Chapter 402 Crow's Mouth

After Zhongqing finished speaking, he smacked his lips, seeming to reminisce about the taste of the food that day, and said angrily:

"This old boy Zhu Yitan's life is really luxurious. I ate with His Highness in the East Palace, and I felt that what I was eating was the most delicious food in the world."

"But compared with Zhu Yitan, the food he eats is simply not as good as pig food."

"This old boy embezzled so much money and deserves to die."

Li Chengqian clutched the Longquan Sword on the table tightly, with veins popping up on the back of his hand. He took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and then said to Zhongqing:
"Then what was the result of the investigation into the dyke breach?"

Seeing Li Chengqian's hideous face, Zhongqing took a step back subconsciously. He had never seen Li Chengqian look so angry before, and then said cautiously:

"As the British public expected, someone was indeed maliciously damaging the levee."

"We asked many people who guarded the embankment that day, and finally found a witness in Dazhuzhai."

When Li Chengqian and the other three heard this, their eyes lit up, and Li Chengqian hurriedly asked:
"Zhongqing, where is that person now?"

Zhongqing glanced at Liu Miaozhen.He opened his mouth and said:
"Miaozhen brought him back secretly. The intention is to let him report to you face to face."

"He is on the carriage in the courtyard now. Miaozhen, go and bring him in."

Liu Miaozhen responded, and in a short time, a dark-faced middle-aged man was brought in.

The man was so old that he had seen Zhu Yitan as the biggest official, but he still took a look at him from a distance. Now he knew that he was meeting the current prince, and his legs and feet were already weak with fear.

After entering the house, he knelt on the ground with a 'plop' sound, not daring to raise his head, and said in a trembling voice:
"The little man Zhang Ada has seen His Highness the Crown Prince, long live, long live, long live."

When Li Chengqian heard this, he couldn't help but laugh or cry. He quickly interrupted him and said in a kind voice:
"Zhang Ada, don't be afraid, get up and talk."

"Just tell me what you saw that night."

"As long as the situation is true, I will definitely be rewarded heavily."

Hearing Li Chengqian speak so kindly, Zhang Ada felt a little less nervous in his heart. He wanted to stand up, but his legs were as weak as noodles. He trembled several times and did not stand up. He had to lie on the ground and said:

"Your Highness, please kneel down and speak."

Li Chengqian smiled and said:
"Okay, then just say that."

"But don't worry, you won't lose a penny of the reward."

Only then did Zhang Ada start talking. It was late at night that day, and a group of them stood guard on the embankment.

He was on duty for the first half of the night, but his stomach hurt in the second half of the night, so he went to the inside of the embankment and found a place to defecate. When he was halfway through defecating, he heard movement above the water.

At first he thought it was the sound of water waves and didn't pay much attention to it. But after listening carefully, he felt that it didn't sound like water waves, but more like the sound of a big fish slapping the water after jumping into the water.

I wanted to take a look, but it was cloudy that day and I couldn’t see anything.

He was a little scared. He was halfway through pooping, but he didn't dare to poop again. Just as he was about to pick up his pants and leave, he heard a clear sound of chanting a mantra above the water.

Following the sound of the incantation, the water surface suddenly lit up, and a Taoist priest was seen standing on the water surface, with a faint white light emitting from his body, and the evil waves were surging behind him.

As the Taoist pointed with his finger, countless big waves rushed towards the gap crazily.

He was so frightened that he screamed strangely, and without even bothering to lift his pants, he crawled onto the embankment and escaped.

After Zhang Ada finished speaking, Li Chengqian asked:
"Ada, can you clearly see what that Taoist looks like?"

Zhang Ada raised his head, his eyes were a little confused and he thought over and over again:
"The villain just wants to run for his life. I really don't remember what that person looks like."

After Li Chengqian asked a few more questions, seeing that he couldn't find any useful information, he ordered Zhongqing to get Zhang Ada a gold ingot as a reward, and told him not to tell anyone what happened today. Only then did Liu Miaozhen escort him back.

There were only four of them left in the room, and Li Ji was the first to speak: "I also asked about those people who were arrested in the governor's house that day. They were all instigated by others, and there was no one behind them. But I can be sure that there were people behind them. Some people spread rumors in an attempt to confuse us."

"Except for this matter, it was Zhu Yitan who framed Luo Tianyi; it was Zhu Yitan who secretly exchanged his salary."

"Based on what Luo Tianyi and Zhang Ada said, I think it was the Taoist who first dug the gap in the embankment, and he must have something to do with Zhu Yitan."

After he finished saying this, everyone thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Li Chengqian asked:
"What do you mean, Mr. Li?"

Li Ji thought and said:

"Seek stability first. After the large group of troops arrives, take over the affairs of Bing Cao, Shi Cao, Cang Cao, and Hu Cao."

"Then he captured Zhu Yitan with lightning speed."

"Ask the person behind him."

After Yuan Shouwei thought for a moment, he raised his question:

"Mr. Li, our previous plan was to capture Zhu Yitan directly after the troops arrived tomorrow."

"But now we have to change all the people, and then take down Zhu Yitan. Will it scare the snake and alert the people behind him?"

When Li Chengqian and Zhongqing heard this, they nodded repeatedly and looked at Li Ji with doubtful eyes.

Li Ji sighed with a wry smile and said:
"The concerns of the Imperial Master are not unreasonable. It is really helpless for me to do this."

"Currently, everything in Bianliang must revolve around the word 'stability'. Only by winning these key positions can we ensure the stability of Bianliang City."

"As for Zhu Yitan's matter, let's try to resolve it as quickly as possible."

After hearing this explanation, Yuan Shouwei agreed, nodded and said:

"Yuan Shouwei admires Mr. Li for his foresight."

Zhongqing also said approvingly:
"Yes, yes, Mr. Li is right to be far-sighted, and Yuan Shouwei is right to be worried."

"If we really alert the enemy, we will investigate slowly."

As soon as he said this, the remaining three people rolled their eyes and secretly said that Zhongqing was a crow's mouth.

On the second day, it is time.

The rain is still falling, but compared with yesterday's heavy rain, it is already much lighter.

Li Chengqian, Li Ji, and Yuan Shouwei led a group of officials from Bianliang out of the east gate of Bianliang to greet the team from Chang'an.

Looking from a distance, I could only see a convoy of dozens of vehicles, struggling to push through the mud. Many soldiers were pulling forward and behind to help the convoy move forward.

Right in front of the motorcade, a heroic young officer came over with officials from the Sixth Department. That man was Li Ji's favorite general: Li Jinxing.

When Li Jinxing saw Li Chengqian and others waiting at the city gate, he also quickened his pace.When he arrived, he bowed his hands and said:

"Li Jinxing pays homage to His Highness, the British Duke and the National Master."

"Because the roads in Bianliang City are muddy and difficult to navigate, I temporarily put most of the supplies on a hill thirty miles west of the city and arranged for a thousand soldiers to guard them."

"What's being escorted behind here are some emergency supplies."

(End of this chapter)

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