Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 416 Waterproof, anti-theft and anti-theft Yuan Shouwei

Chapter 416 Waterproof, anti-theft and anti-theft Yuan Shouwei
When they arrived at the door, they saw soldiers guarding them. After asking some neighbors, they found out that something had happened to Hu Man.

She didn't dare to stay long, so she turned around and headed towards Yanluo Alley, preparing to pack some luggage and hide for a while.

Wait for the opportunity and hand over the account book to avenge Hu Man.

But when she arrived at Yanluo Alley, she saw that the entire street had collapsed, and she knew that someone was also trying to harm her. She was so frightened that she was trembling all over, her body was like chaff, and she did not dare to stay any longer.When I arrived in Nancheng in a daze, I mingled among the victims all day long, feeling anxious all day long.

During this period, she went to the governor's mansion and official residence, but she could not see Li Chengqian and Yuan Shouwei at all.

Later, after Jiang Yongyuan arrived, she wanted to contact Jiang Yongyuan first.

But when she saw that Jiang Yongyuan had been staying with people from the Sansheng Sect, she didn't dare to act rashly anymore.

This has dragged on until today.

After hearing this, Wu Fu also comforted him repeatedly:

"The Meng family has suffered."

"Everything is fine now. You can follow us back to the Governor's Mansion now and make sure no one hurts you again."

Yuan Shouwei also sighed and said, remembering the scene where Meng Linger was killed by the Sanshengjiao in the Tianji map:

"Then Hu Man is also confused. How could he let a weak woman like you get involved in this?"

Meng Ling'er heard this and said to Yuan Shouwei seriously:

"Thank you, Imperial Master, for your concern."

"Hu Lang has no one he can trust in Bianliang City. There is nothing he can do if he is left to me. In order to avenge him, I am willing to die."

After saying that, he looked down at his chest again, with a blush on his face, and said to Yuan Shouwei and the others shyly:
"National Master, please turn around first, and I will take out the account book and hand it to you two."

Yuan Shou followed his words and immediately turned around.

Although Wu Yan was a little funny, he still turned around with a smile.

After hearing a rustling sound behind me, I heard Meng Ling'er say:

"National Master, this is the account book Hu Lang gave me. Please take a look at it."

Yuan Shouwei turned around, took the account book from Meng Ling'er, and briefly flipped through it with Wu Fu.

Sure enough, as Meng Ling'er said, what was recorded in it was Zhu Yitan's transfer of salary to Sanshengjiao.

This time everyone really gets everything.

After Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu looked at each other happily, they said to Meng Ling'er:
"Mrs. Meng, please follow me back to the Governor's Mansion now to meet His Highness and the British Duke."

"In addition, I will arrange a house for you there and let soldiers protect your safety."

After Meng Ling'er listened, all the pressure in her heart was finally released at this moment.

He fell to his knees with another 'plop', kowtowed to Yuan Shouwei repeatedly, and cried loudly:
"Thank you, Imperial Master, for your life-saving grace."

"As long as I can avenge Hu Lang, I, Meng Ling'er, am willing to serve you like a cow or a horse."

Seeing this, Wu Fu persuaded her again, and the three of them returned to the Governor's Mansion.

When he saw Li Chengqian and Li Ji, Yuan Shouwei handed them the account book and explained the situation.

After reading the accounts, the two were overjoyed.

Li Chengqian patted the low table in front of him and said excitedly to Yuan Shouwei:

"Yuan Shouwei, continue to act according to our plan."

"I want to see how Dou Ziren can incite the people to rebel this time."

The key to this matter is how to convince Cao Ziyi. Because of his unruly character, Li Chengqian and Yuan Shouwei have already thought of countermeasures.

When Zhou Quan left last time, he left an address for Yuan Shouwei. They temporarily docked near an abandoned dock fifty miles east of Gaodian.

After Yuan Shouwei took a short rest, he took Wu Fu to Gaodian again.After waiting on the boat, Yuan Shouwei chatted with Wu Fu about everything. When he talked about observing the sky, he asked Wu Fu:
"Zhao'er, are you familiar with the Japanese country?"

Wu Yan shook his head and said:
"I'm not very familiar with it. I just heard that their country is an island country. And they are close to Datang, and often send Tang envoys to our Datang to study."

"what's wrong?"

Yuan Shouwei said with a serious expression:

"At its core, this country has a character that bullies the weak and fears the strong. The reason why he is close to our Tang Dynasty is because our Tang Dynasty is strong."

"And once our country falls into weakness, he will be like a wild dog, waiting for an opportunity to come up, bite and devour us."

"I observed the sky at night some time ago and discovered that more than 1000 years later, this Japanese country would use all its strength to attempt to annex our Central Plains land."

After that, he briefly told Wu Fu about the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War.

When Wu Fu heard him talk about the Nanjing Massacre, his pink face suddenly turned pale with anger, and his plump chest was rising and falling with anger. He bit his silver teeth and said:
"If it's really as you said."

"Then now, while our country is strong, we can destroy him directly. This way we can avoid future troubles forever."

When Yuan Shouwei heard what Wu Fu said, a slight smile appeared on his lips and he said:

"My Zhao'er is really happy with what he says and does. I have a plan that kills three birds with one stone. How about I tell you about it?"

After hearing this, Wu Fu couldn't help but his eyes lit up and he said:

"I just know that my husband has a way. Please tell me."

Yuan Shouwei spoke again:

"I want you to tell Cao Ziyi about the situation of the Japanese country, and ask him to go to the Japanese country to establish the country, and destroy the Japanese country at the same time."

"I have also prepared ten thousand other five-element charms. You can hand them over to him when the time comes."

"In this way, Cao Ziyi has a place to stay; the grievances between your two families are also resolved; the Japanese country is also destroyed; killing three birds with one stone."

After Wu Fu heard this, he couldn't help but said with some emotion:

"I understand what you mean, sir."

"I didn't expect you to put so much thought into the old affairs of our Wu family."

After Yuan Shouwei listened, he gave a cheap smile, gently lifted Wu Yan's chin with a finger, and said frivolously:

"We are all a family sooner or later, so why bother saying anything that is foreign to us."

"If you want to thank me, why don't you just sleep with me tonight, with the red waves rolling?"

Wu Fu was also in a good mood at the moment. After hearing Yuan Shouwei's teasing, he pretended to be shy and said:
"Before I go out, my mother-in-law repeatedly ordered us to be waterproof, anti-theft and anti-Yuan Shouwei."

"So I absolutely cannot agree to this."

After finishing speaking, looking at Yuan Shouwei's deflated expression, he couldn't help but happily shed a string of laughter like silver bells on the water.

Then Yuan Shouwei told Wu Fu some information he knew about the Japanese state.

The current Japanese nation is still relatively backward as a whole, having just transitioned from a slave society to a feudal centralized state.

It would still take some time before Emperor Kotoku would implement reforms, imitate the Tang system, and move toward centralization.

It's simply not too comfortable to strike hard at this time.

While talking and laughing, the two of them had already arrived.

The ferry was now lined with sails and heavily guarded.

Looking at it, Yuan Shouwei nodded repeatedly. This Cao Ziyi was indeed an expert in marching and fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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