Chapter 403 caught him off guard
Li Chengqian smiled and nodded:
"Go with caution, gentlemen, you have a hard journey."

After introducing them to the officials in Bianliang, they led everyone to the Governor's Mansion.

Along the way, Li Jinxing couldn't help but curiously asked Li Ji,
"Mr. British, the disaster in Bianliang City seems not to be as serious as I imagined."

Li Ji smiled and told him roughly what they had done the past few days.

When Li Jinxing and several officials behind him heard that Yuan Shouwei had directly cut open a river channel that was more than ten miles long, they couldn't help but take a breath and asked:

"Everyone knows that Yuan Guoshi's Taoist skills are amazing, but directly splitting a river, this method is too unbelievable, right?"

Li Ji smiled and said:

"I really don't know what the specific method is. You'd better ask Yuan Shou."

"But one thing I can be sure of is that without Yuan Shouwei, Bianliang City would be a vast ocean now."

While everyone was chatting and laughing, they had already arrived at the governor's house. The servants had already decorated the main hall, and a group of people filed in and took their seats according to their respective official positions.

First, Li Chengqian spoke, thanking everyone for coming day and night to support us.

Then Zhu Yitan came forward and thanked everyone again and again on behalf of the officials and people of Bianliang.

After all this was done, it was Li Ji's turn to speak. Following his cough, the hall fell silent.

Li Ji looked at all the officials below, showed a knowing smile for the first time in so many days, and said to everyone:

"His Highness and Governor Zhu have just said what they should say. I won't be verbose."

"The top priority now is still the disaster, which must be controlled as soon as possible to prevent people from suffering disasters again."

"So I still have to work harder for everyone here."

After listening to the people below, they all responded noisily:

"Everything will be subject to the arrangements of the British government."

After hearing this, Li Ji stood up and said with a smile:

"During this period of time, you Minggongs in Bianliang have indeed paid a lot. Many people basically stay in the front line of disaster relief at twelve hours a day."

"Now that Chang'an's support has arrived, you all can take a break and let Jinxing and the others do more."

After he said this, those who were careful felt that there was something else in Li Ji's words;
The one with a rougher personality was still polite:
"The British Master is too polite. This is what subordinates should do."

After everyone finished speaking, Li Ji's expression suddenly changed, and he said coldly:

"Where is Li Jinxing?"

When Li Jinxing heard this, he stood up suddenly and said:
"Subordinates are here."

Li Ji then spoke:

"From now on, you will temporarily take over the affairs of the Bianliang Division of Soldiers and Military Affairs. Wang Jieming, the former Division of Soldiers and Military Affairs, will assist you in carrying out military affairs."

"I leave the safety of the people in the city and outside the city to you. If anything happens, I will hold you accountable."

Li Jinxing said neatly:
"Subordinates take orders."

Wang Jieming, Bianliang's military officer, was the temporary agent for military affairs after Luo Tianyi fell into the water.

After hearing this, he stood up suddenly and said angrily to Li Ji:

"Mr. British, what do you mean?"

"Why do you want to take away my military power? Is it because I, Wang Jieming, did something bad?"

Li Ji first looked at him coldly, and then said:

"Wang Canjun, since you said so. Let me ask you, there are frequent thefts in Bianliang City every day. Where are your soldiers?"

"Every day in Bianliang City, there are market riots, where are you?"

"Houses collapse every day in Bianliang City, and the rescuers are all ordinary people and people from the Sansheng Sect. Where are your people?"

"The day before yesterday, the people besieged the governor's mansion, where are you and your soldiers?"

These words immediately made Wang Jieming blush, and he argued to himself: "I only have so many people, and I can't be busy in and outside the city every day."

After hearing this, Li Ji smiled coldly and said:

"Well, there are enough people now. Since you are too busy, let Li Jinxing and others do the work."

"Come here, please first invite Wang Canjun to rest in the backyard of the Governor's Mansion. After he has rested, he will come and assist Li Jinxing."

Wang Jieming wanted to argue again, but he was escorted out by the soldiers guarding the door with weapons.

Seeing this, the officials in Bianliang City couldn't help but look at each other with uneasiness in their hearts.

Secretly guessing what Li Ji is going to do?
After Wang Jieming was taken away, Li Ji continued:

"Wailang, a member of the Ministry of Industry, Zheng Huai."

Upon hearing this, Zheng Huai immediately came out of the queue, raised his hands and saluted:

"Subordinates are here."

Li Ji said:

"From now on, you will temporarily take over the affairs of Bianliang's military officers. Dai Yuan, the former military officer, will assist you in carrying out military affairs."

When Dai Yuan, a Bianliang officer who joined the army, heard this, he couldn't help but stand up and argue:

"My Lord, after the Bianliang flood, I have been doing my best to allocate ships and guard the embankment. Is there anything I have done wrong?"

Li Ji said coldly:

"Then let me ask you, it should be the military commander who is responsible for guarding the embankment."

"Before the floods rose, why was Luo Tianyi, the commander of the army, on duty? And not you?"

Dai Yuan was speechless for a moment.

Seeing him like this, Li Ji immediately spoke again:

"Come here, since Dai Canjun doesn't want to cooperate, let's take him to the backyard and rest with Wang Canjun."

Dai Yuan heard this and immediately turned his attention to Zhu Yitan.At this moment, Zhu Yitan's face was as dark and purple as pig liver.

He never expected that as soon as this support came, Li Ji would immediately turn against him and catch him off guard.

I thought to myself that after the discussion was completed, I would also respond immediately.

So he shook his head slightly at Dai Yuan, signaling him not to act rashly for now.

Seeing this, Dai Yuan also followed the soldiers to the backyard of the governor's mansion with his head downcast.

After Li Ji made an example to others, the reception work below was obviously much easier, and no one dared to resist.

Officials from Chang'an were sent to take over Cangcao and Hucao.

Officials sent by the Ministry of Punishment took over Fa Cao.

In a short time, all six divisions of the Bianliang City Judges were controlled by Li Ji.

Just when the officials in Bianliang City were in danger, thinking that it would be their turn next.

However, they heard Li Ji change the topic and said to them with a smile:

"His Highness and I have seen everything the princes have done for Bianliang City in the past few days."

"There are still a lot of things to be done here, and I have to work hard to persevere and complete all the disaster relief tasks as soon as possible."

After hearing this, the officials secretly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they were fine for the time being.

At the same time, he secretly reminded himself that the following matters must not be taken lightly, so as not to be caught by Li Ji.

And Li Ji has already set his sights on Li Chengqian at this meeting, indicating that he has made arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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