Chapter 385 Making Cement
Li Ji's expression finally changed, and he ordered the boatman without hesitation:

"Open the boat with all your strength, and don't save another person."

"If anyone dares to disobey orders, I will kill him now."

While he was talking, he had already reached the bow of the ship. He pulled out the horizontal knife from his waist and shouted sharply at the boatman who was still looking at Li Chengqian:

The boatman looked at the murderous Li Ji and then at the gleaming horizontal knife in his hand. He shuddered involuntarily and sailed forward without stopping.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian also sighed heavily, lowered his head and stopped talking.

Li Ji on the bow obviously heard this sigh. His upright body shook slightly, and then he arranged for the boatmen around him:
"Tell them that we are blocking the gap in the Yellow River."

"The rescue ship is behind and will arrive soon."

Several boatmen heard this and shouted loudly to the people.

The trapped people saw the ship stop for a moment and thought they would be rescued soon. However, they never expected that the ship drove away directly.

After hearing what the boatman shouted, they immediately began to curse:

"A dog officer, a beast, will not save you until you die."

"Are you still human? So many people have been saved, and only a few of us are missing?"

"What does such a dog officer want him to do? When I get out of trouble, I will definitely kill you."

Yuan Shouwei watched all this silently without making any move.

He knew that Li Ji did the right thing, but like Li Chengqian, he always felt extremely uncomfortable when he saw the people who were in trouble and did not lend a helping hand.

At this moment, a small white hand stretched out, gently grabbed his hand, and said softly:
"Lang Jun, don't be sad, this is the choice, save one person or save 1000 people."

"We just ask our hearts and have no regrets."

Yuan Shouwei put his other hand on Wu Fu's hand, patted it gently, and said in an extremely low voice:
"I know."

The speed of the ship without shackles, and the sky was bright, had increased a lot, and soon they reached the first gap they needed to plug: Wei Lou.

A small boat will be cruising on the water.

Seeing Li Chengqian's official ship, they quickly came over.

After seeing Li Chengqian, Li Ji and others standing at the bow of the boat, Qian Niuwei on the boat knelt down directly on the bow and faced Li Chengqian:
"Shi Pengcheng, a humble official, fell behind the embankment. Please punish him, Your Highness."

Li Chengqian did not reply, but turned his attention to Li Ji and said with a smile:

"Mr. British, you take care of it."

When Li Ji heard this, he also cupped his hands at Li Chengqian and said with a smile:

"I would like to thank Your Highness for your magnanimity."

Laughing away enmity.

Li Ji said to Shi Pengcheng:

"Take us to see the scene first, and talk as we go."

Shi Pengcheng did not dare to neglect, so he jumped onto their boat, pointed out the specific location of the gap, and then began to tell the story.

Here are the guards in Bianliang City, there are almost a dozen of them, and there are more than 20 civilian husbands.

He and the other Qianniu Guards, because they had just arrived and did not understand the situation, still relied on the sergeants and took the initiative to participate in patrols.

They patrolled in three waves, and Shi Pengcheng was on duty when he was ugly.

While he was patrolling near the gap, he suddenly heard a loud noise like a boiling pot on the fast-flowing river, followed by a huge sound of rapid waves.

Then I saw a wave several feet high, hitting the gap in the embankment, and then wave after wave began to hit the gap in the embankment.

He only felt a violent shaking under his feet. Just as he stabilized his body, he saw several people behind him falling directly to the ground.

Seeing this situation, he subconsciously organized people to berm the embankment.

But he was stopped by an experienced farmer behind him, saying that the water was too big and the embankment would definitely not be able to be saved, so he had to get on the boat quickly.And the timid civilian husband knelt down directly on the ground and kowtowed to the big waves, saying that there was no wind and big waves were making waves. It was the Water Dragon King who was making waves, and he could only survive by praying with his heart.

After hearing this, Li Ji asked:
"There's something really weird about how there's no wind and waves, and it's only for the gap."

"Can you see anything special from the water?"

Shi Pengcheng couldn't help but shuddered and replied:

"When I returned to England, I really didn't find anything."

"You mean there is really some Water Dragon King causing trouble?"

Li Ji shook his head and said:
"No, I just feel a little weird."

While the two of them were talking, they had already reached the vicinity of the gap, which looked similar to what they had seen on the Jinshui Bridge.

The current is fast and the waves are rolling.

Li Ji looked at Yuan Shouwei and saw that he was also staring at the gap, so he did not interrupt him. Instead, he waited for Yuan Shouwei to finish reading before asking:
"National Master, can this gap be blocked?"

Yuan Shouwei did not answer immediately, but took out the drawings he carried with him and looked at them again, then nodded to Li Ji and said:

"No problem, Mr. Li."

Then he turned to Liu Miaozhen behind him and said:

"Miao Zhen, there is a high slope over there, you can make cement there."

Liu Miaozhen agreed and took a few people over in another boat.

Yuan Shouwei then had a brief discussion with Wu Fu, and the two of them immediately started working on it.

Yuan Shou flew into the sky, Wu Fu entered the water
After about half an hour, the gap in the embankment was finally successfully blocked.

Seeing this, Li Ji didn't dare to be negligent, and ordered people to put all the people affected by the disaster on the ship into temporary resettlement sites.

He also called the officer on duty and stated that Shi Pengcheng would be responsible for the gap for the time being and that he would just cooperate.

Then go to the next gap.

Not far away, I saw a lot of search and rescue ships above the water.

Everyone thought they were officials from the government, but when they walked in, they discovered that they were all members of the Sansheng Sect.

This also made everyone sigh with emotion. This critical moment of the Three Promotions Religion was really good.

After waiting for the second gap, Yuan Shouwei followed the same method and completed the interception.

Just as he was about to go to the third gap, Liu Miaozhen came over and told Yuan Shouwei that there was no more cement.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but feel his scalp tightening. Why was it gone now?If I knew it, I would have brought more.

He told Li Chengqian and Li Ji about the situation.

Li Ji pondered for a moment, then said to the two of them:

"Use a sunken ship."

"When you get to the place, after determining the size of the gap, try to use nearby ships to block it. If it doesn't work, use one of our official ships."

The two thought for a moment and realized that this was the best way at the moment, so they both nodded in agreement.

When we got close to Gaodian, we saw more boats on the water.

Some are small boats for two people, cleaning debris on the water while driving.

There are also some slightly larger boats in the distance, with many naked people on board. It is obvious that this boat is used for rescue.

The boatmen on these ships are all wearing Taoist robes. Needless to say, they must also be members of the Sansheng Sect.

Li Ji couldn't help but be curious, so he approached one of the boats and asked about the gap.

(End of this chapter)

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