Chapter 399 Surprise and joy
Just looking at the bed in the cabin, Cao Ziyi was lying there quietly, covered with a thin quilt, breathing steadily and long.

Yuan Shouwei listened to his breathing, and half of his worries were relieved. He knelt down beside him, picked up his arm, and quietly felt for his pulse.

It was only after this pulse that Cao Ziyi realized that the spiritual power in his body had almost been exhausted, obviously because he used too much spiritual power yesterday.

This old Cao wanted to save face and suffer the consequences. Yuan Shou named Wanmai and said to Zhou Quan behind him:
"Cao Dalang over-manipulated his spiritual power yesterday, causing him to fall into a deep sleep."

"Looking at him like this, he will never wake up all day and night."

After hearing this, Zhou Quan couldn't help but panic and asked quickly:
"National Master, nothing will happen to our boss, right?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head and said:

"That's not to say that it didn't hurt the origin."

"I'll prescribe some medicine for him. If you let him drink it, it will ensure that he wakes up after a day and a night."

"If he didn't turn it on, he would probably have to sleep for at least three days."

Zhou Quan heard and asked Yuan Shouwei to write the prescription.

After Yuan Shouwei wrote it down, he handed it to Zhou Quan and said to him:
"You have to go to Bianliang City to buy this medicine. Find someone to come with me. I know what kind of medicine is best."

Zhou Quan read the prescription carefully and said to Yuan Shouwei:

"Then let me go with the Imperial Master. Let's go and return quickly. When I come back, I will boil the medicine for the boss."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said:
"Yes, let's leave now. After all, it was Boss Cao who got this tired because he was trying to save the people."

While they were talking, several people took a boat and headed to Bianliang.

An official ship, Zhou Quan's ship, and Zhou Quan also brought a ship. Although Yuan Shouwei was a little curious, he didn't ask any more questions.

The rain was heavy and it was difficult to walk. After arriving at the pier, Yuan Shouwei took Zhou Quan to the largest pharmacy in Bianliang.

After carefully choosing the best medicinal materials for Cao Ziyi, she and Zhou Quan returned to the dock.

Along the way, Zhou Quan saw Yuan Shouwei's actions: going to the medicine shop with him in the heavy rain; personally selecting medicinal materials and repeatedly telling him how to use the medicine; Zhou Quan could clearly feel that Yuan Shouwei was sincere. treat them.

Before leaving, he was moved and said to Yuan Shouwei:

"Thank you, Imperial Master, for your kindness to my boss. I would like to express my gratitude to Zhou Quan."

After saying that, he bowed deeply.

Yuan Shouwei was so panicked that he grabbed Zhou Quan and said:
"Sanlang, you saw me taking you to buy medicine, but you didn't see how exhausted Cao Dalang was for the people yesterday."

"I'm a free-spirited person. As long as I think you're a nice person and can be friends with me, then I'll accept you as my friend."

"From now on, you can call me Yuan Shouwei or Taoist Master."

Zhou Quan was not a polite person either, so he nodded in response.

Pointing to the ship he brought over on the dock, he said:
"Taoist Priest, do you remember that my boss said he wanted to give you a gift?"

Yuan Shouwei followed the direction of his finger and looked at the ship.

He glanced at the official ship mischievously, but found no trace of Wu Fu.

Then he rubbed his hands and said to Zhou Quan in a lowly manner:

"What gift? Could it be that Boss Cao collected beauties from everywhere for me?"

After Zhou Quan heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry for a moment. How could the Imperial Master, who had been serious and sanctimonious one breath ago, turn into a real person the next second?

He didn't know what to say, so he just pointed at the ship and said:

"Beauty, don't even think about it, Taoist Priest."

"We are all single people on board."

"But if you ask me, the things on the boat are much better than the beautiful women."

Zhou Quan's words successfully aroused Yuan Shouwei's curiosity.After he sent Zhou Quan away, he originally wanted to go over and have a look, but when he thought there were no beautiful women on board, he could just take Wu Fu there in a generous manner.

The so-called: A gentleman is magnanimous.

The two of them braved the heavy rain and arrived on the ship. Except for the sound of heavy rain, there was no other sound on the bow.

Everyone on the boat had been taken away by Zhou Quan. Yuan Shouwei looked at the boat curiously. From the appearance, it was an ordinary boat with nothing special about it.

What kind of gift is it?

Yuan Shouwei directly opened the boat curtain, and when he saw the scene in the cabin, he was stunned with shock.

This..., what did he see?
There were twenty or thirty people tied up in the cabin. Judging from their clothes, half were Tang soldiers and the other half were civilians.

There was also a man wearing an official robe.

Yuan Shouwei never expected that Cao Ziyi would give him such a gift.

Looking at these people in front of me, I was stunned for a moment.

And those who were tied inside couldn't help but struggle when they saw Yuan Shouwei's attire.

Among them, the man with dark complexion, rough skin, starry eyes looked at Yuan Shouwei, shaking his head desperately, trying to get the rag out of his mouth.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he also rushed over, took off the rag from the man's mouth and said:
"I'm Yuan Shouwei, who are you all?"

The man took a long breath, looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"Yuan Shou is the national advisor? I am Luo Tianyi, Sihu of Bianliang who joined the army."

"Please untie the others first."

Luo Tianyi who dug the levee privately?

Wasn't he drowned in the flood?

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help being surprised and happy. If Luo Tianyi was not dead, it would be easier to investigate the Yellow River bursting its banks.

While thinking about it, he hurriedly untied the rope to Luo Tian.

At this time, Wu Fu also walked in. Seeing Yuan Shouwei untying people again, he came to help.

Wait until everyone is untied.Luo Tian plopped down on the ground and said:
"Luo Tianyi has heard about the name of the Imperial Master for a long time."

"We were murdered by Zhu Yitan that day, and we asked the national master to make the decision for us."

When he said these words, the people behind him fell to their knees and said:

"Please ask the Imperial Master to make the decision for us."

If you listen to it, you will understand.

What's more, one of the reasons for coming to Bianliang was to investigate Luo Tianyi's private excavation of the embankment.

Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu looked at each other, then quietly helped Luo Tianyi up, and said to the person behind him:
"Everyone get up and talk."

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the British Duke have already brought people to Bianliang to help. The floods are basically under control now."

"What grievances do you have, tell me first."

At this time, Luo Tianyi did not reply immediately. He listened attentively for a while, then looked at Yuan Shouwei with some confusion and said:

"Master, it's raining so hard outside, can the rivers in Bianliang really bear it?"

As soon as he said these words, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but have some respect for him.

At this time, we did not take into account personal safety, but focused on flood control first.Luo Tianyi is an official, I'm afraid it's not too bad.

Thinking of this, his attitude softened a bit and he explained:

"His Highness found a strange person and dug a river directly, which basically alleviated the floods around Bianliang City."

(End of this chapter)

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