Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 388 When something goes wrong, there must be a demon

Chapter 388 When something goes wrong, there must be a demon

As soon as he said this, the official in charge of Bianliang's military affairs jumped out and said angrily:

"Master Huineng, do you know how long it takes to prepare a river, how much manpower it takes, and how long it takes to dig?"

"By the time all these things are done, the water in the Yellow River will have already receded."

For a time, everyone was noisy and noisy.

Li Ji, on the other hand, was not in a hurry. After everyone's discussion volume became a little lower, he said:

“Then let’s put this matter of diversion of floods aside for now, we’ll talk about it later.”

"Let's talk about rescuing people first."

Dou Ziren, who made the move, bowed his head and said:

"This matter of rescuing people can be taught to Sanshengjiao, although our manpower is not very sufficient, and we are busy day and night."

"But saving people is a matter of accumulating merit, and we are happy to do it."

Li Ji glanced at Zhu Yitan noncommittally and said:

"Chief Zhu, what do you think?"

Zhu Cishi thought for a while and said:
"I don't think it's a problem."

"Now we are short of manpower here, but we can use the power of Sanshengjiao more."

Li Ji nodded and said:

"As Headmaster Dou said, their people are working day and night and are extremely tired. It is not appropriate to leave everything to them."

"The government is mainly responsible for this matter, at least half of it. You, Governor Zhu, should work harder and be responsible for the main affairs. The remaining half will be left to the Sanshengjiao, Puji Temple and the squires."

"This matter is an emergency matter. It will be handled together with the flood diversion. We will start working on it soon."

Although Zhu Cishi, Dou Ziren, Huineng and others were a little surprised by Li Ji's arrangement, they all agreed.

After talking about this, it is about disaster relief and resettlement of the victims. Now it is up to the government, Sanshengjiao and Puji Temple to do this. Li Ji still puts this matter on them.

As for guarding the embankment, Li Ji had already arranged the personnel when he was blocking the road today, so this matter fell to Li Chengqian for the time being.

When it comes to avoiding civil unrest and epidemics.

Yuan Shouwei instinctively thought that there would be a great epidemic after the catastrophe, and it was the dog days of summer. If it was not controlled well, the plague would become rampant, which would be even more terrible than the flood.

Thinking of this, he looked at Li Ji and was about to speak.

Just seeing Li Ji holding up the drawing in his hand and giving him a "V" gesture behind the drawing, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Why did the British father give me a victory sign? What does it mean?
Is he sure of winning everything?

At this time, others had already begun to discuss. Unfortunately, after discussing for a while, due to differences in manpower and opinions, no conclusion was reached.

This time, Li Ji did not force himself on anyone, but spoke slowly:
"If it doesn't work, then put these two things aside for the time being."

"The most urgent task left is to divert the flood. Since everyone has their own opinions, why don't Your Highness and I go to the site to inspect it tomorrow and we will make a decision."

"What do you think?"

It was already midnight. Everyone had worked hard all day and discussed for a long time. Many people were yawning. After hearing what Li Ji said, they all nodded in agreement.

Li Chengqian always felt that it was unreasonable to put the civil unrest and the epidemic aside and ignore them.

But seeing that no one else was interested in discussing it, I decided to discuss it with Li Ji tomorrow.

After everyone discussed it, they went back to rest.Yuan Shouwei also accompanied Li Chengqian and Li Ji back to the guest house.

Just as he returned to the room and washed his face, he heard a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he realized it was Li Ji.

Li Ji smiled slightly and said to Yuan Shouwei apologetically:

"National Master, I know that you are very tired this day, but there are some things that we have to go to His Highness's room to discuss."

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but think of the mysterious "v" sign that Li Ji had made for him. He nodded in agreement and followed Li Ji to Li Chengqian's room.

After seeing that there was no one around, he asked curiously:
"Mr. Li, why did you give me a victory sign today?"

After saying that, he gestured to Li Ji again.

These words immediately stunned Li Ji. He couldn't help but follow Yuan Shouwei and gestured, and said doubtfully:
"Is this a victory gesture? I really don't know."

"The Imperial Master misunderstood. I meant two days. Our people will arrive in two days at most."

"By then we will have the manpower to control civil unrest and the epidemic."

Yuan Shouwei suddenly realized that it was two.

I was also wondering whether Li Ji was also a time traveler, and he was testing me by making a "v" sign.

While the two of them were talking, they had already reached Li Chengqian's room.

Li Chengqian didn't sleep at all at this moment, but sat upright in the main hall outside the room, obviously waiting for them.

After they sat down, Li Chengqian asked:
"Mr. Li, what happened to rescuing the people?"

Li Ji replied seriously:

"When I returned to Bianliang, I asked Zhu Yitan. He was surprised and asked me if there was no one to rescue the people in Weilou?"

"Then after I went out to ask, I was told that the rescue ship set out before dawn. It was only because there were too many people in Songzhuang and Lianzhuang who needed rescue, that we delayed going to Weilou for rescue."

"Later, after he left, I also sent someone to ask. The person in charge of the rescue was Fan Hanlin. He only started to take the boat to rescue the people at noon, which was a full delay of three or four hours."

"What?" After hearing this, Li Chengqian immediately lost his composure and spoke in a much higher voice:

"What does this Fan Hanlin mean?"

"How dare he delay at this time? Is he really not afraid of punishment?"

Li Ji said in a deep voice:

"Not only this incident, but also the levee breach last night. Without any warning, the breach was suddenly hit. There must be some problems here."

"If it's one or two, it can be said to be a coincidence, but if there are five in a row, it makes people suspicious."

"And I also paid special attention to the time. The time for Xiaosongzhuang's impact was Zishi, and the time for Lianzhuang's impact was three-quarter Zishi. By the time we arrived at Gaodian, it was already Yinshi."

Li Chengqian couldn't help but shuddered and said:

"Mr. Li, do you mean someone is destroying the embankment?"

Li Ji squinted his eyes slightly, with a faint flash of light, and said coldly:
"Without evidence, I dare not jump to conclusions."

"But when things go wrong, there must be monsters. I always feel that there is a lot of fog in Bianliang City."

"It's just that we don't have the manpower now, and we still have to rely on these Bianliang officials, so I have postponed the civil unrest and the epidemic today."

"We just let them continue their daily official duties, and when our people arrive in two days, we will fully take over their official duties."

(End of this chapter)

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