Chapter 386
After hearing this, the Taoist priest who was salvaging also slapped his head and said enthusiastically:

"Young Masters, you are late. The lack of work has been stopped by our headmaster."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and looked at each other, seeing a hint of joy in each other's eyes.

I was still worrying about the interception, but I didn't expect that Dou Ziyi had already done all the work silently.

Li Ji also told the boatman to drive faster and go over to see what was going on and see if there was anything he could do to help.

From a distance, you can see a mountain of earth, obviously higher than the embankments on both sides, standing in the gap.

On the top of the mountain, there was a man wearing a Taoist robe with fluttering sleeves who was casting a spell. It was the Three-Sheng Master Dou Ziren.

Looking at the two sides of the earth mountain, there are more than 20 golden warriors. Under the command of Dou Ziren, they will carry bluestones to fill the various gaps in the earth mountain.

On several other high slopes, countless rescued people kowtowed to Dou Ziren on the top of the mountain. Following the sound of the wind, Yuan Shouwei and the others vaguely heard:

"Thank you to the Sansheng Sect for saving my life and giving me food. I am willing to join the Sansheng Sect."

At this moment, Dou Ziren on the top of the mountain had already seen the official ship approaching, and he shouted loudly:
"Which Ming Gong from Bianliang is this person?"

Li Ji was about to step forward to speak, but was stopped by Yuan Shouwei, who shouted to Dou Ziren on the mountain:

"Your Highness, the British Duke, and Yuan Shou are here to support us."

After Dou Ziren saw Yuan Shouwei on the bow of the ship, his ecstatic posture suddenly withered a bit. After announcing a loud signal, he jumped a few times from the top of the mountain and reached Yuan Shouwei and the others. On the official ship.

After the two parties had finished the ceremony, Li Ji took the lead and said:

"Thank you to Master Dou for blocking the gap in time."

Dou Ziren smiled and explained:

"Yesterday, as entrusted by His Highness, I came here to gather some to send to Bianliang City."

"Seeing that it was getting late and it was not easy to sail on the road, I simply stayed here for the night."

"It's a coincidence that we just happened to catch this gap, so we blocked it and started the rescue here. It's almost done now, so I'll make some arrangements and send the supplies there."

Several people sighed and sighed after hearing this. Dou Ziren's righteous act saved many more people.

All five gaps have been sealed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The three of them took out the drawings and looked at them carefully, and found that there were still ten gaps.

In order to prevent these gaps from expanding again, Li Chengqian proposed to seal them all directly. Since there is no cement, use ships instead.

Yuan Shouwei calculated the time and found that it could be completed in about two days, so he nodded and agreed.

Li Ji also nodded in agreement.

Zhongqing went to Dou Ziren to borrow a boat. After Dou Ziren heard the situation, he was very happy. In a short time, he collected about twenty broken boats and a few boatmen.

He also asked Zhongqing to tell the prince that it was not that he was unwilling to help, but that there were too many things to do and he was too busy to do all the work.

After everything was ready, everyone drove towards the gap closest to Gaodian.

From time to time, I encountered one or two scattered boats on the road. From inquiries, I learned that these were rescues organized voluntarily by local gentry and common people.

When they arrived at the place, they miraculously discovered that the gap had been blocked.

And it fits perfectly, leaving no gaps at all, making it look very professional.

This should be the behavior of the government.

Everyone called the officials on duty at the embankment to inquire, and then they learned that it was a group of men who used to make a living on the Yellow River.

The leader was a fair-faced gentleman, holding a silver gun, who was also very powerful. It didn't take long to direct the crowd to block the gap.The official asked them to leave their names, saying that after the disaster was over, they would report it to the court and give them a reward.

Those people were unwilling to say anything, so they just said goodbye and left.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei was moved in his heart. With the white face and silver spear, could it be Cao Ziyi?

But then I thought about it, there were many people with white faces and silver guns, and there was such a coincidence, so I put it aside.

He, Li Chengqian and Li Ji continued to the next gap.

But what I never expected was that this gap had also been blocked. When I asked someone, it turned out that it was the white-faced man who did it.

This is still the case at the third gap.

This made Li Chengqian and Li Ji sigh with emotion at the same time:
"Bianliang's talented people who care about the people and turn the tide are really good."

The official who had just reported the situation pointed to two large ships and a dozen small boats in the distance and said:
"It's those gangsters."

Li Chengqian wanted to call them and thank them, but they were too far away, so he had no choice but to give up.

Yuan Shouwei, who had excellent vision, saw a vaguely taller figure flashing past on top of the big ship, which looked very much like Song Yong.

He wanted to go over and check to confirm, but when he thought that Li Chengqian and Li Ji were here, if it was really Cao Ziyi and Song Yong over there, it would only cause more trouble, so he temporarily gave up this idea.

Li Ji also ordered the boatmen to sail the boat with all their strength and rush to the next gap, hoping to meet these martyrs.

I just don’t know what the relationship is, but that group of people never showed up again, and no one blocked the fourth one for the time being.

In this case, Yuan Shouwei, Wu Fu and others immediately began to intercept them.

After closing two more gaps, time has come to the end.

Everyone took a short rest, ate something, and continued to rush to the next gap.

When we arrived near Wei Tower, another accident happened.

There are still countless people trapped in the water, on rooftops, and in trees, wailing and crying, waiting for rescue.

Seeing this situation, Li Ji's face suddenly became gloomy. He asked people to rescue the nearest people and ask about the situation.

I learned from the people that they have been staying here since last night.

Many people were cold and hungry, and they had already fallen into the flood.

And they haven't seen the government's rescue until now.

There were boats from the Sansheng Sect going back and forth for rescue, but there were few boats and many people, so the rescue could only be done slowly.

After hearing this, Li Ji's face was so gloomy that he could shed tears, and he turned his eyes to Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian turned pale with anger and said angrily:
"This Zhu Yitan is really disgusting. It has already been five or six hours. The rescue boat should have crawled over."

Li Ji pursed his lips tightly, thought for a moment and said:

"Your Highness, the only plan for now is to divide the troops into two groups."

"I will go to Bianliang City to take command, and you and Yuan Guoshi will block the gap. Only in this way can we save as many people as possible."

Li Chengqian also nodded and said:
"That's all."

"Yuan Shouwei, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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