Chapter 408 Even drooling is so beautiful

Yuan Shouwei told the two of them what he had just experienced.

Li Chengqian and Li Ji couldn't help but fell silent for a while after hearing this. The person behind this was really fast and ruthless enough to cut off all the clues.

Li Ji said to Zhongqing beside him:
"Taoist Master Zhongqing, please invite Feng Yuanliang to the main hall and see if they have any new clues."

Zhongqing responded and hurried away.

It didn't take long before Feng Yuanliang returned to the main hall.

After Feng Yuanliang presented the gifts to everyone, Li Ji first told him about Zhu Yitan, and then asked:

"Yuanliang, did you find any clues in the warehouse?"

After Feng Yuanliang learned that Fan Hanlin and Hu Mandu were dead, a trace of surprise flashed across his face. After hearing Li Ji's question, he said helplessly:

"I'm telling the British public that Fan Hanlin and Hu Man are not cooperating with our inspection of the warehouse."

"The account book that Fan Hanlin gave me has very clear account transaction details, including the whereabouts of the salary. It is said that it was caught in a flood."

"But my subordinates discovered that the materials supported by the imperial court and the counties, except for salaries and food, were all left intact in the accounts."

"When I forcibly opened the warehouse for inspection, I found that tents, sandbags, and medicines were all piled up in piles. They were not distributed at all, and the seals on them were not moved at all."

When Li Chengqian, who was sitting on the seat, heard this, his pale face suddenly turned red, and he said angrily:

"Zhu Yitan has been crying to me about poverty all day long, saying that he has no supplies and cannot save the people."

"Turns out he hid everything, damn it."

Li Ji frowned and thought for a while, then asked Fengyuan Liang:
"How are the details of their supplies and food incoming and outgoing marked?"

Feng Yuanliang took out several account books he held in his hand, handed them to Li Ji, and said:
"The money supported by other counties is not recorded."

"The records of food are quite complete. How many people were rescued on a certain day and how much food was used. But I went to the disaster relief site and looked at it. These accounts can be reconciled except for these few days. All the previous accounts are false."

"The whereabouts of the food is also unknown. As for where it went, my subordinates are still investigating."

In other words, Feng Yuanliang can't provide any useful clues for the time being.

Li Ji knew that Feng Yuanliang had a lot to do at this time, so he asked him to go down first, and told him to distribute supplies as soon as possible while continuing to investigate the accounts.

Feng Yuanliang agreed, turned around and hurried away.

And everyone in the hall fell into deep thought again, and for a while they were a little helpless.

Seeing this, Wu Fu on the side said to Li Ji:
"British Sir, let's change our thinking."

"Since the enemy is anxious to cut off all the clues, it shows that they are also very anxious now."

"We might as well lure the snake out of the hole and say to the outside world that we haven't found any clues about Hu Man's family. In this case, the enemy will definitely attack again."

After listening to Wu Fu's words, everyone's eyes lit up.

Li Ji nodded repeatedly, smiled and said to Wu Fu:
"You girl's resourcefulness is really not inferior to that of your father."

"As you said, let's give it a try first."

Li Ji turned to Yuan Shouwei and said:
"I have to leave it to you to set up an ambush at Hu Man's house tonight."

"Zhu Yitan died of spontaneous combustion, and the other two were possessed. From this point of view, the person behind it must be proficient in Taoism." "Except for you, others are really incapable of dealing with it."

And Yuan Shouwei is thinking about the cause of Wu Yuanqing and Zhu Xiuren's death.

Especially the situation before Zhu Xiuren's death was exactly the same as Zhu Yitan's.

At that time, the mystery was never solved. Unexpectedly, when we arrived in Bianliang, the self-igniting talisman appeared again.At the same time, there was also the soul-obsessing technique, which had to make him suspect that the two things were related.

After hearing Li Ji's arrangement, he also bowed to him and said:
"British Sir, I am bound to do this."

"I'll start making arrangements now. Once I have any clues, I'll tell you."

Li Chengqian said a little uneasily:

"Ask Zhongqing and Wu Fu to go with you. You will need people to come up with ideas and run errands."

Yuan Shouwei thought that this was also the case, so he took Wu Fu and Zhongqing to bid farewell to Er Li, left the main hall, gathered a group of soldiers, and went to Hu Man's house with great fanfare.

After arriving at the place, he first glanced at the screen wall in the main hall and found that the white paper was still there.He nodded vaguely to Wu Fu and Zhong Qing, and began to order the soldiers to search.

After struggling for several hours and watching the sky was almost over, everyone was ordered to return. The three of them secretly stayed in the courtyard and waited quietly.

It's time to wait until Yinshi.

Except for Yuan Shouwei who was more energetic, the other two couldn't stand it anymore. They leaned on both sides of Yuan Shouwei's body and slept soundly.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei felt that his shoulders were a little wet, and when he looked sideways, he saw that a lot of the saliva from Zhongqing's mouth was leaking out on his shoulders.

I couldn't help but push Zhongqing aside with some disgust. Seeing that Zhongqing still had his mouth wide open and his mouth open, he couldn't help but secretly mutter in his heart: It's so ugly.

Just after he disliked Zhongqing, he felt that his right shoulder was also wet. When he looked sideways again, he saw that Wu Fu also had his mouth open, and his lips were dripping with tears.

Yuan Shouwei held his breath and gently rolled his shoulders to make Wu Fu's pillow more comfortable. Then he took out the silk handkerchief in his arms and wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth.

Looking at Wu Fu's profile, he secretly muttered: Why is my Zhao'er so beautiful, even drooling so beautifully?

Just as they were getting ready, a rustling sound suddenly came from their ears. Although the sound was not loud, it was still quite obvious in this quiet night.

Yuan Shouwei listened attentively for a moment. The sound was not the sound of human footsteps, but the sound of animals.

Even so, he didn't dare to neglect, punching Zhongqing and waking him up directly.Then he gently shook Wu Fu awake.

He told them to be silent, and then he led the two of them to climb to the beam of the main hall.

After Zhongqing climbed up, he suddenly remembered what Yuan Shouwei said during the day, and asked Wu Fu quietly:
"Princess, did Hu Man hang himself on this beam?"

Wu Fu didn't speak, carefully watched the movement below, and nodded absently.

After hearing this, Zhongqing felt a little scared in his heart. He looked at the dark hall below and heard the sound of "rustling" getting closer and closer. He said to Yuan Shouwei with a trembling voice:

"Yuan Shouwei, how about we change places?"

"I'm afraid that Hu Man's ghost hasn't dissipated yet."

Yuan Shouwei glared at him angrily and said:
"Zhongqing, don't forget, you are a Taoist priest, and catching ghosts is your professional scope."

As soon as he said this, Zhongqing suddenly realized that he was so scared that he forgot his identity, and gradually became more courageous.

(End of this chapter)

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