Chapter 401 Why did he do this?
After Yuan Shouwei heard this, he fell into deep thought.

If Luo Tianyi said this to others, others might not believe it.

But Yuan Shouwei, who already knew how to regulate the Yellow River, knew that it was more reasonable for Luo Tianyi to do this.

If his judgment was correct, Zhu Yitan did not report Luo Tianyi's memorial at all, but deliberately framed him.

Thinking back to the corn soup at the dinner that day, he already had some concerns about it.

To confirm his thoughts, he asked again:
"Luo Canjun, all the salary money has sunk to the bottom of the river?"

After hearing this, Luo Tianyi said in admiration:

"The national teacher is really good at predicting things."

"Cao Dalang also gave me a box full of salary, saying that it was salvaged during our rescue."

"And he told us not to open it yet. After we see you, we will open it in front of you."

Yuan Shouwei asked impatiently:

"Luo Canjun, where is the box now?"

Luo Tian took him and Wu Fu to the back cabin and saw a salary box one foot high and three feet wide sitting there.

The seal above has been soaked and tattered, leaving only a few scraps of paper still attached to the box.

And the lock on the box is still firmly on it.

Yuan Shouwei took a look at the box and asked with some confusion:
"Luo Canjun, are you sure this box has not been opened?"

Luo Tianyi shook his head and said:
"Definitely not. The key to this lock is specially assigned by the Ministry of Household Affairs. One key can only open one lock."

"In addition, you can still vaguely see the location of the seal at the opening of the box."

Yuan Shouwei moved it slightly again. The box was very heavy, and it seemed that there were a lot of things in it.

After pondering for a moment, he spoke directly:

"You two watch, I'll open it now."

While he was speaking, he had already grasped the lock and twisted it gently. The seemingly solid lock opened with a sound.

Yuan Shouwei immediately opened the box, and the three of them looked inside at the same time. They saw that the box was full of large and small stones, and there was a shadow of half a copper coin there.

Luo Tianyi and Wu Fu were both surprised, but Yuan Shouwei was extremely calm, looked at Luo Tianyi and said:

"Luo Tianyi, this is a good thing."

"In this way, it can be proven that what you are telling the truth is also proven to be innocent."

Luo Tianyi had not yet recovered from the initial shock and muttered to himself:
"How is this going?"

"Could it be Zhu Yitan?"

After saying this, he suddenly looked up at Yuan Shouwei, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Yuan Shouwei said without comment:

"I dare not make false claims without evidence."

Then he took out the sword box and put it directly into it, then turned to Luo Tianyi and said:

"I will go to Bianliang City to see His Highness and the British Duke now and tell them about this matter."

Then he said to Luo Tianyi apologetically:

"Because the disaster in Bianliang is quite urgent, His Highness and the British Duke took us to come over first to deal with emergency matters."

"After we got here, we also discovered some doubts. After meeting you and Payin, I have figured out many things."

"But our large team will not arrive until tomorrow, so we have to trouble you and everyone else to spend another night on the boat."

Luo Tianyi had already recovered from the initial shock. He cupped his hands towards Yuan Shouwei and said:

"I understand what the Imperial Master means, then we will wait for your news on the boat." Yuan Shouwei said 'hmm' and asked Wu Fu to bring them a lot of food. After appeasing them, he went directly to Wu Fu Go to Bianliang City.

Because the people no longer needed to move, Li Chengqian and Li Ji no longer needed to live in the tower, but returned to the guest house.

Yuan Shou found the two of them and told them about Luo Tianyi's situation and the water ghost's situation.

After listening to this, both of their expressions changed drastically, and they couldn't believe their ears.

Until Yuan Shouwei took out the salary box and opened it.

After they saw the stone inside, they had to believe this fact.

Li Chengqian said angrily:

"I didn't expect that Zhu Yitan would be such a big borer."

"He even dared to embezzle money from the government for disaster relief. This really makes me want to live."

Li Ji also followed beside him and said:

"That's life-saving money for disaster relief people."

"After taking this money, he is not afraid that an innocent soul will come to seek his life."

After Yuan Shouwei waited for the two to finish speaking, he then asked:
"Luo Tianyi and his party are still on the boat at the pier. I mean, according to what the British public said, we will wait until tomorrow when we have a large team of people to arrest Zhu Yitan and ask where the money went? Why did he want to Do this?"

Li Ji said with a solemn expression:

"The national teacher is right."

"One move can affect the whole body. Combined with those water ghosts, there should be many people behind Zhu Yitan."

"Tomorrow, we will secretly capture Zhu Yitan first, and then find out who is behind it based on his confession."

The three of them had just finished their discussion when the Qianniu Guards who were guarding the door came to report that it was Zhongqing and Liu Miaozhen who wanted to see them.

Li Chengqian knew that the two of them must have collected some clues, so he quickly asked them to come in and respond.

When the two of them entered the room, their eyes lit up when they saw Yuan Shouwei following them.

Quickly saluting the three of them, Li Chengqian waved his hand and said:
"There's no one around here, so don't show up."

The two of them were not polite.Zhongqing looked at Yuan Shouwei excitedly and asked:

"Yuan Shouwei, I went to see the river."

"Oh my god, what kind of magic did you use to do it? It's so spectacular."

"You must call me for this kind of thing in the future, even if you let me cheer for you from the side."

Yuan Shouwei laughed and joked:
"I would rather take you there, but you are His Highness's servant now, and I dare not send you around at will."

Liu Miaozhen looked at Yuan Shouwei's face and asked worriedly:

"Master, is there anything wrong with your body?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head gently and said to Liu Miaozhen:
"It's okay, the master is young. He will be here after half a day's rest."

"Let's get down to business first. Has there been any result on what His Highness asked you to investigate?"

Both Zhongqing and Liu Miaozhen nodded and said:
"There are already results."

Zhongqing began to tell.

Zhu Yitan spent a lot of money to buy the corn in Chang'an City. One tael of corn was as much as a copper coin.

As for the goose paws they ate that day, the method was to place an iron plate on the ground, burn charcoal fire underneath, and then drive the geese to run on the hot iron plate until they were scalded to death. The essence was all in the goose paws, and no other parts were used.

The pork is pork tenderloin. The method is to lock the pig in the house and run around the house with a bamboo pole until it is exhausted.Then immediately cut off that loin and discard the rest.It is said that the essence of the pig killed in this way is on the back, and the meat is cut alive, which is extremely sweet and crisp.For a banquet, dozens of pigs will be killed in this way.

After listening to this, several people present could not help but take a breath of cold air and silently count how many goose feet and pork tenderloins they had eaten that day.

(End of this chapter)

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