Chapter 413 Rebel Together
Yuan Shouwei was a little puzzled for a moment, and turned his attention to the third picture with doubts.

This scene is obviously a continuation of the previous scene.

Still in Gaodian, the blood-stained flag with the word 'Dou' in it was already flying in the air.

And inside the embankment, hundreds of boats suddenly appeared. On top of a big boat, a flag fluttered in the wind, with a big "Cao" written on it.

Dou Ziren and others on the embankment had obviously discovered the ships, and immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at the approaching ships.

When the ship arrived near the earth mountain of the embankment, Cao Ziyi also jumped up from the big ship and went directly to the earth mountain.

At the same time, he used the moves in his hands, and a tiger roar directly shocked Dou Ziren and others on the mountain.

The Sansheng cultists at the bottom of the mountain wanted to go up to rescue them, but the tigers condensed on the head of Cao Ziyi's gun rushed and killed several of them. No one dared to rush up again.

And Song Yong, Zhou Quan and the others also quickly arrived on the earth mountain and tied everyone up.

Dou Ziren, who was tied up by Wuhuada, gradually came to his senses. However, he did not get angry in a hurry, but raised his head and said something to Cao Ziyi.

But Cao Ziyi had a look of disdain on his face. After he finished speaking, he spat fiercely next to him, and then pointed at the stunned people below and said something.

When Dou Ziren saw Cao Ziyi like this, he shut up, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Cao Ziyi didn't care.

Instead, he turned to face the people below and said something loudly, apparently trying to persuade everyone not to rebel.

It was okay if he didn't say it, but when he said it, he really stirred up a hornet's nest. The people below immediately got into a mess, pointing at Cao Ziyi and yelling.

There were also the impatient ones who threw their weapons at Cao Ziyi.

And the Sansheng cultists at the foot of the mountain also took the opportunity to push up the mountain again.

Seeing that Cao Ziyi swung his silver spear, he was about to kill the Sansheng believers with Song Yong and Zhou Quan, but what he never expected was that more than a dozen brothers behind them suddenly turned against each other.

He took out his weapon and attacked the three of them from behind. Cao Ziyi and the three of them were caught off guard and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

The third screen ends.

That's horrible!
Yuan Shouwei couldn't bear to watch anymore. He didn't expect that Cao Ziyi, a hero, would be assassinated and die in such a miserable way.

Looking at the eyes and movements of his ten or so brothers, it is obvious that Dou Ziren used the soul-absorbing talisman to cause such a tragedy.

But there is also a problem here,
Even if Cao Ziyi himself is a rebel, wouldn't Dou Ziren's rebellion just suit his wishes?Why did he step in to stop it?
Yuan Shouwei looked at the fourth screen with full of doubts.

Under Bianliang City, hundreds of thousands of victims came overwhelmingly, surrounding Bianliang City with water.

Dou Ziren rode a white horse and stood in front of the formation, directing the victims to attack the city.

On the city wall, Li Ji was commanding the Tang army to defend.

At this time, Bianliang City was also full of smoke, and many Sansheng believers and victims were killing people and setting fires everywhere.

Everyone became crazy and killed, either killing or being killed.

Li Ji, who saw this situation, already understood that Bianliang City must not be able to hold on.

He asked Yuan Shouwei to leave with Li Chengqian and Wu Fu, while he led the army to hold back all the enemies.

The city is broken!

Li Ji, Li Jinxing and many officials from Chang'an were tied up.

Dou Ziren came to persuade him to surrender, but everyone cursed and no one surrendered.

In a rage, Dou Ziren hanged everyone at the top of Bianliang City.

Hundreds of corpses hung there.

Five thousand Tang troops were all killed in Bianliang City that day.That day, the entire Bianliang City was like a hell on earth.

Finally finished, Yuan Shouwei let out a breath and looked down at the hexagrams on the compass.

[The beauties are dying, Li Daitao is dead in Chen Cang, the heroes are righteous and the wicked are injured, and their bodies are wrapped in horse leather and buried in Bianliang]

At this time, several people in the main hall had also gathered around. Although they could not see the large golden characters and the map of heaven.

But they could see clearly what was displayed on the compass, and they all knew the omen of great misfortune. Seeing that Yuan Shouwei had finished his calculations, they all looked at him eagerly, waiting for him to interpret the divination.

Yuan Shouwei first looked at a few people with a heavy expression, then looked at Li Ji opposite, and slowly said:

"Mr. British, this hexagram is a sign of great misfortune. Let me first explain the hexagram to you, and then we will figure out how to solve it."

Li Ji had a nervous face, but after listening to Yuan Shouwei's words, he also relaxed a lot. He cupped his hands at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"National teacher, but it doesn't matter."

Yuan Shouwei also nodded and said:

"The first sentence: A beauty with a bad life and a fragrant death is about a little beggar who was killed by someone from the Sansheng Sect."

After that, he told what he saw.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Fu had already reacted and immediately said:
"Yuan Shouwei, can you confirm that the corpse you saw in Yanluo Lane is Meng Linger herself?"

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei immediately thought of Meng Ling'er's battered and bloody face, shook his head and said:
"can not confirm."

"Zhao'er, I know what you mean. That little beggar is Meng Ling'er. She did not die in the collapse."

"Because we are looking for Meng Ling'er, and this hexagram obviously won't reveal anything unrelated to it."

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and Wu Fu urged:

"If that's the case, then there's another clue."

"Hurry up and finish the interpretation of the hexagram. Let's go find Meng Ling'er first, lest Sanshengjiao can get ahead of me."

Yuan Shouwei looked at the time. It was Si hour, more than an hour before noon, and he said:

"It's about time."

"Let me tell you the second hexagram."

"Li Daitao killed Chencang. This sentence means that Dou Ziren, the headmaster of Sansheng, has conspired to rebel."

Then he explained the situation again. After listening to it, several people couldn't help but suddenly realized that the person behind Zhu Yitan was Dou Ziren. This kid had hidden his secrets well enough.

Yuan Shouwei then began to interpret the third hexagram:
"Heroes are righteous and evil are injured. This sentence means that Dou Ziren rebelled. Cao Ziyi came to stop him and was assassinated by Dou Ziren."

After explaining the situation, Li Chengqian said with emotion:
"This Cao Ziyi is indeed a descendant of Dou Jiande. He is quite kind and righteous."

"Yuan Shouwei, go see him later and tell him that as long as he is willing to surrender to the Tang Dynasty, all the things he has done in the past can be forgotten."

Li Ji looked at Yuan Shouwei doubtfully and said:

"He is obviously a traitor, so why not join the rebellion with Dou Ziren?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head and said:
"There is no divination. If Cao Ziyi had prevented Dou Ziren from rebelling, there would have been no tragedy in Bianliang City."

"The fourth line of the hexagram says that the body was wrapped in horse leather and buried in Bianliang. It talks about Dou Ziren leading the victims to besiege Bianliang."

"Except for me fleeing with His Highness and Wu Yan, everyone from Chang'an was killed."

Then he told everyone the results he saw.

(End of this chapter)

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