Chapter 391 Don't Be Deceived
As soon as these words came out, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest, and many officials complained one after another:
"My lord, is it sure to rain tomorrow? If it doesn't, then why bother us so much?"

"My Lord, the people are human beings, aren't we human beings? They can still take a break, but we are all running around. If it doesn't work, I will quit my job."

"British lord, can we transfer in batches with the people?"

At this moment, a clear voice covered up the hustle and bustle of the crowd:
"Masters, I, Li Chengqian, will also be with you to transfer the last batch."

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the speaker was Li Chengqian who was sitting in the main seat. He had stood up and said to the people below:
"All the princes are loyal ministers of the imperial court. We will not give up on anyone unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Your Majesty said, 'Water can carry a boat and capsize it'. The people are the water. If you don't save the people, how can you feel at ease? The water will really be overturned by the boat."

"I will report all the sacrifices you have made today to Your Majesty after the disaster is over. I will make up for everyone's losses and reward you based on your merits."

"Li Chengqian is here to ask you all."

After speaking, he gave another deep bow.

After he finished speaking, there was total silence.

The official with a strong sense of responsibility felt that Li Chengqian was right, and this was the time when he could be used.

There were those wavering officials who heard that Li Chengqian was also the last group to retreat, and felt that they should do their part.

With the officials who objected, they no longer dared to tell lies.

At this time, Li Ji opened his always squinted eyes, scanned everyone in front of him like lightning, and said in a cold voice:

"That's enough."

"If anyone still wants to leave first, you can resign now. I allow you to retreat with the people."

Who would be so blind at this time to gouge His Highness and the British bull?

Under Li Ji's arrangement, everyone began to accept orders and prepare to transfer the people.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei was sitting on one side, holding the blueprint of Bianliang City in his hand and pondering over it:
Is there a possibility that I can carve out a river channel on my own?
The distance from Bianliang Road to Gaodian is almost more than 30 miles. I can chop almost 60 feet with one sword, which is more than [-] meters.

I made a total of nine sword strikes yesterday. If you calculate the distance, it is almost 600 meters, which is a little more than a mile.

For the current floods around Bianliang City, it is actually a drop in the bucket and cannot solve any problems.

What if we use Li Shimin's ability again?

There doesn't seem to be much difference. Even if the sword can strike twice as many times, it's only two miles away, which is still a drop in the bucket.

Yuan Shouwei rubbed his head with some headaches. When manpower is always exhausted, it is obviously unreliable to rely on one person.

It would be great if we could find Cao Ziyi. It would be fine if the two of them work together to use the 'Fanghua'.

It's just that he is a soldier and he is a thief.

Not to mention the current chaos of war, it would be impossible to find him.

Even if he is found, he will definitely not rescue him based on his resentment towards Datang.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei shook his head again to get rid of his unreliable thoughts.

At present, assisting people to evacuate is the only way.

At this time, most of the officials in the main hall had already left in a hurry to handle their official duties.

Even Dou Ziren and Huineng arranged their own personnel to assist the government.

And Li Chengqian, Li Ji, Zhu Yitan and others are currently discussing some specific details.

About half an hour later, everyone faintly heard a noise. After a while, the noise became louder and louder, and even affected everyone's discussions.

Zhu Yitan frowned, and asked the servants around him to go out to see what was going on.

After a while, the servant ran back in a panic, shouting: "Master, something big has happened. There are many, many people surrounding the Governor's Mansion."

Zhu Yitan was also taken aback, and reprimanded:

"How panicked are you? Do you know why?"

The servant turned pale and said with a breath:

"I didn't dare to get close. I heard from a distance that they wanted to rebel and kill corrupt officials."

What a mess, Zhu Yitan glared at the servants dissatisfied, looked at Li Chengqian and Li Ji apologetically and said:

"Your Highness, the British Duke, please discuss it first, and I will go and take care of it."

Li Ji was particularly sensitive to the word rebellion. After hearing this, he waved his hand towards Zhu Yitan and said:

"Come on, let's go take a look together."

Before the few people could reach the door, they were shocked by the noise that almost knocked off the roof, making their heads hurt.

only hear:
"Guan Gu, give us an explanation, why didn't you save us?"

"Guan Gu, if you don't save us, none of you can leave."

"Smash the governor's office and kill these officials who are greedy for life and afraid of death. If he won't let us live, they won't be able to live either."

When we got to the door, we could only see that there was a dense crowd of people outside, and we couldn't see the end at a glance, and there were people on both sides of the door, which really surrounded the Governor's Mansion.

There were more than a dozen officers at the door with their swords drawn out, pretending to be calm and guarding the door.

Zhu Yitan took a few steps forward and asked what was going on.Why did so many people come to make trouble all of a sudden?

The guard also shook his head blankly, and leaned into Zhu Yitan's ear and said loudly:

"I don't know about the humble job. I was on duty at the door when I suddenly saw someone rushing over."

Zhu Yitan turned around with a dark face and repeated it loudly to Li Chengqian and Li Ji.

Li Ji came to the front of the crowd, looked at the surging crowd, and signaled the guards on both sides to put away their knives and step aside.

Then he cupped his hands and spoke to the few people in front.

Those few people saw his aura and knew he was a high official, and seeing his smiling and polite look, they didn't dare to go too far. They returned the gift and said something to Li Ji loudly and excitedly.

Unfortunately, the noise behind them was too loud, and the people on both sides were talking like chickens and ducks, making it impossible to have a conversation.

Two people turned around and waved to the people behind them, asking them to be quiet.

But who would have thought that this would stir up a hornet's nest. The people behind first saw the officers withdrawing, then there was a man in official clothes saying something, and then someone was waving.

Suddenly he rushed forward with a roar, and at the same time shouted:

"Kill the dog officer."

Yuan Shouwei was about to step forward to stop him, but he saw Li Ji's sleeves trembling for a while, and then there was a sudden sound of wind around him, forcing all the people who were rushing back, unable to move even an inch.

Good trick!
Along the way with Li Ji, he had never seen him show any martial arts. When he saw him using this strong wind, Yuan Shouwei suddenly remembered that this person was also a master of the sixth level of martial arts.

He did not dare to neglect at this time, so he directly rose into the air, reached the top of the crowd's heads, and shouted:
"No officials are running for their lives. His Royal Highness is here, the British Duke is here, and our national advisor Yuan Shouwei is here."

"Don't let anyone fool you."

This lion's roar immediately perfectly suppressed all the noisy sounds in the scene, and at the same time made people feel dizzy and confused.

(End of this chapter)

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