Chapter 417 Repaying the Gift
The guarding soldiers recognized Yuan Shouwei, and when they saw him coming, they led them directly to the camp of the Chinese army.

When they arrived at the door, after the briefing was completed, Cao Ziyi, Song Yong and Zhou Quan came out soon.

As soon as the two parties met, Cao Ziyi smiled and said:

"Yuan Shouwei, I still want to thank you for the medicine you prescribed that day. After Zhouquan took it for me, I woke up that night and recovered as before."

So fast?Yuan Shouwei looked at Zhou Quan behind Cao Ziyi with some surprise. Seeing Zhou Quan keep winking at him, he knew that Cao Ziyi was a tough-talking duck.

He didn’t tell the truth, but followed Cao Ziyi’s words and said:
"That medicine is just an auxiliary effect. After all, Lao Cao, you have a good health and recover quickly."

While talking, Cao Ziyi had already led them into the tent.

After the guests and hosts took their seats, Cao Ziyi looked at Wu Fu and said thoughtfully:
"I don't know what to call this husband. I must have seen him somewhere. He looks familiar."

Yuan Shouwei took over the conversation with a smile and said:

"Old Cao, I'll introduce you later. I came to see you on business."

"After all, I have to thank you for handing over Luo Tianyi and the salary box to me."

After finishing speaking, he told Cao Ziyi what happened in Bianliang City after meeting Luo Tianyi.

But he didn't finish everything. Instead, he stopped talking when all the clues were lost.

After Cao Ziyi listened, he pondered for a moment and then said:
"Yuan Shouwei, if all the clues are broken, then I can provide you with some clues here."

"The person behind Zhu Yitan may be Sansheng Headmaster Dou Ziren."

"Because he recruited me a few days ago, but I didn't agree. Later I got the news that Dou Ziren began to pretend to be me and recruit my father's old troops with the intention of rebelling."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei slapped his thigh and said excitedly:

"Gentlemen really think alike."

"We were also suspicious of the Sansheng Sect, but we had no evidence, so in desperation, I made some calculations."

"Old Cao, you should know my identity?"

Although Cao Ziyi was a little surprised why Yuan Shouwei suddenly changed the subject, he didn't think much about it and followed Yuan Shouwei's words and said:
"Definitely know."

"Yuan Shouwei, a member of the Star Observation Gate of Beiming Mountain, the God of Locust Destroyer in Chang'an and the Locust Destroyer in the Western Regions. He is good at divination."

After a pause, he asked again:
"Did you figure out Dou Ziren's rebellion?"

"Are you sure he is impersonating me?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said:
"It didn't matter that he figured out that he was impersonating you, and also figured out that you went to expose him, but you were harmed by him."

After speaking, he told Cao Ziyi the general situation of his divination.

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi was a little surprised and asked:
"Can Dou Ziren harm me? Does he have the strength?"

Yuan Shouwei explained with a smile:
"I also think that Dou Ziren is not as strong as you, but he knows Taoism and can manipulate other people to trick you behind your back. There is no problem at all."

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi fell silent. After a while, he looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"You came to me, have you already thought about how to deal with Dou Ziren?"

Yuan Shouwei also laughed out loud when he heard this, nodded to Cao Ziyi and said:

"It's easy to talk to smart people."

"To be honest, Lao Cao, I am ready to cooperate with you to catch Dou Ziren and the others in one fell swoop."

Cao Ziyi also showed a bit of complacency on his face, and asked:
"How can we cooperate? Let me tell you first."

Yuan Shouwei first spoke and analyzed:

"Now Zhu Yitan is dead. The British Duke has taken over all the affairs in Bianliang City." "The breached embankments have been blocked; the floods have been effectively alleviated; the government's overall disaster relief capabilities have been greatly strengthened; everything Everything is on the right track.”

"In this way, the people will have hope, and naturally they will not rebel again."

"Dou Ziren will definitely find out about this situation. If there is no accident, he should have acted in the past few days."

After his analysis, Cao Ziyi nodded frequently and said:
"Your analysis is good. There are people here who have been keeping an eye on Dou Ziren and the others."

"It can be clearly felt that many people who have joined the Sanshengjiao are moving to Gaodian in the past few days."

After Cao Ziyi finished speaking, Yuan Shouwei also told him his plan.

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi pondered for a moment and said again:

"This is a good plan, but I have a request."

Yuan Shouwei smiled and said:

"Then come and listen."

Cao Ziyi sat up straight, looked directly at Yuan Shouwei, stretched out his finger and said:
"I only stopped Dou Ziren because he used my name falsely. I absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of thing."

"Many of my father's old subordinates have been deceived by Dou Ziren and are preparing to rebel with him. Since they were deceived, you cannot hold them accountable after this matter is over."

After hearing this request, Yuan Shouwei immediately agreed readily, and then spoke again:

"Old Cao, let's change our thinking. It's not a long-term solution for you to live in no fixed place all day."

"From a friend's perspective, let me ask you, have you ever thought about building a country overseas?"

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi's eyes suddenly lit up. He looked into Yuan Shouwei's eyes and said sincerely:

"I won't hide it from you, Yuan Shouwei."

"I had this idea a long time ago, and I have sent people to explore overseas before."

"But the vast sea is endless, and we haven't found a suitable place to stay yet."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei turned to look at Wu Fu beside him and said:

"What a coincidence. This friend of mine actually knows a good place overseas. Why don't I tell you about it?"

Cao Ziyi couldn't help but be very excited when he heard this. He cupped his hands towards Wu Fu and said impatiently:

"If Mr. Lang can really provide me with such a place, he will undoubtedly be a great benefactor to me, Cao Ziyi, and I will definitely repay him generously."

Wu Fu waved his hand and replied with a smile:

"It doesn't matter whether you should repay it or not. Since it comes to this matter, I will do my best."

After finishing speaking, he told Cao Ziyi about the situation of the Japanese country.

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi fell into deep thought again and didn't speak for a long time.

Yuan Shouwei knew that this matter was too big, so he did not rush him, but waited quietly.

After a long time, Cao Ziyi frowned and said to them:
"This is a nice place to go."

"I just calculated that I should be able to draw a team of 3 people here, but these people are not enough to completely conquer the Japanese country."

"Moreover, many of these 3 people are my father's old subordinates, and they are all over fifty years old. How can I bear to let them bleed and die on the battlefield again."

For a moment, there was melancholy between his brows.

(End of this chapter)

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