Chapter 406 I'm here to save you
While Yuan Shouwei untied the body, he turned to him and said:

"Don't panic, there haven't been any deaths in Bianliang City these days."

"I'm here to see if I can save a few. You can quickly go to the Governor's Mansion and notify someone."

"Remember, keep quiet for now."

Yuan Shouwei's calmness affected the handyman. After a moment's pause, he agreed and rolled out of the courtyard gate, quickly heading towards the Governor's Mansion.

Yuan Shouwei also quickly untied everyone. After checking them carefully, he couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

That's horrible!
More than ten members of the family, young and old, died, leaving no one alive.

This is not suicide.

Fan Hanlin must be in cahoots with Zhu Yitan and greedy for money.

But he was not the main culprit. Even if he could not escape death, it would be difficult to harm his family. There was no need for them all to hang themselves.

There is only one possibility. Fan Hanlin and Zhu Yitan were silenced by the people behind them.

The reason why the person behind the scenes was able to react so quickly was obviously because Li Ji's seizure of power alarmed him.

But, what is the origin of the person behind this?
Where did the salary go?
Just as Yuan Shouwei was thinking, he saw the handyman and Wu Yan rushing over with dozens of soldiers.

When everyone saw the corpses here, they were all shocked and confused.

Wu Fu looked at Yuan Shouwei who was frowning and asked:

"The clue is broken again?"

Yuan Shouwei sighed helplessly, and said:
"Well, I'm late, so I'm afraid it won't be easy to find the person behind it."

Wu Fu comforted him:
"It's okay. It's a very troublesome thing to move such a large amount of money. There must be more than the two of them who know the situation. Let's continue to investigate."

Then he turned to the soldiers behind him and said:
"You collect the bodies first. After that, search Fan Hanlin's yard thoroughly to see if there are any clues."

The soldiers agreed and went their separate ways.

Yuan Shouwei was left standing there slowly thinking about the breakthrough.

At this moment, there was another rush of footsteps outside the second door. Yuan Shouwei looked up and saw that this person was Feng Yuanliang's subordinate, whom they had just met.

After the man saw Yuan Shouwei, he took a few deep breaths, raised his hands to Yuan Shouwei and said:

"Kong Chu has met the imperial master."

"Feng Gong asked me to report to you that Hu Man, the manager of the Bianliang warehouse, is Fan Hanlin's confidant. He also asked for leave today and was not on duty."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei was immediately shocked, and the clue came.

The confidant's confidant, although not a big fish, is better than the one who has gained nothing now.

Thinking of this, he quickly called the handyman and asked him to take him and Wu Fu to Hu Man's house.

The handyman knew that today was a big event, so he nodded in agreement and led Yuan Shouwei and the others to Hu Man's house quickly.

Hu Man's family lived near the east wall of Bianliang City.

According to the handyman, Hu Man was not a local and did not bring any family members with him. He lived here alone.

While he was talking, he had already arrived at Hu Man's house. This was a small courtyard with a second entrance, and the door was still closed.

Yuan Shouwei absorbed the lesson from last time this time and instead of knocking on the door, he used the unique skill he had learned in Liaocheng: climbing over the wall.

First, he quietly went over by himself to check the situation.

Wu Fu and the others first looked around to see if there was anyone suspicious, and then went over to meet Yuan Shouwei later.

After Yuan Shouwei entered the courtyard, he still didn't find anyone.

After looking at it for a moment, he immediately walked to the main hall in a familiar way.

After arriving at the place, sure enough, there was a person hanging above the main hall. Needless to say, this must be Hu Man.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei felt desperate. It was over, it was too late again.

However, he did not dare to neglect, but flew forward and freed Hu Man from the beam.

There was actually a hint of warmth at the beginning, which made Yuan Shouwei both surprised and happy.This Human is not dead!
Very good!
Yuan Shouwei began to inject spiritual power into him to see if he could be revived.

With the input of spiritual power, Hu Man's stiff body began to soften, and his closed eyes slowly opened.

Yuan Shouwei finally felt relieved after riding a roller coaster today.

Phew. It looks like he was finally rescued, so there are clues.

But as Hu Man's eyes opened, Yuan Shouwei's heart began to worry again.

This Hu Man's eyes were extremely distracted and his eyes were demented. It was not the expression that a normal person should have at all.

Fortunately, Yuan Shouwei immediately remembered that Wu Fu had met Liu Sheng for him. Someone had captured his soul!

Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately took out a Pure Heart Talisman and placed it on Hu Man's chest, and then recited the Pure Heart Charm.

His strength is naturally much stronger than Wu Fu and Zhongqing. In the blink of an eye, Hu Man's eyes have become clear and he has regained his consciousness.

Looking at Yuan Shouwei in front of him, he remained silent and his eyes were filled with confusion.

Only then did Yuan Shouwei notice the strangulation marks on his neck that were deep enough to reach the bone, and knew that he had injured his throat bone and was unable to speak.

He also said softly:

"Hu Man, I am Yuan Shouwei, and I am here to save you."

After that, he briefly told the story of Zhu Yitan and Fan Hanlin's murder.

After Hu Man finished listening, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, and he raised his arm with great effort, pointing to the east side of the main hall.

Yuan Shouwei saw a screen and a screen wall in the direction he pointed, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

When he lowered his head to look at Hu Man in his arms, he found that his eyes were wide open and his nose was no longer breathing.


Yuan Shouwei hurriedly input spiritual power again, but found that there was no way he could save himself, and he was extremely depressed for a while.

He put Hu Man's body on the ground and heard rapid footsteps outside the door. Wu Fu had already arrived with several soldiers.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Wu Fu looked at Yuan Shouwei in disbelief.
"Die again?"

Yuan Shouwei twitched the corner of his mouth, gave her a wry smile, and then said:
"Better than Fan Hanlin, at least he has left us some clues."

"First, it can be confirmed that he was possessed by someone and hanged himself involuntarily. If we calculate this, then Fan Hanlin's family must be the same as him."

"Secondly, before he died, he pointed at the screen and the screen wall. There should be clues here."

Several people who were traveling with him were surprised and happy after hearing this, and turned to look at the screen and screen wall.

To put it simply, they are just ordinary screens and screen walls, no different from those in other homes.

Wu Fu looked at it carefully, poked Yuan Shouwei next to him, and whispered:

"Use your Tianyan to see if there are any clues in the screen and the screen wall?"

Yuan Shouwei felt that what she said was reasonable and immediately used his clairvoyance to check.

At this glance, I really found a clue. There was nothing wrong with the screen. There was a white note behind the blue bricks on the screen wall, which said:

Meng Ling'er from Yanluo Lane.

That's the clue.

Yanluo Lane should be a place name.

And Meng Ling'er should be a personal name.

He turned to look at the people behind him and found that except for the handyman, they all came from Chang'an City.

I thought to myself that this handyman didn't know anything about it, so he obviously couldn't ask him about this place.

Thinking of this, he winked at Wu Fu and left the main hall.

(End of this chapter)

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