Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 409 You Can Run A Monk, But You Can't Run A Temple

Chapter 409 You Can Run A Monk, But You Can't Run A Temple
At this moment, the 'rustling' sound had already reached outside the main hall.

Because of the cloudy sky, Wu Li and the others couldn't see what it was, but Yuan Shouwei could see it clearly, it turned out to be a hundred and ten mice.

I saw the group of rats swarming up to the main hall, and then dispersed in a rush, screaming in their mouths, and scurrying around.

Because of Ding Xiude's incident, Wu Fu was particularly sensitive to rats. After hearing the noise below, he bit Yuan Shouwei's ear and said:

"Are they a bunch of rats?"

Yuan Shouwei felt Wu Fu's breath like blue in his ears, and felt itchy in his heart.

Then he gave a soft 'hmm' and told her the situation in a low voice.

Zhongqing on the other side didn't hear what he said clearly. As soon as he got close to Yuan Shouwei's ear and wanted to ask, Yuan Shouwei pushed him away in disgust.

Wu Yan then said to Yuan Shouwei in a low voice:

"The snake has come out of its hole. These rats are definitely driven by people, and they are the same as Na Ding's method of cultivating virtue."

Yuan Shouwei also said in a low voice:

"Yes, let's observe for a while first."

"It's difficult for the enemy to control so many rats to look for things at the same time. I estimate that one or two of them are specifically responsible for looking for things, and the others are just messing around."

While speaking, he pinned Zhongqing, who wanted to speak, to the beam.

After about a quarter of an hour, Yuan Shouwei discovered the clue. Among the rats running around, one rat was rummaging through the box in a very humane manner.

That's it!

Yuan Shouwei told Wu Fu and others what he had observed. After hearing this, the two couldn't help but feel excited.

Yuan Shouwei also focused all his attention on the mouse.

The mouse rummaged around the main hall and found nothing, then went to other rooms to search.

Now that he has locked the target and knows that the clue is right under his nose, Yuan Shouwei is not in a hurry and quietly waits for the rat to come back.

As expected, after an hour, the gray-haired mouse returned to the main hall.

This time it didn't rummage around, but raised its nose and smelled everywhere.

This couldn't help but amuse Yuan Shouwei. He vaguely remembered which book he had read before. Rats have poor vision but a very good sense of smell.

They can distinguish directions and scents through their sense of smell, and know what is there by smell. They come out at night and hide during the day.

This is good, as it saves it from finding things and leaves Yuan Shouwei to think of a solution.

After sniffing around, the gray-haired mouse quickly touched the screen wall.

After biting open several holes, I finally found the note.

With a note in its mouth, it stood up, danced and cheered.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei on the beam saw its movements and felt happy in his heart. You have found something. Go quickly and find your owner.

Just when he thought of this, the mouse already let out a scream, started to hold the note in his mouth, and ran out in a hurry.

Want to run?

Master Dao has been waiting for you all night. You can escape whenever you want, but there is no door.

Yuan Shouwei immediately said hello to Wu and the two of them, then he performed the Lingbo Wei Step and followed the mouse in a flash.

After walking through the streets and alleys for a quarter of an hour, Yuan Shouwei followed the mouse to the back wall of a place with red walls and green tiles.The mouse apparently didn't notice that he was being followed, and slipped into a hole in the corner of the wall.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, his heart tightened. He must not be lost at this time. He also jumped up and stood on the wall, carefully observing the mouse's whereabouts.

Fortunately, the mouse did not get into the hole, but went to a side hall not far ahead.

Only then did Yuan Shou realize that this place was actually a temple.

Could it be that the people in this temple are the masterminds behind Zhu Yitan?

While Yuan Shouwei was thinking about it, he saw the mouse directly enter the side hall. At this time, the lights were still on in the side hall, and a figure was printed on the window lattice.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei quietly came to the window of the side hall.

I checked with my clairvoyance and saw that the mouse had reached the man's feet, chirped a few times, dropped the note, and turned around to leave.

The man in robes was a middle-aged monk, and he was obviously controlling the mouse. He watched the mouse leave, softly recited a spell in his mouth, and trembled a few times as if he had regained his soul. Then he lowered his head and looked at The note at your feet.

Mouth to himself:
"Meng Ling'er from Yanluo Lane."

"If I had known this news earlier, there wouldn't have been so many people buried with me."

As soon as he said this, Yuan Shouwei outside the window immediately understood that he had found the rightful owner this time.

Without hesitation at that moment, he opened the door in an instant and rushed directly to the monk like a ghost. He restrained the monk with the movement of his fingers.

Immediately, the confinement technique was released, directly covering the monk, and then he took out the clairvoyance and checked his chest to see if there was a self-ignition talisman.

Fortunately, nothing was found, which made Yuan Shouwei let out a long breath. This monk must not be able to commit suicide.

This moment was completed in a flash of lightning. By the time the monk reacted, he was completely controlled by Yuan Shouwei and could not even move his hands or feet.

But what he never expected was that when the monk looked at Yuan Shouwei's actions, instead of panicking, he showed a sarcastic smile on his lips and said to Yuan Shouwei:
"Do you think you can trap me like this?"

Then he saw his cheeks exert force, and a slight 'click' sound came from his mouth.

Yuan Shouwei knew something was wrong as soon as he heard this. He stretched out his hand like lightning and removed the monk's chin, but it was still a step too late.

I saw a wisp of black blood flowing out of the corner of the monk's mouth, and he fell straight back, hitting the bluestone ground with a loud bang.

Yuan Shouwei felt his pulse and found that he was completely out of breath.

When he opened his mouth, he saw that the whole mouth was covered with black blood clots. He was already dead and could no longer die.

Yuan Shouwei went numb for a moment!
Just as he was getting the clue, due to his carelessness, he actually watched it slip away.

This monk looks like an eminent monk to you. Why did he die in such an insignificant and despicable manner?

He let out a long sigh and immediately searched around the side hall. He found that except for a few futons, tables and chairs, there was nothing else in the room.

Moreover, these things were covered with dust. It was obvious that the monk had been prepared and found such a place specially.

Do you think it will be over once you die?
As the old saying goes, you can run away from the monk, but you can't run away from the temple.

I will go find the abbot of this temple now and find out who is behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei looked up and looked outside the house, and found that the sky was already dark.

Immediately he left the temple gate and walked to the front yard. He didn't go far when he saw a young novice who had gotten up early.

(End of this chapter)

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