Chapter 397 Find a new territory
Yuan Shouwei was still immersed in excitement at this moment, and he shook his head repeatedly and said:

"Tai Chi swordsmanship focuses on leveraging force to exert force, which basically does not consume spiritual energy."

"Let's try it first. You always have to try it before you know what the problem is."

Cao Ziyi also felt that what Yuan Shouwei said was reasonable and nodded in agreement.

The two left Gaopo and went directly to a deserted place, each preparing to start.

Naturally, I used my full strength this time.

Yuan Shouwei, 'cut off the river with one finger'.

Cao Ziyi, 'tiger talisman adds to the body'.

A terrifying light spot appeared. Yuan Shouwei and Cao Ziyi stood up at the same time. Yuan Shouwei first used his sword skills to cover the big light spot. Although it was a bit difficult, it was still within the tolerance range.

Guangdian instinctively wanted to flee in all directions, but Cao Ziyi had already frightened him with his tiger roar, and then directly picked him into the water they had predicted in advance.

After the light point entered the water for a moment, it turned into a huge arrow shining with aurora, and splashed directly on the water surface, leaving a gap five to six feet wide.

Then it penetrated straight to the east, and after sprinting for a hundred feet, the arrow disappeared.

A huge chasm a hundred feet long appeared, and the floods on both sides rushed into it like perverts seeing pheasants.

The gap was fleeting, as if it had never appeared before, but the flood beneath their feet had obviously dropped a little.

It worked!
This time it was a real success!

After the two saw it, they almost hugged each other and cried with excitement, but considering their identities and genders, they finally gave up this behavior.

Yuan Shouwei turned around and said excitedly, holding his fists:

"Okay, Lao Cao. You take a rest for a while. I will send someone to notify the British Duke now. After they transfer the people in Lianzhuang and Xiaosongzhuang, we will take action."

Cao Ziyi's breathing was a little disordered, but seeing Yuan Shouwei's calm look, he secretly adjusted his breathing and said calmly:
"No need, I still have courage to commend myself."

Yuan Shouwei didn't pay attention to his actions. After listening to his words, he turned around and headed to the embankment. He found a Qianniu Guard and hurriedly wrote a letter and handed it to him.

He repeatedly warned that this matter was related to the life and death of hundreds of thousands of people in Bianliang.

You must go back quickly, and you will be waiting here.

The Qianniu Guard did not dare to neglect, so he directly found a small boat and quickly headed to Bianliang City.

Here, Cao Ziyi arranged for Song Yong and Zhou Quan to put down the people on the boat, and first go to resettle the people in Weilou and Dazhu Village nearby.

Zhou Quan was a little puzzled, so Cao Ziyi told them the situation. Both of them were martial arts enthusiasts. I heard that Yuan Shouwei and Cao Ziyi really joined forces to form the 'Fanghua'.

And they were about to dig a river outside Bianliang City. They were all excited and trembling. Without saying a word, they turned around and went to resettle the people.

After Zhou Quan arrived on the boat, he began to give honest explanations to the people. Although the people were a little dissatisfied, looking at their ferocious looks, they did not dare to resist and returned to the embankment in a grumbling manner.

Zhou Quan saw that although the people were a little reluctant, they still followed his advice and couldn't help but feel proud of his eloquence.

When he got to the second boat and was about to explain to others, he heard a thunderous voice not far behind him:
"Go back to the embankment. If anyone doesn't go, I'll throw him into the river to feed the fish."

"I'm telling you, our boss has asked God to open a new river for you soon."

Needless to say, this is Song Yong.Seeing his fierce look, the people didn't even dare to fart, so they all returned to the embankment obediently.

Yuan Shouwei and Cao Ziyi returned to the ship. While waiting for Li Ji's reply, they took a rest and adjusted their breath to get themselves into the best condition.It was past noon when a small boat came flying by. In addition to the Qianniu Guards, there was also Wu Fu on the boat.

Wu Fu was waiting for news on another official ship.Qian Niuwei hurriedly returned to the ship with the letter in hand. After seeing Yuan Shouwei and the others, he handed over the reply letter.

Yuan Shouwei took the letter and saw that it was written by Li Ji, but it was signed by Li Chengqian and Li Ji.

They stated in the letter that Yuan Shouwei's comfort in Bianliang was tied to Yuan Shouwei, and the lives of hundreds of thousands of people were too much involved. Regardless of success or failure, they would support Yuan Shouwei's actions.

In order to have a trace to follow, they set up this letter as evidence.

The letter also stated that they would now begin to relocate the people west of Lianzhuang. After the transfer was completed, Yuan Shouwei would be notified as soon as possible.

In order to avoid wasting time, no matter whether they have completed the transfer or not, Yuan Shouwei can take action at the end of Xu. All responsibilities are borne by the two of them and have nothing to do with Yuan Shouwei.

After reading the letter, Yuan Shouwei felt quite grateful. He handed the letter to Cao Ziyi aside and said:

"Old Cao, look, look. There is no reason why we can't do this well."

Cao Ziyi took the letter, read it hastily, and nodded:
"A responsible person can do this."

After hearing this, Qian Niuwei on the side also raised his hands to Cao Ziyi and said:

"His Royal Highness also asked me to send something to Mr. Cao Lang."

"Cao Langjun will help the people of Bianliang regardless of past grudges. The past has been wiped out. If you are willing to serve in the court, His Highness is willing to guarantee it."

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi's face turned cold and he said to the Qianniu Guard:
"Go back and tell Li Chengqian that it is my duty, Cao Ziyi, to save the people, and it has nothing to do with him."

"I will not be an official of his Datang either."

Yuan Shouwei knew that Cao Ziyi was naturally rebellious, so he quickly smoothed things over and said:

"Old Cao, I know you are a reputable man and will not accept this food."

"Aren't we all here to save these people?"

After saying that, he gestured fiercely to Qianniuwei behind his back. Seeing this, Qianniuwei retreated.

Cao Ziyi still had a gloomy face and said nothing. Yuan Shouwei did not try to persuade him. Instead, he asked someone for two jars of wine, handed it to Cao Ziyi and said:
"Old Cao, don't take it too seriously. In fact, besides the Tang Dynasty, the world is much bigger."

"With your abilities, these brothers can make a name for themselves wherever they go."

Cao Ziyi took the wine, took two swigs and said:
"You're right, Yuan Shouwei."

"When I finish this matter, I will take my brothers and fly away to find a new territory overseas."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei's heart moved, and he immediately came up with an idea to help him resolve the grudges between him and the Wu family, and spoke again:

"Old Cao, you can leave after everything in Bianliang is settled."

"I still have three Xuanyuan Sword Techniques, so I'll teach them to you, especially the third one, 'Breaking the River'. Then you can integrate your moves together."

Cao Ziyi was not polite, touched Yuan Shouwei with the wine jar again, and said:

"Good brother, I have not received your kindness in vain. I also taught you the 'Tiger Talisman'."

(End of this chapter)

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