Chapter 389 Rainstorm
At this time, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but look at Li Ji with admiration. He was indeed a famous figure in history. Every step he took was foresighted and cunning.

No wonder Li Shimin wanted to send him as Li Chengqian's deputy. This is a perfect Dinghai Shenzhen.

Li Chengqian also said to Li Ji in admiration:
"Li Gong Gaomou, what should we do next? Wait until our people come over?"

Li Ji shook his head and said:
"I can't wait. Otherwise, I don't know how many people will die."

"Currently we have to do two things. The first thing is to divert the flood. Tomorrow we will go to inspect the site and at least come up with a specific flood diversion plan."

"The second is to send people to secretly investigate, including Luo Tianyi's digging of embankments. But we are really short of manpower now. If possible, I want Zhongqing and Liu Miaozhen to investigate these things."

Li Chengqian nodded immediately after hearing this:

"Mr. Li is really good at judging people. It is most appropriate for Zhongqing to investigate this matter."

Yuan Shouwei also said:
"Miaozhen is more clever, you can ask her to investigate."

"And I'm also going to ask her to check another thing."

After that, he told the two of them about the corn soup.

After hearing this, both of them felt ashamed.

They lived in fine clothes and fine food all day long, so they really didn't care about this. Now that they think about it carefully, this should also be a good breakthrough.

After the three people discussed it, they took a rest.

Early the next morning, they took Lu Zhi and other people from the Ministry of Industry and Bianliang City to inspect the scene.

First, I checked the drainage system in the city. I have to say that the drainage system in Bianliang City is really good.

Because it is close to the Yellow River, each drainage culvert is 20 meters long, and most of the insides are paved with stone slabs. There is also an outlet and inlet that is more than 610 meters long near the drainage culvert.

It's just that now it's full of stagnant water, and waves are pouring up in many places. It's really overloaded.

If the rain in the past few days was heavier, or if there was another heavy rain in the past two days, the drainage system of Bianliang City would definitely collapse, and Bianliang City would also become a vast ocean.

After looking at the drainage system, they went to check the conditions of the three rivers.

The water in every river has reached the lower edge of the warning line, and there is a danger of overflowing the banks at any time.

If floods are diverted into these three rivers, they will inevitably burst their banks, and several cities around Bianliang will also be plunged into a vast ocean.

You can't divert floods!
It is also unrealistic to dig new river channels!

Just when everyone was standing on the embankment in trouble, they suddenly felt that the sky was getting darker. When everyone looked up, they realized that there were already dark clouds.

Heavy rain is coming again!

Seeing this, everyone no longer bothered to check the embankment and walked towards the boat.

At this time, the dark clouds above the head were getting thicker and thicker, and soon covered the entire sky, completely swallowing up the last trace of light on the horizon.

It was like a pitch-black night, where you couldn't see your fingers. At the same time, there was a strong wind, which only blew people around and made it difficult to move.

Yuan Shouwei immediately pulled out the Xuanyuan brand fluorescent stick behind his back, tightly grasped Wu Yan's hand beside him, and gently scratched her palm, telling her not to be afraid, everything is up to me.

Wu Fu also quickly scratched twice to indicate that he was fine.

The rest of the people felt relieved when they saw the light. Soon they all held hands and hunched over, and returned to the ship under the leadership of Yuan Shouwei.

As soon as they got on the boat and before they could stand firm, they saw a huge bolt of lightning leap out from the dark clouds, striking the water like a silver dragon.

Then there was a muffled thunder, like an explosion in everyone's ears.The downpour was pouring down like pillars. It didn't feel like rain, but more like the Milky Way pouring down from the sky.Looking at the apocalyptic scene outside, the people on the boat looked at each other in dim light, thinking about the drainage system in the city that was on the verge of collapse, and the river water that had just reached the warning line.

A desperate thought arose in their hearts: Bianliang is over, Bianliang City is over.

In front of the majestic nature, no matter you are amazing in Taoism or superb in martial arts, you are no different from an ant.

At this moment, the captain of the ship in a raincoat walked in and told everyone the good news.

This is a heavy rain, it won't last long and should stop soon.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, that's good, that's good, although there will still be various dangers, but at least there is an extra chance of survival.

Involuntarily, they all began to pray silently, praying for their own safety and for the comfort of the people of Bianliang.

After a quarter of an hour, the rain finally stopped, and a brilliant rainbow appeared, hanging far above the sparkling water.

The entire sky was sickly pale, like an aurora.

But no one bothered to appreciate the beautiful scenery. They all hurriedly stepped on the muddy ground against the whistling east wind and came to the embankment again.

Just look at the river roaring and rushing endlessly at this time, and the water surface that was originally flowing slowly now has one bad wave after another.

The water level has clearly exceeded the warning line. If there is another heavy rain like the one just now, it is very likely to cause the embankment to burst.

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces turned livid.

Li Ji said in a deep voice:

"Don't look any further. Let's go back to the Governor's Mansion to discuss the next plan."

Everyone felt that this was all they could do for now, so they trudged through the muddy ground again, got off the embankment, and headed towards Bianliang City.

After entering the city gate, I found that the sudden rainstorm had caused considerable damage to Bianliang City.

The ground, which was originally just slippery and difficult to walk on, was now covered with stagnant water, making it impossible for people to step down. They had no choice but to dismount and walk through the stagnant water.

While walking, there was a sudden scream:

"Help, help, my child fell into the water."

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised. Looking up, they saw a place where water accumulated, and a pair of small hands disappeared in the whirlpool.

There was a young woman on the side who was rushing there desperately, but she was held tightly by several people around her.

The woman burst into tears and cried loudly: "My child, my child"

The moment Yuan Shouwei saw those small hands, he had already rushed out like an arrow. When he reached the position of the accumulated water, he used Tai Chi to forcefully separate the accumulated water.

Only then did I realize that there was an unblocked drainage ditch below. The child was falling into the drainage ditch, and the water was rushing under him.

Yuan Shouwei jumped down, fished out the frightened child, and pulled the child up directly.

The whole process only takes a second or two.

He hugged the choked, coughing, flushed child, and a burst of spiritual power directly forced out the accumulated water in the child's lungs.

And the lady also ran to Yuan Shouwei's side at this time, first picked up the child who was safe and sound, and then knelt down in front of Yuan Shouwei with a 'plop' and howled loudly.

She was so sad and happy that she couldn't say a word except crying to vent her emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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