Chapter 410
Yuan Shouwei, who was annoyed and didn't bother to hide his figure, quickly rushed to the little novice monk, grabbed him by the skirt of his clothes, slammed him against the wall, and asked:
"Let me ask you, what kind of temple is this? What is the name of the abbot in the temple?"

The little novice monk who was walking was frightened. Through the dim sky, he vaguely felt that there seemed to be a person in front of him.

Just when he was confused, he saw the man flying in front of him and hitting himself against the wall.

Instinctively, he wanted to shout for help, but Yuan Shouwei covered his mouth.

Yuan Shouwei also realized that he was a little reckless, adjusted his mentality a little, and said viciously on purpose:

"Don't shout, if you shout again I will kill you now."

"I ask a question, and you answer a question, do you hear me?"

The little novice monk realized now that he was a human being and not a ghost.Listening to what Yuan Shouwei said, he nodded nervously.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei repeated his previous question and then released his palm.

The little novice monk took a few big breaths of air, and then he said pitifully with tears in his eyes:

"My hero, this is Puji Temple, and our abbot is Master Huineng."

Is the person behind this Huineng?

Yuan Shouwei not only frowned, but Hui Neng looked like a straightforward person, not someone who was playing tricks.

But after thinking about it, it's not right. It is absolutely impossible to run this Puji Temple into the number one temple in Bianliang without any real skills.

After thinking of this, he continued to ask:
"Where does Hui Neng live?"

The little novice monk trembled and said:

"The host of this meeting should be at the Main Hall, ready to lead everyone in reciting morning prayers."

After Yuan Shouwei asked about the location of the Main Hall, he knocked out the little novice monk with one palm and went directly to the front hall.

Not far away, I heard bursts of noise. Looking up, I saw several groups of people lined up on both sides of the main hall, waiting for the monk at the front to give them porridge.

Going up the steps behind the Main Hall, I saw that the open space in front was densely covered with various tents and a long queue of more than a dozen people.

And Master Huineng was standing at the door of the hall, shouting something loudly to the monks around him.

Yuan Shouwei listened attentively and only heard Huineng's instructions to the monk:
"The porridge is still a little too thin. Now that the people are here, we can't let them go hungry. We'll cook a few more pots of porridge later."

As soon as he said this, Yuan Shouwei hesitated a little. He recalled several contacts with Huineng, and he felt more and more that Huineng did not seem to be the person behind the scenes.

If I rush forward and take him down now, if I make a mistake, I will first chill the hearts of these monks.

Besides, with so many people watching, it would be a big loss for me.

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt something moving behind him. He turned around and saw that it was Wu Fu and Zhong Qing who had followed the mark he left and were chasing after him.

I suddenly had an idea in my heart.

He told the two of them what he saw, and asked Zhongqing to go back and invite Li Chengqian and Li Ji to come over, while himself and Wu Yan continued to stare at Huineng here.

After Zhongqing heard this, he also knew that the matter was urgent and hurriedly turned around and headed to the Governor's Mansion.

Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu blended into the crowd and watched Huineng's every move closely.

About half an hour later, the sky was already bright. Hui Neng, who was busy, looked at the sky, made arrangements with the monks beside him, and went to the Main Hall. It was time to attend morning classes.

When Yuan Shouwei was about to think of a way to sneak into the Main Hall, he saw Zhongqing appearing on the side of the Main Hall, looking towards him, and knew that Li Chengqian and the others had arrived.

He greeted Wu Fu and asked her to continue staring at Huineng, while he came to Zhongqing's side.

It was learned that Li Chengqian and Li Ji had arrived outside Puji Temple with 500 soldiers.Their worries were the same as Yuan Shouwei's. They were afraid that if the wrong person was arrested, people's hearts would be chilled.

So the other soldiers were also asked to wait outside the temple, and they brought a few guards to wait outside the temple to meet Yuan Shouwei.

Yuan Shouwei did not dare to neglect after hearing this, and immediately came to the outside of the temple with Zhongqing. After meeting Li Chengqian and the others, they briefly discussed and walked into the temple together.

At this time, Huineng had just entered the Main Hall when he saw a monk outside the door coming to report that it was His Highness who brought someone to visit.

Huineng was a little surprised. Why did Li Chengqian come here at this time? There must be something urgent.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly walked out of the hall. Just after arriving outside the hall, he saw that Li Chengqian and his party were already walking in a hurry not far in front of him.

He also quickly saluted and asked Li Chengqian's purpose of coming.

Li Chengqian first glanced sideways at Yuan Shouwei, and when he nodded, he knew that Huineng was already within his control.

After taking two quick steps, he came to Huineng, saluted and said:

"Host, I took the liberty of visiting today because there is something urgent."

"I don't know if it's convenient for the host. Let's go to the backyard to talk."

Only then did Hui Neng realize that Li Chengqian, Li Ji, and Yuan Shouwei were all there. He was shocked and did not dare to neglect, so he quickly pointed to the side hall next to him and said:
"Okay, then please invite Your Highness and everyone to go to the side hall to talk."

Li Chengqian on the side laughed and said:

"Host, let's not go there. I'll take you somewhere."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked to the backyard of the temple.

Although Huineng was a little puzzled, he quickly followed.

When he arrived in front of the side hall in the backyard, Huineng was surprised again when he saw the ajar door.
This side hall has not been inhabited for a long time. How did Your Highness and the others know about this place?

Just when he thought of this, he saw that Yuan Shouwei had pushed open the hall and walked in first. Seeing this, Hui Neng followed everyone in.

When he saw the monk's body on the ground, he couldn't help but be shocked.

He quickly looked up at Li Chengqian and asked:
"Your Highness, what happened to this corpse?"

Li Chengqian looked at Huineng with a non-smiling smile and said:

"Host, this is in your temple, and these are the monks in your temple. Shouldn't I be the one asking you?"

Huineng heard this and quickly defended:
"Your Highness doesn't know. This hall has not been used for a long time. If you don't believe it, just look at the dust on the ground."

"And judging by the appearance of this monk, he is obviously not from our temple. I don't know why he is here."

"Did this person commit something serious?"

Li Ji on the side said:

"Host, do you know about Fan Hanlin's family and Hu Man's suicide yesterday out of fear of crime?"

Huineng suddenly realized it, pointed at the corpse on the ground and asked:

"Of course I know, there are many rumors."

"Is this person related to Fan Hanlin and Hu Man committing suicide out of fear of crime?"

(End of this chapter)

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