Chapter 396 Fortunately no one was hurt

After listening to Yuan Shouwei's words, Cao Ziyi fell into deep thought again. He unconsciously held the railing in front of him with both hands. Veins popped up on the back of his hands. He heard a 'click' sound, and the solid wooden railing was directly moved by him. Caught in two.

Following the sound, Cao Ziyi also reacted. He looked at the crowd of people below, let out a long breath, and said in a deep voice:
"Yuan Shouwei, I promise you."

"What's next?"

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but be overjoyed after hearing this. He hurriedly found the drawings around Bianliang from the sword box and said to Cao Ziyi:
"Let's first decide where to dig."

"Then, let's try our moves again. After all, we can't control the direction of the arrow, which will be very troublesome."

"Finally, we will go to the site to check it out on the spot. What I mean is that it is most suitable to dig from Wei Tower."

After Cao Ziyi carefully looked at the drawings in Yuan Shouwei's hand, he said:
"You mean to start with Wei Tower as the center and dig to the east and west sides?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said:

"Yes, that's what I meant."

“The main thing is to take into account the water accumulation upstream and downstream.”

"I roughly calculated that our moves should be able to hit more than 100 feet at a time, which is almost a mile. The east and west splits are five miles each. This can basically solve the problem of diversion of floods."

Cao Ziyi looked at Yuan Shouwei in surprise and said:
"You can use that move ten times in one breath?"

Yuan Shouwei smiled and shook his head:
"Old Cao, you think too highly of me. I struck a total of nine sword blows the day before yesterday, and I almost became a grandson from exhaustion."

After finishing speaking, he recounted the situation of blocking the embankment that day, and then explained:

"Because when the embankment is blocked, spiritual power needs to be continuously output, so I will be very tired."

"But our joint attack this time is the output of spiritual power in an instant. According to this calculation, if each person has ten moves, it should not be a big problem."

After Yuan Shouwei explained this, Cao Ziyi was relieved, thinking to himself that if he could strike ten swords in one breath, and I could only strike one in an hour, he would laugh out loud.

Thinking of this, he conceitedly proposed:

"How about we use the minimum spiritual power output to experiment a few times?"

"You have just entered the sixth level. Are there any problems with spiritual power manipulation?"

"I have been in the sixth dan for many years, so there is definitely no problem with spiritual power manipulation."

His words immediately made Yuan Shouwei uneasy. He carefully looked at Cao Ziyi's face and said:

"Why don't you try it first? If I can't do it, you can give me some guidance."

Cao Ziyi nodded proudly, and while speaking, he raised his finger and said:

"The thing about spiritual power control is that one can do whatever he wants. Only when one can control spiritual power to the level of being as thin as a hair can one be considered successful."

"I have been practicing hard for a long time, and I still can't achieve it yet, but this can be considered a small achievement."

"Depending on your qualifications, even if it doesn't work once, you can try three or five more times and you'll be able to do it."

While he was speaking, he could only see a wisp of spiritual energy as thick as a chopstick and as long as a finger dancing on his fingertips. The shape was very similar to his silver spear.

Yuan Shouwei had never played like this before, so he imitated Cao Ziyi and controlled the spiritual power to gather at his fingertips.

After a moment, just looking at his fingertips, a trace of spiritual power as thin as a hair appeared. Its appearance was very similar to his Xuanyuan Sword.


And it’s done in one go!
Yuan Shouwei was also very happy. He understood that this should be related to his regular practice of Tai Chi swordsmanship and thinking about the details.

He looked at Cao Ziyi and said cheerfully:

"Old Cao, what do you think of me?"

Cao Ziyi's eyeballs were about to pop out. Seeing the spiritual power in Yuan Shouwei's fingers, he asked incredulously:
"Is this really your first time?" I have experienced many firsts in my life, and I have told several girls that this is my first time.But this time it was really my first time. Yuan Shouwei looked at Cao Ziyi, nodded, and explained modestly:
"Maybe this has something to do with the talent I was given."

Cao Ziyi looked at the spiritual power on his finger and subconsciously wanted to verify whether it was true or not, but he accidentally knocked the two spiritual powers together.

The two of them knew it was wrong, and hurriedly withdrew their hands, but it was too late, a sesame-sized spot of light suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, and then disappeared into the sky.


The two looked up for a long time, but didn't find any movement. They couldn't help but look at each other, feeling reassured and disappointed at the same time.

Don't worry, I finally didn't cause any trouble.

Disappointed that it seems that this collision did not produce any reaction.

At this moment, a thunderous voice from Song Yong was suddenly heard on the embankment:
"Who, who the hell dares to attack me secretly?"

"If you stand up and fight for Lao Tzu's sword and gun, what's the ability to sneak attack from behind?"

The two followed the prestige, only to see not far behind Song Yong, a ditch more than a foot deep and two to three feet long suddenly appeared.

The two of them laughed dumbly for a while, then it was over.

At the same time, he was secretly glad that no one was hurt.

Now that it can be done, the following is the question of how to control it.

The two discussed it and then arrived at a high slope outside the embankment. The people in this place had been transferred, so it was an ideal experimental place.

The two of them used their spiritual power again and watched the light spot appear. First, Cao Ziyi used the technique of "letting the tiger return to the mountain" in an attempt to block the light spot with an earth wall.

But he saw that the light point passed directly through the earth wall and disappeared, and he didn't know where it went.


The two experimented again, and this time it was Yuan Shouwei's turn to use his skills.

When he saw the light spot appear, Yuan Shouwei immediately used Taiji swordsmanship, haha, he really caught it.

But the light spot still didn't obey the command and ran rampant everywhere. Yuan Shouwei was afraid of harming the two of them, so he finally threw the light spot far away.

After repeated experiments several times, they always failed, and both of them couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

After resting for a while, he experimented again. Seeing that the light spot trapped by Yuan Shouwei was about to escape again, Cao Ziyi couldn't help but feel a little angry. He picked up the spear beside him and pointed at the light spot.

Along with the roar of the tiger, the light spot was stunned on the spot.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he immediately shouted hurriedly:
"Old Cao, pick in the direction you specified."

Soon after, Cao Ziyi, who also reacted, had already smoothly carried the light spot to a steep slope on the west side.

The light spot he saw directly drew a ravine on the steep slope and disappeared.


The two of them couldn't help but feel surprised and happy, and they were afraid of being shocked by the black hole.

I tried it twice more, and both times were very successful.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help saying arrogantly:
"Okay, Lao Cao. Let's have a big one."

Cao Ziyi pondered for a moment and said:
"We are experimenting with extremely small light spots. If it is a big light spot, will it still be so obedient?"

"Also, my tiger roar is brought about by the move itself, which basically consumes no spiritual power."

"Does your Tai Chi sword technique consume a lot of spiritual power?"

(End of this chapter)

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