Chapter 411 A bigger conspiracy

Li Ji watched Huineng's actions, nodded and said:
"Yeah. But Fan Hanlin and Hu Man didn't commit suicide, they were murdered. This person is one of the murderers."

After hearing these words, Huineng shivered involuntarily, and said loudly the Buddha's name:

"I understand what you mean. You think I, Puji Temple, are the mastermind behind it."

"Then I'll ask someone to bring the certificates from the temple now, and let you verify them one by one."

"See if there is any information about this person."

Li Ji nodded calmly and said:
"It would be best to call in more than a dozen monks and ask them to identify this person one by one. This is also a way to help the master get rid of suspicion."

Huineng heard this and nodded hurriedly:
"It makes sense, it makes sense. I'm going to call some people now and let them identify it."

After speaking, he was about to go out.

But Zhongqing had already stopped in front of him and stopped him:

"Fellow Taoist, just stay here and talk to His Highness. I will take care of the ultimatum and calling people."

When Huineng heard what Zhongqing said, how could he not understand what he meant? He sighed and said helplessly:

"Those who are purified will purify themselves. Then please trouble fellow Taoist Zhongqing to make a trip. I will fully cooperate with you."

Upon hearing this, Zhongqing also hurried to the front yard with a few guards. In a short time, he had already brought the ultimatum from the temple.

There were more than ten monks he randomly found outside the hospital.

Li Ji first took the ultimatum, turned it over briefly, and then put it aside.

Then Zhongqing was arranged to call the monks one by one to identify the bodies. After the identification, they waited in the hospital temporarily to avoid leaking the news.

Zhongqing heard this and followed the instructions one by one. More than ten monks quickly looked at the corpse, and no one knew this person.

Seeing this, Li Ji remained calm and said to Huineng who breathed a sigh of relief:
"President Huineng, maybe this person really isn't from your temple."

"But in order to completely clear the temple's innocence, it's best to take the certificate and verify the personnel in the temple one by one."

Huineng thought for a moment and then said:
"Okay, getting rid of the suspicion is more important. Let's take care of it first."

"Let's go to the Main Hall and let you check the ultimatum one by one."

At the same time, arrange for the two monks outside the courtyard to stop the work of all monks, big and small, in the temple first, and all gather in front of the main hall.

Seeing that he was so cooperative, Li Ji didn't say anything, and returned to the Main Hall with him.

The early porridge service had just been completed, and the monks had a little more time, so they all arrived outside the temple very quickly.

A group of Tang soldiers also walked in from outside the temple at the same time, holding certificates to verify the personnel one by one.

After more than an hour, the Tang army commander came to report that there were 371 monks in Puji Temple, and all of them had been verified and confirmed to be correct.

When everyone in the hall heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other, feeling depressed in their hearts.

It is clear that he was hit by the enemy's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Li Chengqian adjusted his mood, smiled and said to Huineng:

"Master Huineng, I, Li Chengqian, apologize to you."

"I have delayed you for so long and almost slandered your innocence."

When Huineng saw Li Chengqian apologizing to him in person, all the unhappiness in his heart disappeared.

He proclaimed the Buddha's name and replied with a smile:

"Your Highness is out of town, but I still want to thank you for helping me clear my suspicions."

After finishing speaking, he said angrily:

"Who is it that wants to frame me like this?"

"If I find him, I won't let him go."

After Li Chengqian and Li Ji comforted him again, they returned to the Governor's Mansion with the monk's body.After returning to the main hall, Yuan Shouwei told everyone about yesterday's experience in detail.

Everyone fell into silence as they thought about it. The enemy behind them was too cunning and cut off all the clues.

From this point of view, the case is once again in trouble.

After a while, Li Ji thought deeply and said:

“From the moment I entered Bianliang, I felt like there was an invisible big hand controlling everything behind me.”

"I originally wanted to start with the salary case and peel off the cocoons bit by bit to find the mastermind behind it."

"But now it seems that the mastermind behind this is not just for money, but may have a bigger conspiracy."

Li Chengqian was stunned when he heard this, and asked:
"Mr. British, can you tell what kind of conspiracy it is?"

Li Ji shook his head and said:

"Civil riots, plagues, and even another dyke bursting are all possible."

"We are in the light, and the enemy is in the dark. If we can't predict the enemy first, I'm afraid something big and uncontrollable will happen."

After hearing this, Wu Fu on the side said:

"In this case, let Yuan Shou do the math. It's hard to say whether the case can be solved, but it's definitely no problem to predict the enemy first."

After hearing this, several people in the main hall turned their attention to Yuan Shouwei.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei smiled and explained:

"Okay, that's what I meant. Because after Zhu Yitan's accident, time has been in a hurry. Now that it has reached this point, divination is a good choice."

Then after looking at everyone in the main hall one by one, he spoke again:

"Except for the British Duke, I have done the calculations for everyone else, so why not just do the predictions for the British Duke this time."

"And this time the matter is mainly about the British princess. Starting from him, the result of the divination may be more perfect."

After saying that, he took out the compass from the sword box.

Others naturally have no opinion.

Li Ji also smiled and said:

"I have heard for a long time that the divination of the Imperial Master has unpredictable power, but I have never had time to see it."

"This is a good opportunity."

Yuan Shouwei also explained the divination process to him. Li Ji followed his instructions and came to Yuan Shouwei's side. He sat upright and placed his hands on the compass.

Yuan Shouwei asked:
"Mr. British, what's your plan?"

After Li Ji pondered for a moment, he said:

"Even if it's good or bad, I always feel uneasy and want to see what the person behind it is planning."

Yuan Shouwei nodded in agreement.

The compass leads to the stars.

The Big Dipper moves.

Although the sky is gloomy, it does not affect the normal operation of divination.

With the appearance of a large starburst, Li Ji's body trembled. He obviously felt the changes in his surroundings. He couldn't help but raise his head and feel the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth.

I thought to myself:

"The rumors are indeed true. Judging from the vision of heaven and earth, it can be seen that Yuan Shouwei's stargazing skills are indeed well-deserved."

Countless stars rushed into the compass, and the brass pointer in the compass began to rotate slowly. When all the stars entered the compass, the pointer slowly stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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