Chapter 412 Preparing for Rebellion

【bad omen】

[The lower star on the upper level of the Big Dipper appears black, indicating that people do not obey orders and break the law and become thieves. 】

[The meteor arriving at the center of the Big Dipper indicates that the general will be in trouble. 】

[Meteors moving into the three stations of the Big Dipper indicate that soldiers and generals will be in danger of their lives. 】

When Yuan Shouwei saw this scene, he couldn't help being stunned.

If he remembered correctly, this was the first time that three bad omens appeared in succession.

Looking at this prophecy, it turns out that what happened this time was exactly what Li Ji had predicted, that there was going to be a civil uprising.

And it looked like the casualties were extremely heavy.

He suppressed the shock in his heart, and then looked at the large golden characters that had appeared in the air.

【bad omen】

[Catastrophe: Refugees rebel, all soldiers die]

[Jie Gua Reward: 20 years of martial arts cultivation]

[Resolving disasters: How to make reward alcohol]

Sure enough, the people rebelled, but we have been doing our best to rescue the people, so what reason do they have to rebel?

There is only one reason, that is, the person behind it is adding fuel to the fire. This should also be his ultimate plot.

This should be the first time that the 20-year martial arts cultivation level reward has appeared. For this reward, I am afraid that the difficulty of this matter will not be less.

There is also this reward. Although alcohol can be seen everywhere in later generations, in the Tang Dynasty, after alcohol was available, it was given to the troops, which could effectively prevent wound infection and reduce casualties by at least one-third. This reward looks amazing. At first glance, it is actually a very important reward.

After thinking about all this, Yuan Shouwei then turned his attention to the secret map that slowly opened in the sky.

I directly skipped the introduction of alcohol in the second line of Tianji Tu and watched the short movie in the third line.

first screen.

Bianliang Nancheng.


A group of people affected by the disaster were lining up in a long queue, holding pots and pans in their hands, preparing to receive porridge and rice.

At the front of the queue were 12 porridge sheds lined up in a row. Some of the Tang army, the Sansheng congregation, and the monks of Puji Temple were maintaining order, and some were scooping porridge and rice for the people.

At the end of one of the queues, there were more than a dozen beggars lined up. One of them, a petite and thin beggar, was being bullied by other beggars.

She had just walked a few steps with the team in front when a beggar behind her jumped in line and stood in front of him.

The little beggar didn't dare to say anything, so he leaned back and gave up his position.

But after a while, another beggar got in front of him, and he still remained silent.

After doing this for five or six times, some people on the side couldn't stand it anymore and started to scold the beggars.

The beggars didn't take it seriously, but continued to bully the little beggar with a playful smile.

With the rebuke from everyone, Tang Jun and the Sansheng cult members who were maintaining order were also attracted to ask what was going on.

When the people who spoke uprightly explained the situation, the captain of the Tang Army immediately scolded the beggars, and then motioned to the little beggar to take the bowl and go directly to the front to get it.

But when the little beggar saw Tang Jun and the Sansheng congregation, he was as scared as a snake and scorpion, squeezed out of the crowd and walked away in a hurry.

Army Commander Tang was a little puzzled, but there were too many things to deal with, so he didn't care, and turned around to get busy.

Next to him, the Sansheng Taoist in Taoist robes stared at the direction the little beggar left with a stern look on his face.

After the captain of the Tang army left, the Sansheng Taoist waved his hand and called a few followers. They followed the little beggar to a remote alley and blocked him inside.Seeing that something was wrong, the little beggar couldn't help but kneel down and beg those people. As the cloth on his head fell off, his hair fell down.

Seeing this, the Taoist from Sansheng Sect, who was still a little confused, did not hesitate and strode forward. Regardless of the little beggar's repeated pleas, he strangled her to death.

The first screen ends.

After watching the scene, Yuan Shouwei was shocked: Behind the scenes, the Sansheng Sect was looking down on human life!

It seems that this Sanshengjiao is not what I saw: helping the people, saving lives and healing the wounded.

It's just that there are some problems that I still don't understand. What did the little beggar disguised as a man do to avoid the Sansheng Sect?Why did Sanshengjiao kill her?What is her identity?
While Yuan Shouwei was thinking, he turned his attention to the second picture to see if he could find the answer here.

Second screen.

To the east of Bianliang City, on Gaodian, above the embankment.

Dou Ziren was wearing a Taoist robe, standing on the hill where he saw him that day. On both sides were 36 murderous men in Taoist robes, holding weapons, lined up on the left and right.

On the outside of the levee, there were dense crowds of people kneeling, covering the mountains and plains, at least tens of thousands of people.

These people were all excited at this time, listening to what Dou Ziren was saying, and from time to time they raised their arms and shouted after Dou Ziren.

As Dou Ziren finished speaking, several more people walked to the mountain from the side and said something to the people at the foot of the mountain with tears in their eyes.

One of them, Yuan Shouwei, also knew that he was one of the people who Li Ji was in a hurry to save but did not rescue.

Yuan Shouwei vaguely remembered that the man was still yelling at Li Ji at that time, saying that he would kill them dog officials who would not save them.

Judging from his current appearance, it was obvious that he was later saved by Sanshengjiao.

As a few people finished speaking, the people at the foot of the mountain seemed extremely excited. They stood up one after another and shouted something loudly.

There are also some civilians holding kitchen knives, rakes, and wooden sticks, even waving the weapons in their hands, with a fierce look.

As they shouted, someone escorted two people to the mountain. Yuan Shouwei also knew these two people.

One is Qian Niuwei, and the other is a Bianliang official who cooperated with Yuan Shouwei in Gaodian to rescue the people.

Both of them were tied up with rags in their mouths, but there was a lot of anger in their eyes, and they stared at Dou Ziren.

Dou Ziren first had people hold them down and kneel on the ground, and then began to reprimand them loudly.

Every time he reprimanded, countless people below shouted loudly.

After he finished speaking, Dou Ziren waved his hand, and several big men came over and beheaded the two of them in public.

As the skulls rolled down, the blood in their necks spurted out for more than ten feet.

Immediately, two more big men came over with basins, took two basins of blood, and sprinkled it on a flag that had just been hung up.

After the blood was poured on it, the flag was slowly raised. The scarlet word "Dou" on it was so bright that it pierced people's eyes.

The second screen ends.

Yuan Shouwei watched with all his eyes and ears, and he understood that the mastermind behind this was the Sansheng Sect, and Dou Ziren should be the instigator.

No wonder he is so active in saving people. He is clearly trying to win over people and prepare for rebellion.

At the same time, he scolded Zhu Yitan in his heart. It was obvious that he had discussed this with Dou Ziren.

Zhu Yitan deliberately treated the people affected by the disaster and pushed them to Dou Ziren.

Dou Ziren, on the other hand, treats the people favorably. In this way, he can easily capture the hearts of the people and lay the foundation for the rebellion.

But there is also a question here, what is the origin of Dou Ziren?
Could it be that he is a descendant of Dou Jiande?
But as far as he knows, Dou Jiande has only one descendant, and that is Cao Ziyi.

(End of this chapter)

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