Chapter 393 No one dares to make trouble
Wu Fu looked at the turbid water and the sinking ship, gritted his teeth and said:

"Yuan Shouwei, I'm here to rescue this man. You can find those who are building the boat."

Yuan Shouwei immediately responded, without stopping, and immediately rushed to the place where the shipwreck had just been called, while keeping his eyes on the water.

Fortunately, he had clairvoyance and could barely see through the turbid water and see several figures swimming underwater.

These few should be water ghosts.

But how to get them out?

Yuan Shouwei thought quickly, and immediately took out the Xuanyuan Sword and inserted it into the water, aimed at the water ghost closest to him, and used the "Hidden Dragon Moves Mountain" style.

Just look at a sword transformed from spiritual energy, like a water arrow, piercing the body of the water ghost.

Hearing the sound of 'boom', a three-foot-high wave suddenly exploded on the surface of the water, and then a man with a shirtless waist and shorts came out of the water.

As his body twitched, the river water around him was quickly dyed blood red, making him look dead.

it works!

Yuan Shouwei was very excited, aimed at the other shadowy water ghosts, and sent out several sharp sword auras.

As the water exploded in all directions, five or six more corpses floated up.

As these bodies emerged, many people who had just been rescued looked at the bombed corpses and couldn't help but curse:
"It turns out they are harming us. Who are these people who have killed a thousand people?"

"No matter who they are, they should be cut to death by a thousand cuts. What harm do they have to our common people?"

"Could it be that the government didn't want us to leave and deliberately brought a few broken boats and corpses to fool us?"

No one cares about what they say now, they are all busy arranging people and salvaging the sunken ship.

After Yuan Shouwei got rid of these people, he was still a little worried, so he went directly to the water and searched the water carefully.

But at this moment, another commotion was heard on the embankment, and an extremely sad voice sounded:

"Hurry and seize the boat. The boat has been scuttled. How can we save us?"

Yuan Shouwei was stunned for a moment, grabbing the boat?Are you crazy?

Obviously, someone is making trouble again.

He turned to look at the embankment and saw that the people standing on the embankment were already rushing towards the boats on the river like a tide.

The sound of crying, stamping, and yelling suddenly became a mass.

Several officers tried to reach out to stop them, but they were immediately rushed away by the crowd and stepped on their feet. They were afraid that their lives would not be saved.

The people who rushed to the water's edge rushed to the boat deck.

The ship's plank was originally made of a temporary plank, which was barely enough to withstand a few people. With so many people rushing up at once, it was no longer able to bear the heavy load, and it broke into two pieces with a 'click'.

The people on the boat board let out a cry of surprise and fell directly into the water.

Others rushed in front, and as soon as they reached the river, before they could stop, they were knocked into the river by the ones behind them, with a "crackling" sound like dumplings.

The scene was completely out of control.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this scene, he didn't care about searching for the water ghost anymore. He turned around and rushed towards the embankment, while at the same time he let out the lion's roar in the air.

In an instant, everyone was stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning.

Yuan Shouwei quickly started to rescue those who fell into the water.

Wu Fu was the first to react and shouted loudly to Yuan Shouwei who was rescuing people:
"Yuan Shouwei, recite the Sutra of Compassion or use the Vajra to resolve their hostility first."

"Teach me how to save people."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei took out the vajra without hesitation, turned it to the position of standing alone, and chanted the "Buddha and Lotus Sutra":
Such people gradually accumulate merit and have great compassion, and they have all achieved Buddhahood.
At this time, he was in mid-air, and his voice could be heard far away.As he recited scriptures, many people's emotions gradually began to stabilize.But there are still some people who are obsessed with it, but they still ignore it and continue to rush to the ship.

Wu Fu also arrived at the river at this moment. He just saw her pull out the sword from her waist. It was clear that she had cut down a person with the sword in her hand.

Then he held a long sword, pointed at a young man beside him and shouted:

"return to."

When the young man first saw her killing someone, he felt a little timid.

But seeing that she was thin and short, and remembering that there were many people behind her, she was also very courageous, and shouted at Wu Fu with a stern look:

"Just you?"

After saying that, he will seize the long sword in Wu Fu's hand.

Although Wuxian is a bit lazy and doesn't like to practice martial arts, he is still at the third level of martial arts. Beating an ordinary person is still just a joke.

She moved her feet, holding a sword flower in her hand on one side of her body, and the long sword slashed across the young man's neck with a 'stab' sound.

Blood spurted out from the man's neck and sprayed for several feet. Wu Fu and the people around him were covered in blood.

The young man still didn't believe that Wu Fu would do it as soon as he said it. He took two steps forward with a dive, and then grabbed the wound on his neck.

But after raising his hands several times, he couldn't reach the wound. Finally, his hands dropped down weakly, and he fell to the embankment with a 'plop'.

Wu Fu didn't look at him at all, but raised the sword in his hand again and shouted again to the people behind him:
"return to."

When those people saw this, no one dared to cause trouble, and they all hurriedly ran back to the embankment.

Wu Yan forced them back, but he continued to walk along the river without stopping. While rescuing people, he chopped down several people who rushed forward.

Then he shouted to the officials, Taoist priests, and monks:
"Quick, save people."

"Let everyone return to the levee."

Everyone looked at Wu Fu, who was holding a long sword, with blood splattering all over his body, and a ferocious face. Their hearts trembled, and they all followed Wu Fu's instructions.

And those who wanted to seize the boat, seeing Wu Yan's murderous look, no one dared to make trouble anymore, and they all returned to the embankment obediently.

As Yuan Shou finished reciting the scriptures, a faint, faint milky-white Buddha light appeared and slowly enveloped the embankment, completely calming everyone's emotions.

A terrible disaster was once again brought under control by the combined efforts of Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu.

But at this time, the riverside was already full of mess.

The blood spread over the embankment and slowly flowed into the water. As the water rippled, it began to gradually fade.

Above the waves, there were hundreds of corpses swinging back and forth. They were washed to the embankment and then returned to the water with the waves.These are all the people who were knocked into the water and drowned before they could be rescued just now.

On the water of the Yellow River, there are broken shipwrecks everywhere, rising and falling in the water, and they have completely lost their ability to carry goods.

Looking around, of the hundreds of ships, at most half were left.

How can this save people?
Even if it was Yuan Shouwei, looking at the people on the embankment with low eyebrows and smiling faces, he also lamented in his heart:
"Foolish people!!!"

You couldn't help but trick yourself in the end, and also affected the rescue of the entire Bianliang City.

The official also came to Yuan Shouwei by boat with Wu Fu, and he also returned to the boat.

The official looked at the wreckage of the ship floating on the water and the boatmen who were desperately trying to salvage it.

He looked at Yuan Shouwei without tears and said:
"National Teacher, what do you think we should do? Give me an idea."

(End of this chapter)

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