Chapter 414 Give you face, right?
Li Ji looked a little embarrassed and muttered to himself:

"It turns out that this is the real purpose of Dou Ziren and Zhu Yitan. They want to rebel."

Zhongqing turned pale with fright, looked at Yuan Shouwei and asked:
"We all died and I didn't escape?"

After receiving Yuan Shouwei's affirmative reply, he recited the Taoist slogan again and again:
"Fortunately, the divination was calculated. Fortunately, the divination was calculated. There is still a chance to save. There is still a chance to save."

After Li Chengqian heard Yuan Shouwei's description of the tragedy, his face became flushed, he clenched his fists fiercely, and waved in the air:

"I, Li Chengqian, will never allow such a thing to happen."

"Yuan Shouwei, Ying Gong, and Wu Fu, let's work together to find a way to get rid of Dou Ziren and completely eliminate the riot."

He automatically ignored Zhongqing beside him.

Several people nodded after hearing this, returned to their seats, and began to plan again.

After about an hour, everyone started to act separately after conferring.

Yuan Shouwei, Wu Fu, and Zhongqing went directly to Bianliang Nancheng to look for Meng Ling'er.

After arriving in Nancheng, we saw twelve porridge shacks opened by porridge cooks. There was a long queue in front of each porridge shack, at least five or six thousand people.

When seeing so many people, even Wu Fu was a little dumbfounded and murmured to himself:

"With so many people, where can we find Meng Ling'er?"

Zhongqing on the side looked at this scene, but also hesitated, and said in his mouth:

"Isn't that right? If we look for her next to each other, I'm afraid that if I find Meng Ling'er, she'll already be a corpse."

Yuan Shouwei smiled slightly, looked at the worried two people and said:
"It's easy to handle."

After finishing speaking, he casually pulled a Tang Jun beside him, first revealed his identity, and then described the appearance of Tang Jun commander he saw on the Tianji map. Tang Jun immediately replied:

"The National Master is looking for our captain Jiang Yongyuan?"

"No, he is over there, I will take you there now."

Jiang Yongyuan, who was maintaining order, was looking around and saw Yuan Shouwei and the others at a glance.

He recognized Yuan Shouwei, so he took two steps forward, came to Yuan Shouwei first, bowed and saluted:

"This subordinate has seen the national teacher."

Yuan Shou returned the courtesy with a smile and asked:
"General Jiang, we are sent by the British Lord to investigate a case."

"How many beggars do you have here?"

When Jiang Yongyuan heard that it was arranged by the British public, he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately replied:

"Reporting to the Imperial Preceptor, after a day of contact, I have a basic understanding of the situation of the victims in front of me."

"There are four groups of beggars here. I know where they gather. I can take you there now."

Wu Fu and Zhong Qing couldn't help but look at each other after hearing this. They didn't expect to find the person so easily, and they couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy.

Yuan Shouwei also said to Jiang Yongyuan:
"General Jiang, please wait a moment."

Then he turned to Zhongqing and said:

"Let's follow the plan."

After hearing this, Zhongqing nodded silently and disappeared into the crowd.

Although Jiang Yongyuan was a little puzzled, since he was involved in a case, he naturally did not ask any more questions. Instead, he took Yuan Shouwei and the two of them to check the beggars one by one.

When he saw the last group of beggars, Yuan Shouwei's eyes lit up. The beggars not far away from him were exactly what he had seen in the Tianji Tu.Looking back, I saw a little beggar squatting in the corner behind them, it was Meng Ling'er.

At this moment, Meng Ling'er was also dressed in men's clothing, her clothes were in tatters, and she was avoiding the harassment of an old beggar next to her in a panic.

Just look at the old beggar holding Meng Ling'er's little hands, smiling obscenely, speaking to Meng Ling'er with a mouth full of big yellow teeth:
"My dear husband, looking at your tender skin and tender flesh, I can tell you that the young master of some family is in trouble."

"It's hard for you to live alone here. Why don't you follow me? From now on, you will be the most popular and the most popular."

Meng Ling'er was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She just kept avoiding the harassment of the old beggar.

When Wu Fu on the side saw this, he was immediately furious. He took three steps at a time and arrived in front of the two of them. He raised his leg and kicked the old beggar, and cursed:

"You old man has become a beggar, and you still don't forget to think about these obscene things. You deserve to be damned."

The old beggar was concentrating on teasing Meng Ling'er when he was kicked unexpectedly. He was immediately kicked into the ground and his teeth hit the wall, knocking off his front teeth.

Only then did he come to his senses and turned to look at his attacker in a panic.

At first glance, he saw that he was also a thin man. He suddenly became very angry and shouted viciously to the beggars around him:

"Are you all blind? Didn't you see that I was bullied?"

"Hit me, hit me hard and avenge me."

Only then did the beggars react. Seeing that their boss was beaten with blood all over his mouth, and seeing that Wu Fu was so thin, they immediately cursed, rolled up their arms and sleeves, and rushed in front of Wu Fu.

Wu Fu didn't even move his hands, he kicked each of them, and immediately kicked them into lying gourds on the ground, wailing.

The old beggar saw something was wrong and said fiercely to Wu Fu:

"Okay, if you have the guts, just wait for me."

After that, he took a few beggars and ran away, leaving only Meng Ling'er who was leaning against the corner with a look of panic on her face.

Seeing Meng Ling'er's appearance, Wu Fu felt a little pitiful in his heart. He slowly walked to her, knelt down and said softly:

"You don't have to be afraid. I have beaten these scum away for you. No one will dare to bully you anymore."

Meng Ling'er looked at Wu Fu's kind face, and her vigilance relaxed a little. She turned slightly sideways and said:
"The villain thanks Mr. Lang for saving his life."

After saying that, he held on to the wall beside him and was about to stand up and salute, but he was so frightened by the beggar that his legs went weak and he couldn't stand up for a while.

Seeing this, Wu Fu directly grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

Looking at Meng Ling'er, whose face was already red with embarrassment, Wu Zhao then remembered that he was now a woman disguised as a man. This action was really too much for Meng Lang.

At this moment, Yuan Shouwei and Jiang Yongyuan came over.

As soon as Meng Ling'er saw the two of them, her face suddenly showed fear again.

Wu Fu was a little confused, turned to look at Yuan Shouwei and the others, and then said to Meng Ling'er:
"Madam, you don't have to be afraid, they are all good people."

After saying this, Meng Ling'er was even more surprised and blurted out:
"Mr. Lang made a mistake, I am a man."

At this moment, there was another noise not far away. Wu Fu and the others looked up, only to see that the old beggar who had just been beaten was charging towards them with a group of people.

When Jiang Yongyuan saw this scene, he couldn't help but frowned. Before those people could get closer, he immediately shouted loudly:

"Go away! I'm giving you face, right?"

"If you dare to cause trouble again, I will kill you now."

When those beggars saw Jiang Yongyuan, they were terrified, saluted Jiang Yongyuan from a distance, turned and left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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