to Li Chengqian's room with Zhongqing.

At this time, Li Ji and officials from various ministries had also arrived in the room, and there were two Qianniu Guards who were soaked and in a state of embarrassment.

Li Chengqian saw Yuan Shouwei coming, motioned for him to sit down, and then said:
"The embankment of the Yellow River is now open again. It is not the dike we blocked today, but some dikes to the east."

"According to the information I have received now, five relatively small gaps have suddenly expanded a lot."

"And these places are relatively lightly affected, and many people are trapped."

After saying this, his voice became much lower and he said again:

"There should be quite a few people washed away by the flood. These people probably had a narrow escape from death." Everyone understood the situation, and they all felt secretly in their hearts. They didn't expect that the flood would be so difficult to deal with. They had just blocked one of the largest of gaps, and in the blink of an eye, there were several more big gaps.

Yuan Shouwei looked at Li Chengqian and said:
"We have understood the situation, and please order His Highness to set off as soon as possible to plug the gap and reduce losses."

Li Chengqian said without hesitation:

“At this time, solving the problem is the priority.”

"I am obviously lacking in this aspect, and it is best to hand it over to the British government."

"Do you have any opinions?"

Everyone couldn't help but take a high look at Li Chengqian after hearing this. He was worthy of being the heir trained by Li Shimin.

Know your own shortcomings and shortcomings and dare to give up power.

Thinking of this, everyone nodded in agreement.

Li Ji didn't speak since he entered the room. He kept his head down and meditated, obviously thinking of countermeasures. After listening to Li Chengqian's words, he stood up and said to everyone:

"Thank you, gentlemen. This is not the time to be polite, so I will start making arrangements directly."

At this moment, Zhu Yitan and Huineng had already arrived. The situation was urgent, and no one exchanged greetings. They just sat down and waited for Li Ji to make arrangements.

Li Ji first ordered officials from the Ministry of Industry to take out a map of the Yellow River. After determining the location of the five execution embankments and the size of the gaps, he immediately looked up at Huineng and said:
"President Huineng, you have great supernatural powers. The first gap is in Xiaosongzhuang, which is closest to Bianliang. The current gap should be six feet in size."

"It's up to you to block this first gap."

Huineng nodded without hesitation and said:

"The poor monk should do his best to intercept it."

Li Ji turned to look at Zhu Yitan and said:
"Chief Zhu, you are relatively familiar with the terrain of Bianliang, and the second gap is in Lianzhuang, which is the smallest of the five gaps."

"You go to the shipwreck to fix the gap. Is there no problem?"

Zhu Yitan knew that these people were actually doing things for him, so he naturally nodded in agreement.

Li Ji turned to look at Yuan Shouwei again and said solemnly:

"National Master, the remaining three gaps will be left to us."

"You are mainly responsible. Your Highness and I will go with you."

Yuan Shouwei immediately nodded and agreed.

Li Ji turned to look at Zhu Yitan and said:
"Chief Zhu, please find someone who understands the situation and terrain and come with us."

"In addition, existing ships will be immediately organized to rescue people in these five places."

Zhu Yitan responded.

Li Ji then looked at Li Chengqian and said:

"Your Highness, I can only think of so much for the moment. Do you think there is anything else you want to say?"

Li Chengqian shook his head and said:

"I think the British public has thought it through very carefully. I just need to do as you say."

Li Ji turned to look at everyone present and said in a deep voice:
"What other things do you think are inappropriate?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Li Ji finally said:
"The situation at this time is the same as on the battlefield."

"Everyone is responsible for taking the lead and doing their best. If I, Li Ji, find out that I am delaying the disaster or delaying the war, I will definitely be punished by military law."

Everyone looked at Li Ji's serious look, and their hearts trembled, and they agreed in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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