Chapter 394 Excellent Water Kung Fu
Wu Fu on the side looked at the people on the embankment with cold eyes and said:

"It's your own fault. It's their fault. We can save as much as we can. If we really can't save it, there's nothing we can do."

Yuan Shouwei gently took Wu Fu's hand and pulled it to ask Wu Fu not to be so angry.

After seeing this, the official thought to himself that Yuan Guoshi was indeed fond of child molestation. He was really busy these past two days. After finishing his work, he had to report his hobby to Zhu Shi as soon as possible so that he could suit his liking.

Yuan Shouwei naturally didn't know what he was thinking, so he said to him:
"Brother, there is nothing we can do about this. We are short of manpower now. You first arrange a few confidants to secretly investigate who is making trouble in this crowd."

"In addition, let's move women, children, old and young first."

"I will return to Bianliang City now and ask the British Lord to bring over as many ships as possible."

The official shook his head helplessly, sighed and said:
"It seems like this is the only way it can be now."

After saying that, he looked at the people on the embankment with some worry and asked Yuan Shouwei:
"National Preceptor, are they not making trouble?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head and said:
"I have used Buddhism to appease everyone, and there will be no more trouble in the short term."

"I'll leave now and come back as soon as possible."

After saying that, he slapped the official and left with Wu Fu.

However, he found that the official looked behind him dumbfounded, with an expression of surprise and joy. Then he pointed with his hand and shouted excitedly:

"National Master, boats. Look, there are many boats."

When Yuan Shouwei heard this, he and Wu Fu turned around to look. They were both surprised and happy when they saw that from the east horizon, there were suddenly hundreds of ships, heading upstream towards this side. .

There are three large boats leading the way. Although the boats behind are smaller, they are still much larger than the small boats here.

At this time, someone on the embankment had already seen the boats, and they shouted excitedly:

"Ships, many ships, this is the ship that is here to rescue us."

"God bless us, we are finally saved."

Just when everyone was crying with joy, those ships were already approaching.

Just looking at one of the boats, a big man like a black iron tower shouted loudly:
"Master Yuan, where are you?"

"I, Song Yong, am here to help."

The sound was like thunder, and even though it was more than a mile away, it still made many people's ears buzz.

Song Yong?Cao Ziyi?

After Yuan Shouwei heard this, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

At the same time, he also understood why Cao Ziyi wanted to save the people, so he jumped up directly, bowed his head to Song Yong from a distance and said:
"Song Erlang, you are just at the right time to provide help in times of need."

"Is Cao Dalang here this time?"

As soon as the words fell, a straight figure appeared on the big boat in the middle, raised his hands to Yuan Shouwei and said:

"The Imperial Master Youlao is worried about you. Cao Ziyi is here to greet you."

Yuan Shouwei laughed and said:

"Cao Dalang, you were the one who blocked the gap the day before yesterday, right?"

Cao Ziyi was not polite, and directly admitted:

"Ashamed, compared with the National Army's interception of Jinshui Bridge and other gaps, it is really not worth mentioning."

Yuan Shouwei also waved his hand and said:

"That's also impossible."

"I almost became a grandson in the end. After blocking the last gap, I fell asleep on the boat." After hearing this, Cao Ziyi couldn't help but feel a little moved.

While the two were talking, the ship had already arrived. Yuan Shouwei landed directly on Cao Ziyi's ship. At this time, Song Yong and Zhou Quan from the other two ships also came to greet him.

Yuan Shouwei asked again:
"Cao Dalang, you won't blame me for anything about Li Ying, right?"

Before Cao Ziyi could speak, Song Yong on the side grinned and continued with a smile:
"Our eldest brother said that since the third child and I took over this matter, the outcome has been doomed, and you can't be blamed."

Cao Ziyi also waved his hand without any concern and said:
"This has nothing to do with you. We are the ones to blame."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei asked with concern:
"Then where are you settling now?"

Song Yong wanted to speak, but in the end he just opened his mouth and didn't say anything.

Cao Ziyi said nonchalantly:

"The Imperial Master is not an outsider. If he wanted to harm us, he would have been framed in General Xiang's Tomb that day."

"We are currently staying in Dengzhou temporarily."

Song Yong on the side breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then said:

"A few days ago, the boss heard that there had been heavy rains in Bianliang City for several days. He was a little worried, so he brought us over to help."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei also slapped the three of them again and said:
"The three gentlemen are high righteous."

Cao Ziyi quickly explained:

"National Master, don't get me wrong. We are not serving the imperial court, we just cannot bear the suffering of the people."

Yuan Shouwei nodded in approval, and then said:

"You came just in time. Some ships have been destroyed. I am worried about how to transport the people."

Cao Ziyi looked at the shipwrecks on the water and the waiting people on the embankment, and said:
"National Master, go and tell the officials that the people west of Wei Tower will be handed over to us, and we will ensure that nothing will happen to anyone."

"You just need to ask them to arrange a few messengers for us."

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but feel overjoyed after hearing this. Regardless of Cao Ziyi's identity, these people were really trustworthy.

He also nodded happily and said:
"Okay, please wait a moment, I will make arrangements now."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a big man hurried over from the cabin and said to Cao Ziyi:
"Boss, someone is cutting the boat."

After hearing this, several people suddenly became alert. Yuan Shouwei was about to get off the boat to check.

But Song Yong grabbed him and said carelessly:
"You are not needed, Imperial Master, look at how I cleaned up these bastards."

After speaking, he jumped into the water.

Yuan Shouwei knew that these people were making a living on the water, so they must have excellent water skills.

But when he saw Song Yong entering the water and standing there straight, with only his lower legs submerged in the water, he was still surprised.

With Song Yong's physique, he could survive falling into the water. It seems that his skill on the water should not be underestimated.

Looking at the ice armor already appearing on Song Yong's hands, he shouted loudly and directly put his hands into the water. With him as the center, ice began to appear.

Then it began to spread rapidly, and in a short time, more than ten ships were already on the ice.

There were more than a dozen men on the boat. They were already laughing and taking off their clothes. After one of them took a few sips of the spirits he brought with him, he went down the boat, broke through the ice, and dived into the water.

After a short time, it was turned up again, holding one or two water ghosts in its hands.

These water ghosts were all stiff now and their faces turned pale. They were obviously frozen by Song Yong's ice.

(End of this chapter)

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