Chapter 407 The clue is broken
Wu Fu knew that he had found a clue and ordered others to search slowly while he followed Yuan Shouwei out quietly.

After she was out of everyone's sight, she looked at Yuan Shouwei who had stopped and asked anxiously:

"Have you found a clue?"

Yuan Shouwei showed a relieved smile on his face and said to her:
"found it."

"There is a note inside the screen wall that says 'Yanluo Lane Meng Ling'er'."

Then he told Wu Fu his judgment.

Wu Fu pondered for a moment, and then immediately said:
"Then go to the street and find someone to inquire about this place."

"I asked the handyman to leave, and then led the others to search slowly, waiting for your news."

Yuan Shouwei nodded in agreement, turned around and left the courtyard.

After walking on the street for a while, he randomly asked an old man about it, and then he learned that Yanluo Lane is a fireworks lane in Bianliang.

Needless to say, since Hu Man is alone here, Meng Ling'er must be his confidante.

Thinking of this, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he secretly felt a little proud in his heart.

You have so many people behind this, but you can’t imagine that Hu Man left a note hidden in the screen wall, right?

And you don’t think that Master Dao and I have ‘clairvoyance’, right?

After thinking of this, he calmed down his tense nerves a little and walked slowly towards Yanluo Alley.

After walking not far, I suddenly heard a noise in front of me, and I vaguely heard someone shouting again:
"Quick, quick, this house has collapsed again. Quickly save people."

"Oh, I told them not to let them live, but they insist on living there. Isn't this asking for death?"

Immediately, a group of patrolling soldiers ran past him and arrived at a collapsed house not far ahead.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei quickly walked over to see if he could be of any help.

When I got closer, I saw that the group of soldiers and several Taoist priests from the Sansheng Sect were digging out the collapsed houses to rescue people.

Because there were so many people, Yuan Shouwei didn't need help.

In a short time, several people had been dug out. Looking at their battered and bloody state, I knew they were dead.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei felt desolate in his heart, and several innocent lives had been lost.

At the same time, I heard the comments of the people:
"Hey, are these the victims from outside the city again?"

"Yes, this is a dilapidated house. I told them that this is an old house and it has been soaked in rain for so long. It will easily collapse and they should not live in it. But they refused to listen."

"Oh, it's been raining and windy all day. I guess they just wanted to find a shelter from the wind and rain. It's a pity that these few lives were lost."

After Yuan Shouwei heard this, he couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He suddenly remembered what his father-in-law just said. Yanluo Lane is an old street in Bianliang City and has a history of more than a hundred years.

Those buildings are all old houses!

After thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei did not dare to stay any longer, and involuntarily accelerated his pace.

As he walked quickly, he saw several collapsed old houses, and Yuan Shouwei suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

Before we even reached the place, we could already see the crowds of people in front of us, and they were talking a lot.

"What's the matter with this house? How can it be said that it all collapsed?"

After hearing these words, Yuan Shouwei felt his head buzzing, and he directly used the Great Shift of the Universe to squeeze through the crowd, and moved to the intersection of the street.

As soon as I saw it, I could only see that the entire Yanluo Lane, except for a few houses, had all collapsed.

The scene was extremely tragic, as if it had just experienced an earthquake.

Many Tang troops are conducting emergency search and rescue operations.Could it be that someone just collapsed the entire street to avoid tracing?
Yuan Shouwei came to the guarding soldiers, took out his fish bag, revealed his identity, and said that he was investigating a case.

When the soldiers saw this, they immediately took him in and met with Zheng Yi, the leader of the Tang Army in charge.

Zheng Yi knew Yuan Shouwei's identity, so he quickly gave a military salute and said:

"This subordinate has seen the national teacher."

Yuan Shouwei knew that this was one of his own, so he returned the gift with a smile and told him that he was investigating the salary.

When Zheng Yi learned that he had come to inquire about Meng Ling'er's address, he immediately pointed out a courtyard with collapsed houses in the middle of the street and said:

"Report to the Imperial Master, according to the information obtained by my subordinates, this is the Meng family, and Meng Ling'er lives here."

While speaking, he led Yuan Shouwei forward through the rubble on the ground, while ordering the soldiers to first rescue the Meng family who were being held under the house.

He explained to Yuan Shouwei again:

"It has been less than two hours since my subordinates took over the defense in the west of the city, so after deploying basic patrols, the rest is to deal with emergency matters."

"I have also just learned about the situation of the houses in Yanluo Lane. According to the judgment of my subordinates, the houses that have just closed down should not be soaked by rainwater. Instead, it seems more like someone did it deliberately."

Yuan Shouwei's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately asked:

"Are you sure? I felt a little strange just now."

Zheng Yi nodded and said:

"Yes, the foundations of houses soaked by rain are soft. As for the houses in Yanluo Lane, although some of them have soft foundations, they are far from reaching the level of dilapidated houses."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei thought about the possibility that the person behind the scenes knew that Hu Man had a crush on Yanluo Lane, but he didn't know the specific person, and he didn't know that Hu Man had a crush. No important information was disclosed to her.

Coupled with Yuan Shouwei's pursuit of the investigation, they were in a hurry, and simply destroyed the entire Yanluo Lane, pretending to be collapsed by a disaster.

While thinking about it, they had already reached the location of the Meng family's house, and the soldiers were working hard to dig out and rescue them.

Half an hour later, a dozen bloody corpses were placed in front of Yuan Shouwei, none of them alive.

Yuan Shouwei was already feeling cold. He asked someone to identify Meng Ling'er's body, hoping for a miracle.

But soon two or three people testified against one of them. The smashed corpse with only half of its head left said, this is Meng Ling'er.

It's already dead and can't die anymore!

Yuan Shouwei looked at the body of the slim woman wearing a bright pomegranate skirt and sighed slightly, knowing that the clue was broken again.

So he said goodbye to Zheng Yi, and went to Hu Man's house in a depressed mood.

When he got to the place, Wu Yan knew what was going on by looking at his expression, and comforted him:

"Mr. Lang, our clues are broken here, but there are no clues elsewhere."

"Let's go back to the governor's warehouse and take a look. They might find something there."

Yuan Shouwei thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Wu Fu asked these Tang troops to guard Hu Man's yard, and returned to the Governor's Mansion with Yuan Shouwei.

When they arrived at the main hall, they saw that Zhu Yitan's body had also been removed.Except for Li Chengqian's face turning a little pale, everything else was fine.

Li Ji had just interrogated Wang Jieming and Dai Yuan, and they had confessed some corruption matters to Zhu Yitan.

But they don't know the person behind the salary and Zhu Yitan.

(End of this chapter)

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