Chapter 390 Transfer all the people
At this time, a large crowd of people knelt down behind her and said:

"Thank you, Master Sansheng, for your life-saving grace."

After hearing this, Li Ji frowned, came to Yuan Shouwei's side, and said loudly:

"Dear fellow villagers, it was Yuan Shouwei, the Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty, who saved the child, not Sanshengjiao."

Although Yuan Shouwei was a little confused as to why Li Ji said this, he helped the few people in front of him up and explained with a smile:
"It's not just me, the person speaking is the British Duke of our Tang Dynasty, and behind him is the Crown Prince of our Tang Dynasty."

"Everyone is holding on for a few days, and we are trying to find ways to save everyone."

The people at the side were quite surprised when they heard that even the current Highness had come, they did not expect that their safety had alarmed the current Highness.

For ordinary people who usually think that someone is a high-ranking official, His Highness is so enlightened that they can't help but burst into tears of gratitude, fall to their knees with cheers and cheers, and thank His Highness the Crown Prince.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian hurriedly walked over through the stagnant water, comforted everyone, and told everyone that a large number of supplies and rescue personnel from the court would arrive soon. If everyone persists, they will get better soon.

Everyone saw that Li Chengqian was a talented person, he spoke modestly, without the slightest posture, they were all moved, and they all expressed that they would cooperate with the court's support.

After appeasing the people, everyone walked forward again. Not far away, they saw a house collapsed by the rain on the roadside.

A Sansheng cultist was directing the surrounding people to rescue. When Li Chengqian saw this situation, he immediately ordered a few people behind him to help.

With the strength of many people, in a short time, more than ten people trapped in the house were rescued.

Judging from their clothes, they must be the victims of the temporary resettlement, but at this time, they are no longer breathing and turned into cold corpses.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian also raised his head to look at the gloomy sky and cursed something fiercely in his mouth.

Li Ji walked up to him, patted his shoulder gently and said:
"Heaven and earth are not benevolent and treat everything as a straw dog."

"Everything will pass, just move on."

Li Chengqian wiped the moist corners of his eyes, nodded fiercely, did not speak anymore, but silently led everyone to continue to the Governor's Mansion.

Along the way, he saw several collapsed houses. Li Chengqian simply left all the guards behind to rescue them, and returned to the Governor's Mansion alone with Li Ji and Yuan Shouwei.

As soon as he returned to the main hall, before he could even change out of his soaked clothes, Lu Zhi hurried in and said:
He asked several experienced boatmen that there would be heavy rain tomorrow, and it would be heavy rain for a long time.

After everyone listened, their hearts shook.

The embankment that exceeded the warning line appeared in front of my eyes, the child who fell into the drainage ditch, and the cold corpse of the collapsed house.

After Li Chengqian was silent for a moment, he looked at Li Ji who was sitting next to him and said:

"Young Master, why don't you abandon Bianliang and move everyone?"

Li Ji didn't reply for a long time, and then he sighed:

"Those boatmen have been running on the Yellow River all year round, so there is no problem in observing the celestial phenomena."

"But, I guess they don't dare to completely predict that it will rain heavily tomorrow."

"One move affects the whole body. It is difficult to transfer, but it is even harder not to transfer."

After speaking, he sighed again:

"It would be great if Tianshi Li followed, or he could bring someone who understands the astronomical phenomena."

"This way I feel more confident."

After hearing this, Li Chengqian's eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Yuan Shouwei on the other side of his head and said:
"Yuan Shouwei, you are from the Star Watching Sect."

"I remember you told me that people in your field mainly focus on observing astronomical phenomena."

Yuan Shouwei was also silent for a while, thinking secretly in his heart.

My observation of astronomical phenomena has always been mainly for people to predict, but I have never tried this kind of simple observation of the sky.But these are extraordinary times, and you have to give it a try regardless of whether it succeeds or not.

Thinking of this, he also nodded in agreement, took out the compass, and began to calculate the secret.

The Big Dipper appears,
Stars shine in the compass.

Yuan Shouwei raised his head and looked at the golden characters in the sky:

[After the rain, the east wind is strong, and the rain will continue to fall in the coming days; the rain will light up, and it will drop one foot at noon tomorrow. 】

Looking towards the Big Dipper in the sky, I saw traces of pale clouds entering the Three Stars, making the entire Three Stars pale and dazzling.

Yuan Shouwei's heart was pounding again, which indicated that the people would be harmed.

Heavy rain tomorrow is certain.

After finishing the observation, he looked down at the two people who were watching him and told them the results of the observation.

After hearing this, Li Ji no longer hesitated, and immediately called the officer who was waiting at the door, asking Zhu Governor and all the officials to return quickly to discuss urgent matters.

Because of Li Ji's arrangement yesterday, everyone was busy running around, so it was really difficult to gather people at once. It took a full hour before more than half of the people had arrived.

Li Ji saw that all the main officials had arrived, so he stopped waiting and immediately said in a deep voice:

"You must have seen and experienced the heavy rain just now."

"I won't go into details about the changes in floods outside Bianliang City and the situation inside Bianliang City."

"It's just that all of this is just the beginning. Yuan Shouwei, the national teacher, has just observed the sky, and there will be continuous heavy rain tomorrow. Let's discuss what to do."

A word shocked all four.

Most of the people here are local officials in Bianliang, and they all experienced the heavy rain that lasted for more than ten days. They originally thought that the rest was to divert floods and provide disaster relief.

Although we had just experienced that heavy rain, we were still lucky and thought it was just an accident.

But now that he heard Li Ji clarifying the matter directly, he suddenly became a mess and complained endlessly.

Some are cursing God, why Bianliang is treated so unfairly.

Some are poor people;
Some were silent, secretly planning to transfer their family and property first.

For a while, I ran out of ideas.

Li Ji remained silent at first, letting everyone discuss and vent their emotions. After waiting for a cup of tea, he saw that everyone's mood had stabilized a little, and then he spoke again:

"No one can avoid natural disasters and man-made disasters. Since it has already happened, what we are doing now is how to deal with it."

"On the bright side, we still have at least one day to deal with the emergency. It's better than watching the flood come and being helpless."

After everyone listened, they all nodded and felt that what Li Ji said made sense.

Zhu Yitan looked around, then looked at Li Ji and asked:

"Mr. British, how should we respond now?"

Li Ji looked around at everyone in the main hall and slowly said:

"Transfer, transfer all the people."

"Starting from Gaodian, the lowest-lying area, and gradually moved to surrounding counties that were less severely affected."

"Officials' families can also be transferred according to the order. But all officials must stay and evacuate with the last batch of Li Ji."

(End of this chapter)

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