Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 395 Why Are You Going To Save Li Shimin's Son?

Chapter 395 Why Are You Going To Save Li Shimin's Son?

There were a few other men who came out of the water after another moment of burning incense and replied to Cao Ziyi:
"Boss, everyone under the water has been cleaned."

Cao Ziyi nodded in satisfaction, and said to Yuan Shouwei:
"It's okay, Imperial Master."

Then he said to Zhou Quan:
"Sanlang, go and ask about the origins of these people."

Yuan Shouwei on the side looked at them and was secretly amazed. This group of people is indeed powerful. It is indeed a pity that they cannot be used by the imperial court.

But when I think about the grudge between them and Datang, I feel relieved. After all, everyone has the right to choose their own life.And all he had to do was resolve the grudge between them and the Wu family.

At this moment, Zhou Quan suddenly hurried back and said to Cao Ziyi with a solemn expression:

"Boss, those people have poison in their mouths. Before we could ask, they had already committed suicide by biting the poison."

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but feel a little anxious when he heard this, and was about to speak when Cao Ziyi waved his hand and said:

"They're all scumbags, and they're dead when they die."

Then he turned to the anxious Yuan Shouwei and said:
"National Master, I know what you are going to investigate. I will give you a big gift later."

When Yuan Shouwei saw him saying this, it was hard for him to say anything else.

After saying goodbye to Cao Ziyi, he returned to his ship, explained Cao Ziyi's purpose, and asked Wu Fu to go back and inform Li Ji.

Wu Fu and the official were both overjoyed.

Wu Fu went straight back to Bianliang.

The officials volunteered themselves and were willing to take Cao Ziyi and others to rescue the people.

Then he first arranged for all the ships in the embankment to be transferred to Lianzhuang;

Then arrange for people on the embankment to direct the people and prepare to board the ship;

Finally, he told the boats outside the embankment to evacuate the people as soon as possible.

As for the people here, after boarding Cao Ziyi's ship, they all behaved honestly, and no one dared to cause trouble again.

First, after Wu Fu's suppression just now, they were really frightened.

Second, the people on Cao Ziyi's boat were all vicious and foul-mouthed, so they did not dare to cause trouble.

Third, Song Yong was standing by the river, like half a black iron tower, with his eyes slightly narrowed and a thunderous "hum" sound coming from his mouth from time to time. At first glance, he looked like a great villain.

Yuan Shou felt a little sorry to see him busy for so long, so he found another official to be on duty and went to Song Yong himself, hoping that he would return to the ship to rest for a while.

When he got to Song Yong's side, he called twice in succession before hearing Song Yong's fierce "hmm" sound. He opened his eyes and looked at Yuan Shouwei in confusion and said:
"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Only then did Yuan Shouwei react and asked in surprise:
"You fell asleep?"

Song Yong said very naturally:
"Yes, I developed a habit on the boat. I can take a nap anytime and anywhere."

"What's the matter?"

Yuan Shouwei was speechless, scratched his head and said:
"Then I won't disturb you, and you can go on sleeping."

Then he turned around and walked towards Cao Ziyi's big boat, wanting to discuss with him about digging a river channel together.

At this moment, Cao Ziyi was standing at the bow of the boat, watching everyone busy. When he saw Yuan Shouwei approaching, he smiled at him and gave up a seat.

Yuan Shouwei stood beside him, leaned on Cao Ziyi's shoulder slyly, and said with a smile:

"Old Cao, can I discuss something with you?"

Cao Ziyi didn't seem to understand. He turned to Yuan Shouwei in surprise and said:

"What do you call me?"

Yuan Shouwei still smiled brightly, and said:
"Old Cao, doesn't this seem kind?"

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi was dumbfounded and said helplessly:
"This is an awkward name. You can just call me Da Lang or Cao Ziyi."

"If anything happens, just ask."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said:

"I know, Lao Cao." "Do you still remember the scene after our two moves collided?"

"I call it 'the moment of youth'."

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi's expression also became serious. He didn't care about Yuan Shouwei's title anymore, but fell into the memory. After a while, he said to Yuan Shouwei:
"The power of that move is indeed terrifying. What do you mean? You want to learn my move?"

Yuan Shou heard this and waved his hands repeatedly:
"Misunderstanding, Lao Cao, you misunderstood."

"What I mean is that we work together and use that move to carve out a simple river channel for everyone."

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi's smiling face changed. He looked at Yuan Shouwei with an unkind expression and said:
"Yuan Shouwei, why should I help you?"

Yuan Shouwei saw his unkind expression and said cautiously:
"Don't worry, Lao Cao."

"Let me tell you what happened first."

After that, he told Cao Ziyi that there would be heavy rain tomorrow, the disaster situation inside and outside Bianliang City, and his own thoughts.

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi's face softened a little and he said:

"Yuan Shouwei, do you think these things have something to do with me?"

"I am a thief, why should I help the government?"

Yuan Shouwei looked at Cao Ziyi in surprise and said:
"How can we do things for the government? We are just saving the people."

"Aren't you saving the people now?"

After finishing speaking, he muttered softly:
"Aren't we all working for the government now?"

Cao Ziyi obviously heard Yuan Shouwei's words, his neck tightened, and he said rebelliously:

"It is my pleasure to save people."

"I'm happy, and I can do whatever you want me to do. If I'm not happy, I can't do it even if the King of Heaven comes."

Yuan Shouwei was also a little speechless when he said this. He always felt that Cao Ziyi was a bit twisted.

First of all, Datang is his father-killing enemy, and he and Datang have a sworn hatred.

Secondly, he is very similar to his father Dou Jiande. He has a benevolent heart and cannot bear to watch the people suffer.

Fortunately, Yuan Shouwei was well prepared. Before he came, he had investigated Cao Ziyi and had a better understanding of his affairs.

Then he spoke again and said:
"Old Cao, I know why you saved the people."

"Because of your father, Dou Jiande, Dou Minggong, many old tribes settled near here during his lifetime."

"Including your father's mausoleum in Taikang, it is not very far from Bianliang. You are very sentimental about this place."

Cao Ziyi snorted coldly and said:
"What's the matter?"

"As you can see, I am also saving people, and I have tried my best."

"Why should I save those dog officials in Bianliang City? Why should I save Li Shimin's son?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head and said:

"It's not about saving Li Chengqian and the officials."

"Actually, their purpose is the same as yours, to save the people of Bianliang."

After speaking, he told Cao Ziyi what Li Chengqian had done in the Governor's Mansion just now.

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi was a little surprised and said:

"I didn't expect that Li Chengqian is actually a man."

Yuan Shouwei saw that he was a little moved, so he directly threw his ultimate move and said:

"Old Cao, Mr. Dou is famous for his benevolence and righteousness."

"Think about what Mr. Dou would do if he saw this scene in front of him?"

(End of this chapter)

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