Chapter 384
After the discussion, everyone acted independently.

Li Chengqian, Li Ji, and Yuan Shou held torches for everyone and hurried out of Bianliang City. After getting on the boat at the dock, they rushed to the third gap, Wei Tower.

The initial boat trip went smoothly, although it was not fast. Fortunately, the boatmen had been sailing here every day for the past few days and were familiar with the terrain, so the speed was still acceptable.

When we almost reached the first gap, the water began to become difficult to navigate. The water and the front were pitch black, and from time to time there would be huge trees and old furniture blocking the way.

And huge whirlpools will continue to appear, and if you are not careful, it will be a tragedy that the ship will sink and people will die.

This also made every boatman on the boat cautious and focused, moving forward cautiously.

At this moment, someone suddenly heard shouting not far from the side of the ship:

"Help, gentlemen, I beg you, please save my life quickly."

Everyone looked around, but they could only hear voices and couldn't see the person calling for help.

Yuan Shouwei could see clearly. He only saw a young man in his 20s lying on the top of the tree, swaying back and forth.

The treetops were swaying under the impact of the river water, and they might be tilted at any time.

Once the tree crooked, the person's life would be at risk in the fast-flowing Yellow River.

And between the man and the official boat, there were two large floating trees, with branches and branches intertwined, rising and falling on the river.

If the ship gets close, there is a possibility of being knocked over at any time.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he also told everyone the situation in a deep voice, and then said:
"I'm going to rescue him, just be careful sailing."

Wu Fu on the side was about to give him the water spirit bead tied around his neck, but Yuan Shouwei waved his hand and said no.

Then 'Ti Yun Zong' used it directly, soared into the air, and swept towards the young man.

After arriving at the place, he picked up the young man and said:

"Don't be afraid, sir, I'll save you."

The young man took advantage of the light of the official ship and vaguely saw a person rising into the sky. After a while, he felt a dark shadow approaching him. When he heard Yuan Shouwei speaking again, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He kept chanting:

"Thank you, Mr. Lang, for saving your life."

In the blink of an eye, Yuan Shouwei had brought him to the boat.

The young man first knelt on the bow of the boat, thanked Yuan Shouwei repeatedly, and then said:

"Lang Jun, my mother-in-law is still in another tree. I beg you, please save her as well."

Yuan Shouwei was about to agree, but he heard Li Ji on the side say:

"How old is your grandma? Where are you stuck?"

The young man seemed to understand something, and turned to kowtow to Li Ji again, saying:
"Ming Gong, my grandma is over 40 years old. I was afraid that she would not be able to bear the burden, so I tied her to a tree."

"I also know her location. Please save her. It won't take you too long."

Li Ji did not speak, but turned his attention to Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian said without hesitation:

"Save, must be saved."

"They are all my subjects of the Tang Dynasty, there is no reason not to save them."

After listening, Li Ji nodded with a complicated expression.

The young man pointed the way in front, but because of the darkness and the difficulty of discerning the direction in the water, he even pointed the wrong way once.

Li Ji's expression became more and more serious.

It took half an hour to finally arrive at the place the young man was talking about.

The young man held a lantern with one hand and leaned against the railing of the boat. He looked forward hard and shouted loudly: "Aniang, Aniang, where are you? I'm here to save you."

But the only answer he received was the sound of sobbing water.

Yuan Shouwei was also observing carefully, and finally he saw a person who seemed to be tied to a treetop, looming with the flow of water.

He jumped up again, reached the person, and rescued her. It was the young man's mother-in-law.

The grandma was still conscious, and after being rescued on the boat, she kept kowtowing and thanking her.

Most people move on.

Not far away, Li Chengqian, who was standing at the bow of the boat, heard the boatman say softly:
"Another corpse, this must be the third one."

Li Chengqian looked at the weak light on the bow of the ship and saw that the boatman was holding a pole and preparing to push away a body that had just floated to the side of the ship.

Just when the pole just touched the man, the man suddenly moved. The boatman was startled and shouted:
"This guy might still be alive."

Hearing this, Li Chengqian immediately opened his mouth and said:

"Quick, get him up."

Several boatmen also fished out the man in various ways.

Then the light showed that this was a woman in her 30s. Zhongqing on the side also rushed to rescue. When a few silver needles were inserted, the woman suddenly choked out some water from her mouth.

Then water continued to overflow from the corner of his mouth, and his chest began to rise and fall.

Everyone on the boat couldn't help but clap their hands in celebration when they saw this.

Grandma, who was the first to be rescued, clasped her hands together and chanted Amitabha repeatedly.

Only Li Ji on the side watched all this silently.

Going forward, it became slower and slower.

Li Chengqian ordered not only to rescue the people calling for help along the way, but also to fish out the corpses encountered and rescue them again.

The three official ships were already packed to the brim with civilians within a short period of time.

The sky was getting slightly brighter now, and the road ahead could already be vaguely seen.

The people trapped in the water also saw the official ship and shouted for help.

Li Chengqian wanted to instruct the boatmen to go to the rescue again, but Li Ji stopped him and said:

"Your Highness, we can no longer save you."

"This will delay us in closing the gap."

"Every night when the gap is blocked, more people will suffer."

Li Chengqian didn't look at Li Ji's livid face, but looked at a person not far away who was calling for help and said:
"My lord, I understand these principles, but seeing the people calling for help, I really can't bear it."

"Either, save this person, or we won't save him."

Li Ji's expression became more and more serious, and he said again:

"Your Highness, because we couldn't see the road clearly before, we should go slower. It doesn't hurt to save some people."

"It's getting dark now, so we should move forward at full speed instead of rescuing people."

"Besides, this boat can't carry anyone anymore. Moreover, the rescue boat is right behind us."

Li Chengqian's expression was extremely struggling. He turned to look at the overcrowded ship and said to Li Ji in a tone that was almost pleading:
"Mr. Li, please save one more person."

As soon as the voice fell to the ground, there were several more cries for help. Everyone followed the sound and saw that there were three or four people on the roof of a house, shouting at them.

(End of this chapter)

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