Chapter 398: Fighting to save face
Yuan Shouwei also picked up the wine jar and touched it with him, and said with a heroic smile:

"Okay, Lao Cao. I just like your crispness."

In the time it took to speak, both jars of wine were drank cleanly.

The two of them knew that what happened at night was important, so they did not continue. Instead, they got up and went to Wei Tower to check the specific situation.

After checking, they both returned to the boat, teasing each other and waiting for news.

The sun was setting in the west, and Xu's hour had arrived. The two people sitting opposite each other opened their eyes at the same time, smiled at each other, walked out of the cabin hand in hand, and jumped onto the embankment.

First they looked at the rushing water of the Yellow River behind them, then looked forward at the vast swamp outside the embankment, nodded to each other, and headed for the designated high slope.

Yuan Shouwei walked slowly in the air, as if he were a fairy.

Cao Ziyi walked on the water like a frightened bird.

When they reached the high slope, the two of them didn't waste any time and immediately began to perform their moves.

'One finger breaks the river'.

'Tiger Talisman'.

Synthesize 'instant youth'.

Spots of light appear.

The Tai Chi sword technique comes out.

The tiger roared.

As Cao Ziyi jumped the light point into the flood, the light arrows exploded, and the waves rose into the sky, already breaking out of a hundred-foot-long chasm.

The torrent of water immediately filled the chasm.

Soon a ship came to pick them up.After they rested for half an hour, they used 'Instant Youth' for the second time.

A second divide appears.

The third way, the fourth way, the fifth way.

Finally, a chasm five miles long, ten feet deep, and six feet wide appeared in the sky. Countless floods poured in, and the water on the ground was rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The high ground near the chasm is already exposed to long-lost, wet soil.

The water receded!
Yuan Shouwei and Cao Ziyi looked at the miracle they had created in front of them, and they suddenly felt proud and high-spirited.

Turn to the direction of Dazhu Village.

The fifth form of 'Instant Youth' is used again.

The gap appears!
The flood falls!
Seeing this miracle, both of them burst into laughter.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the fish belly white in the east, pointed in the direction of Gaodian, and said loudly:
"Old Cao, would you like to chop two more swords with me?"

Cao Ziyi, who was laughing loudly, suddenly stopped laughing, looked at the pale Yuan Shouwei, gritted his teeth and said:
"it is good!"

"I still have courage to commend myself."

Li Chengqian and Li Ji, who had not slept at Bianliang City Wall all night, waited for the light to get a little brighter and immediately stood at the top of the city to check.

At least half of the water outside the city has gone down, and it is still flowing eastward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The stagnant water in the city has basically disappeared, and there is no longer sewage gushing out of the drainage ditches.

It is done!

The two looked at each other, and both saw a hint of incredulity in each other's eyes.

Li Chengqian shouted excitedly:

"Prepare the ship, quickly, prepare the ship."

"Take me and the British Duke to Wei Tower to check out the new river channel."

Along the way, no matter how anxious the two of them were, the boat was going extremely hard, and it would run aground from time to time. After stumbling, they finally reached the place, and saw a surging river appearing in the distance.Countless floods are still flowing into the river.

The two of them shivered while shaking each other, feeling goosebumps rising all over their bodies.

He muttered to himself:
"This is a miracle!"

"I would never believe it unless I saw it with my own eyes."

"The people of Bianliang City can be saved."

The news that Yuan Shou had opened a new river channel for the imperial army quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys of Bianliang, as if it had wings.

Many officials put down their official duties and went to check.

After seeing this miracle, they were all secretly grateful. This time they finally didn't have to escape with their families.

Many people from Bianliang City to the east also got the news, and they all rushed to find out what happened, helping the old and the young.

When they saw that the rushing flood had all submerged into a wide river, countless people knelt down and thanked the immortal master Yuan Shouwei for saving them.

Many people in Gaodian kowtowed and murmured to themselves:
"That big black guy didn't lie to us. Their boss is really a great immortal."

At noon, dark clouds began to appear in the distant sky. The dark clouds rolled all the way to the sky above Bianliang, and pressed heavily on the city tower.

In an instant, there was lightning and thunder, and heavy rain fell.

Although there are still countless people braving the rain to fight the floods, they feel much more secure. They no longer worry about Bianliang being submerged by floods, or their own lives.

At this time in Gaodian, Cao Ziyi's hundreds of ships and some government ships were intertwined, standing quietly on the shore.

With a deafening thunder, Yuan Shouwei, who was sleeping on the official ship, was awakened.

Suddenly, my chest felt so heavy that I almost couldn't breathe.

I couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in my heart. Could it be that I had some side effects from using my spiritual power last night?

He quickly looked down and saw Wu Fu's pretty face pressed against his chest, with drool hanging from the corner of his mouth, as he fell into a deep sleep.

As his body moved, Wu Fu immediately shuddered and opened his sleepy eyes.

Their eyes met, Wu Fu said in surprise:
"You're awake, Yuan Shouwei."

After saying that, he was about to get up and wait for Yuan Shouwei to get up. Unexpectedly, just halfway through, he felt his legs were numb and weak. He groaned again and fell into Yuan Shouwei's arms again.

He exclaimed in surprise:

"The legs are numb."

Yuan Shouwei knew that she was worried about him last night and stayed up all night, so he took care of him all morning again.

Thousands of tender feelings suddenly arose in my heart, and I put my arms around Wu Fu's delicate body and said softly:
"Then let it numb for a while."

Wu Fu felt the warmth from Yuan Shouwei's palm, and made a "whispering" sound from his nose. Like a lazy kitten, he rested his head on Yuan Shouwei's chest and listened quietly to Yuan Shouwei's words. With the beating of the heart and the thunderstorm outside, it seemed like they were the only two people left in the world.

Not long after, her soft snoring came again. Yuan Shouwei held her in his arms, feeling inexplicably at ease, and fell asleep again.

In this way, the two of them stayed for more than an hour before waking up again, and after a while.

Yuan Shouwei stood up, came to the bow of the boat, looked at Cao Ziyi's big boat not far away, and shouted loudly:
"Cao Dalang, have you rested?"

Not long after the words fell, Zhou Quan's figure appeared on the bow of the ship and said to Yuan Shouwei:
"National Master, are you awake? How did you recover so quickly?"

"Before our boss went to bed, he told us not to wake him, saying that he needed to rest for at least a day and a night."

What, yesterday I couldn't hold it any longer. He said he was brave and capable, so why did he give up now? Yuan Shouwei thought, and jumped up, came to their boat, and said to Zhou Quan:
"Come on, take me to see it."

"He's just trying to keep up his face, so nothing will happen to him."

Now Zhou Quan admired Yuan Shouwei very much. After hearing this, he felt a little panicked and quickly took Yuan Shouwei into the cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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