Chapter 405: Heading to Huangquan Road

There was a "boom", and just when Zhu Yitan was about to say the most important news, with a bang, his body suddenly burst into flames and turned into a human-shaped torch.

At this moment, Yuan Shouwei instantly recalled that this was a self-combustion talisman. In the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, a prisoner told him how Taoist Zhu Xiuren died, but because he did not experience it personally, he did not remember it.

A flash of thought flashed across his body, he had already jumped up, the five-element water talisman in his hand covered Zhu Yitan's head, and shouted loudly at the same time:
"Zhongqing, protect His Highness."

Then as the two sleeves danced, the strong wind driving the two sleeves directly extinguished the flames on Zhu Yitan's body together with the rain.

At this time, Zhu Yitan's body was intact, but his fat body had obviously shrunk.

His face was like a dried mummy, his hair and brows had disappeared, leaving only a layer of skin covering his skull. The skin on his body was black and white, which was extremely terrifying.

Yuan Shouwei looked at him and immediately understood that the self-ignition talisman had already burned all his internal organs.

You Zi reluctantly grabbed his wrist, wanting to test his pulse, but as soon as his hand touched Zhu Yitan's skin, the skin immediately slipped down his fingers.

The red texture on his arms was exposed, and there was a faint steam of heat, and at the same time, the smell of meat filled the entire hall.

Li Chengqian also stood up and watched Yuan Shouwei rescue him. After smelling the smell of barbecue, he couldn't bear it anymore and made a "vomit" sound on one side, vomiting all over the floor.

Zhongqing was so panicked that he quickly served tea and beat his back.

However, Li Ji had already seen this scene many times, and was not moved at all. He walked directly to Yuan Shouwei, looked at Zhu Yitan's body intently, and asked Yuan Shouwei:

Yuan Shouwei shook his head helplessly and said:

"A self-combustion talisman was planted in his body. The fire was ignited from his physical strength first. By the time we saw him on fire, it was already too late."

After that, I briefly introduced the situation of the spontaneous combustion talisman.

After Li Ji heard this, he suddenly looked up at Yuan Shouwei and said:

"Yuan Shouwei, hurry up, go check on Wang Jieming and Dai Yuan, be careful they have this self-ignition talisman planted in their bodies as well."

Yuan Shouwei immediately understood what Li Ji meant. Zhu Yitan's clues had been cut off. Wang Jieming and Dai Yuan were obviously the same as Zhu Yitan, and they couldn't be allowed to die too.

Thinking of this, he immediately rushed to the backyard.

Wang Jieming and Dai Yuan were detained in two side rooms in the backyard, with soldiers guarding the door.

Yuan Shouwei approached and said to the soldiers:
"Quickly, open the door. Let me see if there is any problem with their safety?"

These soldiers all came from Chang'an. Knowing Yuan Shouwei's identity, they immediately opened the door without hesitation.

The two people in custody were all uneasy in the room. They didn't know what was waiting for them next?
Whether he was dismissed from office or rescued by Zhu Yitan, when he was thinking wildly, he suddenly saw Yuan Shouwei coming in in a hurry.

After entering the door, he didn't say anything. He just looked at the two of them repeatedly, which made both of them feel terrified.

Wang Jieming asked anxiously:

"Master, what do you mean?"

Yuan Shouwei had already looked through their bodies and found that there were no spontaneous combustion talismans. He breathed a sigh of relief and said to them:

"You two, Zhu Yitan is dead. He died of spontaneous combustion in the main hall."

"Let me see if there is such a charm in your body. Fortunately, there is not."

After speaking briefly about the situation, he added:

"Monks don't lie. I know that both of you are Zhu Yitan's confidants. If you know where the salary is going, you'd better tell me quickly." After thinking about it for a moment, the two of them knew that Yuan Shouwei had no need to lie to them.

Dai Yuan said in a panic:
"National Master, we really don't know where the money goes."

"Perhaps you can ask Fan Hanlin, who joined the army with Sicang. He is in charge of the warehouse and is also the true confidant of Zhu Shishi."

After Yuan Shouwei heard this, he did not dare to neglect. After cupping his hands at the two of them, he immediately turned and left, heading to the warehouse of the Governor's Mansion.

After arriving at the courtyard of the warehouse, Feng Yuanliang from Chang'an Minbu was now on the main hall, leading a group of people to check the account books, but there was no sign of Fan Hanlin.

Feng Yuanliang also saw Yuan Shouwei at this moment. He quickly put down the account book in his hand and stood up to greet him.

Yuan Shouwei returned the courtesy while looking around and asked:

"Mr. Feng, why haven't you seen Fan Canjun?"

Feng Yuanliang showed a trace of displeasure on his face, pointed at the busy people in the main hall and said:
"Fan Canjun said he wasn't feeling well, so he handed these account books to us and left."

When Yuan Shouwei heard that Fan Hanlin was not feeling well, he couldn't help but feel nervous and quickly asked:
"Is his face flushed, his forehead sweating, and he keeps drinking water and complaining of thirst?"

Feng Yuanliang shook his head disapprovingly and said:

"National Teacher, Fan Canjun doesn't have the symptoms you mentioned."

Then he lowered his voice and said:
"He was actually unhappy because the British prince had taken away his power."

"They didn't dare to resist the British public, so they went on strike deliberately to vent their anger on us."

Yuan Shouwei immediately understood the meaning, and the urgency in his heart relaxed a little, and then he said to Feng Yuanliang:

"Mr. Feng, find someone who knows Fan Canjun's home address and take me there. I have something urgent to do with him."

Feng Yuanliang did not dare to neglect after hearing this. He immediately found a warehouse boy and hurried to Fan Hanlin's home with Yuan Shouwei.

Fan Hanlin's house was not too far from the Governor's Mansion. It was only two streets away. It was a courtyard with three entrances. When I got to the door, I saw that the door was closed.

The handyman came forward and called the door. He called for a long time, but no one responded.

Yuan Shouwei had an ominous premonition in his heart, and without any hesitation at this moment, he broke in through the door.

After entering the door, I found that the courtyard was deathly silent, not a single person was seen, and I knew something was wrong.

He stood up and rushed directly to the backyard. When he reached the main hall, he was stunned by the scene inside.

I saw more than ten people hanging in the main hall. There was a wind passing by in the courtyard, blowing the people hanging in the air and shaking from side to side, which made people feel cold air rising from their tailbones.

Among them is Fan Hanlin, and the others must be his family members.

Not spontaneous combustion?

Did he commit suicide out of fear of sin?
But you won’t let the whole family follow you to Huangquan Road!
In Yuan Shouwei's time of thinking, he had already taken the lead in untying Fan Hanlin. The place where he started was freezing cold, and he knew that there was no way he could be saved.

He hurried and hurried to rescue the others, to see if he could save a few.

As soon as two people were relieved, the handyman also ran in. After seeing the corpses hanging in the main hall, he immediately let out a scream of "ah" and fell to the ground, his face turned pale, and he could no longer stand up. .

(End of this chapter)

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