Chapter 415 They will take revenge on themselves
And when Wu Yan turned his head to look at Meng Ling'er behind him, he suddenly realized that she had run away.

It turned out that Meng Ling'er was already a frightened bird, and no one believed it.

Jiang Yongyuan also noticed that Meng Ling'er was missing at this moment, and said to Yuan Shouwei with some surprise:

"This little beggar is so cowardly."

"National Master, you two wait here for a moment, I will arrange for soldiers to find him now."

Yuan Shouwei waved his hands and said:

"General Jiang, you go about your business first."

"I asked Zhongqing to keep an eye on her in secret just now. She shouldn't be able to run away."

"Go and do your work first. If I really can't find it, I'll trouble you again."

It was already time for the porridge, and all kinds of messy things gradually increased. Seeing this, Jiang Yongyuan was not polite, accused Yuan Shouwei of a crime, and turned to get busy.

Let's talk about Zhongqing, he was in the crowd just now, and has been closely watching Meng Linger's every move.

When he saw Meng Ling'er taking advantage of the chaos to escape, he quietly followed behind.

After arriving at a sparsely populated and remote place, he suddenly leaned forward from behind, grabbed Meng Ling'er, covered her mouth and nose, and led her to a dead end.

After seeing that there was no one around, he deliberately put on a ferocious look on his face and said to Meng Ling'er who was clamped under his arm:
"I'll put you down now. If you dare to shout, I'll kill you immediately."

"Did you hear me?"

Meng Ling'er, who was fleeing in panic, was suddenly attacked from behind, and her soul was almost frightened away.

At this moment, Zhongqing spoke to her fiercely again. She was already as weak as chaff and couldn't say a word. She just nodded with tears in her eyes.

When Zhongqing saw this, he also put him on the ground. Then he let out another evil laugh, lifted Meng Ling'er's chin frivolously, and said:

"Meng Ling'er, let me see where else can you escape this time?"

After hearing this, Meng Ling'er's heart shook violently, she lowered her head and stuttered in defense:
"Lang Langjun admitted the wrong person. I am a man, not Meng Ling'er."

Zhongqing laughed evilly again, shook his shoulders and said:

"Then pretend to me, sir, I have been to your Meng family. You 'know' from the Meng family may not recognize me, but I do recognize you."

"I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect you escaped alive."

"Tell me, what did Hu Man leave for you? If you don't tell me, I will kill you now."

Meng Ling'er was no longer as panicked as before. She lowered her head and gritted her teeth and said:

"I don't know what Lang Jun will say."

After hearing this, Zhongqing showed an impatient look on his face, stepped forward, knocked the cloth off Meng Ling'er's head, and said viciously:
"Pretend, you continue to pretend for me."

"Let me ask you one last time, where is the thing Hu Man gave you?"

"Hand it over and I will give you a way to live. If you don't hand it over, you will die now."

After hearing this, Meng Ling'er raised her head, with a hint of determination in her eyes and said:

"You think I'm a three-year-old."

"I haven't seen anything."

Zhongqing also scolded angrily upon hearing this.

"Okay, since you want to die, I will make it happen for you now."

After saying that, he raised his palm and struck Meng Ling'er on the head.

Meng Ling'er closed her eyes and waited for death.

But after a while, instead of feeling a slap on her head, she heard Zhongqing's scream.Somewhat surprised, Meng Ling'er looked up at Zhongqing, only to see that his face was painful, and a long sword protruded from his chest. After struggling a few times, he fell to the ground.

And when he fell down, he also revealed the two people behind him, it was Wu Yan and Yuan Shouwei.

I saw that Wu Fu was a little bit annoyed that iron could not become steel, and he said to Meng Ling'er who was still in shock:

"Mrs. Meng, why are you running away?"

"You have to understand that we came from Chang'an to save you, not to harm you."

At this moment, Zhongqing's body on the ground had disappeared and was replaced by a talisman.

Wu Fu pointed at the talisman and pretended to be heartbroken and said:

"Did you see that the Sansheng Sect is full of tricks and also likes to use some harmful spells?"

"If Hu Man gives you something before he dies, you'd better give it to us as soon as possible, so that you can save your life."

Then he told Meng Ling'er the general situation of their investigation of the case.

When Meng Ling'er heard Yuan Shouwei's name, her eyes lit up and she asked Wu Fu:
"Lang Jun, could it be that you are that Yuan Shouwei Yuan Guoshi?"

Yuan Shouwei, who was on the side, heard it, and then said:
"Mrs. Meng, I am Yuan Shouwei. This is my fish charm."

While talking, he took off the fish charm from his waist and handed it to Meng Ling'er to dispel her wariness.

After Meng Ling'er took the fish talisman and inspected it, she no longer hesitated. She knelt down in front of Yuan Shouwei and said in a sad voice:
"National Master, I beg you to kill Sansheng Headmaster Dou Ziren and avenge Mr. Hu Manlang."

"I know that he and Fan Hanlin both died at the hands of Dou Ziren."

Yuan Shouwei helped her up after hearing this, handed her a silk scarf, and advised:

"Mrs. Meng, I'm looking for you to investigate the murder of Hu Man and the whereabouts of his salary."

"You can tell me anything you know."

"Not only will I avenge Hu Man, but I will also keep you safe and your life safe."

Hearing Meng Linger here, she gradually stopped her grief, took the silk handkerchief Yuan Shouwei handed over, thanked her, wiped away her tears, and began to tell the story.

She is the "knowledge" of the Meng family in Yanluo Lane. Hu Man met her about two years ago.

During the conversation, the two learned that they were fellow villagers, so naturally they became a little closer.

Hu Man also began to come to Meng's house to support her. As time went by, they fell in love, and the two gradually stayed together.

Some time ago, Hu Man negotiated with her and was willing to redeem her life, marry her back to his home, and make her his concubine. She was filled with joy after hearing this.

But at this moment, the flood happened, and Hu Man was busy all day long, so the matter of redeeming her life was temporarily put aside.

Just when Meng Ling'er was depressed, Hu Man suddenly came to her in a hurry one day and handed her an account book mysteriously, asking her to keep it well.

He also told Meng Ling'er that if something unexpected happened to him, he would take this account book and go to the official residence to find His Royal Highness the Crown Prince or Yuan Shou as the national advisor, and they would avenge him.

Meng Ling'er was a little puzzled. After Hu Man left, she looked through the account books and found to her surprise that all the things she remembered in them were Zhu Yitan's transfer of salary to Sanshengjiao.

She looked at the account book and was almost frightened to death, knowing that the things in it were too big.

In order to live up to Hu Man's trust, he secretly stored it close to his body.

That day, her maid Xiaolan had a cough and fever.

She and Xiaolan were as close as sisters, so naturally she couldn't bear Xiaolan's misfortune, so she changed into men's clothes and went out to buy medicine for Xiaolan.

But when she was buying medicine, she heard the doctor at the medicine store talking about Fan Hanlin's family and Hu Man's death.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she didn't even bother to buy the medicine, and went to Hu Man's house in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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