Chapter 392 Shipwreck
Li Ji glanced at Yuan Shouwei in the air with admiration, and took this opportunity to quickly explain:

"Dear fellow villagers, I am Li Ji, the British Duke Yuan Shouwei said. We will not leave."

"Don't believe the rumors, we will transfer everyone in batches."

"And all our officers will wait for everyone to leave before the last batch evacuates."

When he finished speaking, someone in the crowd shouted:
"Fart, why do you want us to believe it?"

"We have let you go now, and you have all escaped by boat. Where can we find you?"

The people next to him heard another commotion, forcing Yuan Shouwei to use the 'Lion's Roar Kung Fu' again.

At this time, the mascot Li Chengqian also stood up again and said loudly:

"We will transfer everyone in batches, starting from the lowest-lying Gaodian to surrounding counties."

"If you don't believe it, I will live on the city wall starting from tonight, accept your supervision, and resolutely advance and retreat with you."

As soon as these words came out, many people immediately believed it. After all, the dignified prince of a country personally lived on the city wall to resist the rumors. What more could you ask for.

But at this moment, someone in the crowd shouted again:
"Don't listen to them."

"They just stabilized us temporarily so we could escape."

"What if Li Chengqian uses a substitute?"

When Yuan Shouwei heard such nonsense, he could no longer suppress his anger. He swung his body like lightning and directly picked out the troublemakers from the crowd.

He threw it directly at the door of the Governor's Mansion and shouted at the crowd:
"I am Yuan Shouwei, and I am the one who blocked the gap in the Jinshui Bridge embankment."

"If we want to leave, we can leave at any time based on our ability. If it's not to save you, why should we bother here with you?"

"Don't be so stubborn."

At this moment, he had increased the intensity of the lion's roar, and many people were shocked and blood oozed from their ears and noses.

Only then did everyone realize that they were afraid, and under the persuasion of the guards, they began to retreat slowly.

After everyone had retreated, Li Ji grabbed Yuan Shouwei and said to him:
"National Master, we really have no one available right now."

"Why don't you just go to Gaodian? If my prediction is good, I'm afraid there will be some trouble there, and there may be a rebellion."

When Li Chengqian, Yuan Shouwei and Zhu Yitan heard this, they immediately understood the meaning of Li Ji's words.

Less than half an hour after they finished their discussion, the people in Bianliang City began to besiege the governor's mansion. Apparently someone was spreading rumors in the dark and fanning the flames.

Since there will be trouble in Bianliang, the people behind Gaodian, the source of the transfer, will definitely not miss this opportunity. Maybe something big will happen.

Thinking of this, he immediately nodded in agreement, turned to look at Wu Fu beside him, and said:
"Wu Fu, will you go with me this time?"

Wu Fu knew that Yuan Shouwei was going to Gaodian this time, and he was afraid that there would be a lot of trouble. He had not planned to go, lest it would become a burden to him.

But now Yuan Shouwei took the initiative to ask him to go. Obviously he was concerned about his own safety, so he agreed repeatedly and went to the dock with Yuan Shouwei.

In fact, Yuan Shouwei was worried about Wu Fu's safety, because no matter where he was or how dangerous something happened, he could at least protect Wu Fu and escape.

In addition, if you go to Gaodian, as Li Ji said, rebellion is possible, then he is obviously not as good as Wu Fu in terms of decisiveness in killing, because he is a modern person at heart.

While he was thinking about it, they had already arrived at the ferry. The two of them chose a small boat and went down the river quickly to Gaodian.

At this time, the waterway was much smoother, and more than an hour later, we had reached the ferry at Gaodian.

From a distance, we could see hundreds of boats cruising on the water inside the embankment.There were also many officials, officers, Taoists, monks, and people affected by the disaster standing on the embankment, and people were already starting to board the ship one after another.

There are also many boats outside the embankment, transporting people back and forth to the embankment.

Those who were anxious to board the boat jumped directly into the water and waded through the waist-deep river to the embankment. Immediately, someone stepped forward and shouted loudly: Don't you die?

Although very busy, overall nothing dangerous happened and everything was running normally.

When seeing all this, Yuan Shouwei also breathed a long sigh of relief, turned to Wu Fu beside him and said with a smile:

"It seems that we are overthinking it. Obviously nothing is happening here."

Wu Fu stared at the ships and said thoughtfully:

"Not necessarily. I think we came too fast."

"The person behind it will definitely do something wrong, and he won't let go of such a good opportunity."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone was heard shouting at the top of his lungs:

"Help, help, our boat is leaking."

Crow's Mouth. After Yuan Shouwei slandered Wu Fu in his heart, he quickly raised his head and looked at the place where he was calling for help.

Only a small boat filled with more than ten people inside the embankment was slowly sinking.

The people on the boat were already panicking. Looking at the unfathomable water of the Yellow River around them, they did not dare to jump or stay. They could only sway back and forth on the boat, which also caused the boat to shake left and right. , there is a possibility of capsizing at any time.

The boatman on the bow yelled at them loudly, but at this critical moment of life and death, people were in a mess, and no one would listen to him.

After everyone swayed, the boat was overturned and everyone fell into the turbulent river.

Just as they were calling, Yuan Shouwei had already jumped up and flew towards the ship.

When everyone fell into the water, he rushed there and rescued everyone in three strokes.

Wu Fu and the government ships also arrived at this moment.

There was a man in official clothes on the bow of the official boat, and he said to Yuan Shouwei in the air:
"Thank you, Imperial Master, for your help."

"How did you have time to come here?"

Yuan Shouwei knew this man as the official who greeted them at the dock that day, but he did not know his name.I had no choice but to smile at the man, slap my head, and reply:

"The British Master is a little worried and asked me to take a look."

Then he cast his gaze on the boat beneath him and said to the official in surprise:

"Brother, look at the bottom of this boat. Has it been chiseled?"

The official asked people to get close to the overturned boat. When he saw the hole in the bottom of the boat that was dug out by an awl and was as big as the mouth of a bowl, he couldn't help but blurt out:
"It was chipped, someone was sabotaging the ship."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard calls for help one after another:

"Help, the ship is sinking"

Yuan Shouwei looked around and saw at least a dozen boats bubbling with water and slowly sinking. The people on board were already panicking again.

Yuan Shouwei and the other two people did not dare to stay, and immediately went to rescue them. However, just after they rescued half of the people, someone shouted that the ship had sunk again.

(End of this chapter)

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