Chapter 387 Something is going to happen again
Yuan Shouwei looked at the people crying and begging in the water. The hungry and cold people also had a lot of opinions on Zhu Yitan. After hearing Li Chengqian's question, he immediately said:
"Just follow Mr. Li's wishes."

"Besides, Your Highness, we might as well do more work today. There are still five gaps left, so we'll just plug them all."

"In this way, we can free up our hands as soon as possible to rescue the victims."

Li Chengqian and Li Ji also nodded in agreement.

But Wu Fu, who had been silent for a long time, spoke to stop him:

"No, the common people are human beings, isn't Yuan Shouwei not a human being?"

"Look at his current appearance, he is already very tired."

"Of those five gaps, just plug two more, and the rest can be plugged tomorrow."

Yuan Shouwei patted Wu Yan's hand, smiled and teased softly:
"You must not treat me like a human being at this time."

"I'm a man, how can a man say he's not good enough?"

Hearing this, Wu Fu also burst into laughter, rolled his eyes at him, and stopped objecting.

Li Ji then said to Li Chengqian:

"Your Highness, you must remember that after every gap is closed, at least two of us must be left on duty temporarily."

"And they must be fully responsible, and other personnel can cooperate."

Li Chengqian understood what he meant and nodded repeatedly.

The two parties separated and acted independently.

Yuan Shou continued to intercept them non-stop.

Fortunately for Wu Fu, Zhongqing can take over for her for a while.

Yuan Shouwei could only do it alone. By night, around Xu o'clock, all the gaps were finally closed.

He barely managed to hold his breath and returned to the bow of the boat, and smiled at the pale-faced Wu Lu:

"Zhao'er, I really can't do it anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, he collapsed on the bow of the boat and started to snore loudly.

Seeing this, Wu Fu was so distressed that he burst into tears. He carried Yuan Shouwei into the cabin. He didn't care about avoiding suspicion. He first helped Yuan Shouwei take off his clothes and put on a set of clean clothes for him.

Then he covered him with a thin layer of quilt, then took out a pot of warm tea, hugged Yuan Shouwei, who was still asleep, and fed the tea into his mouth little by little.

After feeding him half a bottle, he sat next to him and watched Yuan Shouwei every step of the way.

Li Chengqian and others tried to persuade her to take a rest, but she refused and just stayed by Yuan Shouwei's side stubbornly.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian also sighed and asked someone to bring her some food.

Then he walked out of the cabin and asked the boatman to drive slower so that Yuan Shouwei could sleep a little longer.

After walking for seven or eight miles by water, we arrived outside Bianliang City for a full hour.

There were already officials waiting at the pier, and when they saw the boat, they also bowed and asked His Highness and his party to go to the Governor's Mansion to rest for a while.

Li Chengqian asked them to wait a moment, and then he quietly walked into the cabin and said to Wu Fu:
"Zhao'er, we're here. Wake up Yuan Shouwei. We'll go back to the official residence to rest."

Wu Fu said softly from the end of his nose, and shouted softly to Yuan Shouwei:

"Langjun, Langjun, wake up, we have arrived in Bianliang, can you go back to sleep?"

"It's easy to catch a cold here."

Yuan Shouwei, who was lying down, slowly opened his eyes and felt that there was no pain anywhere in his body. He said to Wu Fu in a low voice:
"Let me slow down a bit."

After saying that, he closed his eyes again.

Wu Fu didn't stop him, he just waited quietly.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian also returned to the bow of the ship and ordered everyone to wait for a while until Yuan Guoshi had rested before leaving.After another cup of tea, Yuan Shouwei opened his eyes. He felt that his energy had recovered a lot, and he stood up.

Looking at Wu Yan at the side with concerned eyes, he said:

"I'm fine, Zhao'er."

"Don't look at it. Just after sleeping for a while, all the energy and energy have been restored. If you don't believe it, just look at it."

After saying that, he moved his legs and feet in the cabin, and then made a face at Wu Fu.

When Wu Fan saw this, his face as cold as ice suddenly melted, and even his hair showed joy.

She happily stood up, helped Yuan Shouwei and walked out, but suddenly she remembered that she was disguised as a man.

If two grown men go out with their arms around each other like this, they will definitely be laughed at, and they will delay Yuan Shouwei one step further.

Yuan Shouwei naturally didn't know that she had so many thoughts going through her mind in such a short time.

He took her little hand indifferently, and walked out of the cabin carelessly, Wu Yan struggled for a while without breaking free, and simply let it go, but his heart was filled with infinite sweetness.

The two of them left the cabin, and the other people on board already knew about Wu Li's disguise as a man, but no one cared.

But the officials waiting at the pier were a little taken aback, thinking to themselves:

"It turns out that Yuan Guoshi likes child molestation. I have to write down this matter. I will report it to the governor later, and the governor will definitely give me a credit."

Everyone got off the boat and went directly to the Governor's Mansion.

Just look at the lights in the main hall at this time. Li Ji, Zhu Yitan, Dou Ziren, and Huineng are all here, discussing the next official step of disaster relief.

When they saw Li Chengqian and others coming back, they all quickly stood up to greet them, saying, "Hard work, hard work."

Zhu Yitan immediately arranged for his servants to bring the prepared clothes to everyone, and took them to the side room to change clothes.

When Li Chengqian and the others came back, the low table was already filled with hot food.

They were already hungry after eating cold food all day, and when they saw the food on the table, they gobbled it up like a wolf.

After finishing eating and drinking, Li Chengqian first looked at Li Ji, with the obvious intention of asking about it being too late to save the victims.

However, Li Ji shook his head slightly at him with an expressionless face and did not ask further questions.

After the servants had packed up everything, everyone began to discuss matters again.

Li Ji first told Li Chengqian and others the results of their previous discussion.

At present, the work of closing the gap is basically completed. The next important things are flood diversion, rescue, disaster relief, resettlement, civil commotion, epidemics, preventing the levee from breaching again, and many other matters.

What everyone wants to talk about next is the priority of things and who is responsible for which aspect.

After Li Ji finished speaking, Li Chengqian spoke first:

"Flood diversion should be given top priority. Only in this way can we ensure the safety of the people."

"Other things can start as soon as possible."

After Zhu Yitan heard this, he grinned beside him and objected in a rare way:
"Your Highness, you are right. But diversion of floods now is nothing more than diversion of water into the other three rivers."

"But because of the heavy rain, the water in the other three rivers has basically reached the edge of danger. If we drain it into them, I'm afraid something will happen again."

"And now the drainage system in Bianliang City is overloaded, and water is overflowing in many places."

Everyone couldn't help but feel a headache after hearing this. Many Bianliang officials knew the situation and shook their heads after hearing this.

Huineng on the side said:

"Your Highness and the governor are right. In fact, the best way is to dig another river channel, so that all problems will be solved."

(End of this chapter)

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