Chapter 418

Wu Fu was waiting for his words. Seeing his look, he spoke again:

"I made some preparations before coming here. With this thing in hand, you should avoid casualties as much as possible."

After finishing speaking, he untied a small package from his back and pushed it in front of Cao Ziyi.

Cao Ziyi looked at the package with some doubts, then slowly opened it at Wu Fu's signal.

What came into view were five thick bundles of Five Elements Talismans and a piece of paper next to them, with instructions for making the Five Elements Talismans written on them.

Cao Ziyi is naturally a knowledgeable person. After seeing this, his hands felt as if they were burned by fire. He directly pushed the talisman to Wu Fu and said seriously:
"This gift is too precious. As the saying goes, no reward for no merit, who is Mr. Lang and why did you give me such an expensive gift?"

When Wu Fu saw this, he took off the turban on his head, scattered his long hair like a waterfall, and said with a smile:
"A warrior protects his descendants. Wu Fu has met the eldest son of the Dou family."

After Cao Ziyi, Song Yong, and Zhou Quan heard this sentence, they were stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning.

Song Yong suddenly realized, and his voice came out like a thunderbolt:
"I'm just saying, you young man. No, you young lady looks so familiar."

"What do you mean, the weasel is giving New Year greetings to the chicken?"

Zhou Quan also reacted at this moment and quickly grabbed Song Yong and asked him to stop talking and listen to what the boss said.

Cao Ziyi did not become angry like Song Yong. Instead, he looked at Yuan Shouwei and then at Wu Fu, seeing that both of them were smiling harmlessly.

After thinking about the various past events with Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu's actions today, I already understood the meaning. I bowed my hands to Wu Fu with some bitterness and said:
"Mrs. Wu has a broad mind and is not inferior to women. Cao Ziyi has seen a lot today."

"I appreciate your kindness. To be honest, even if you ask me to immediately forget about decades of grievances, I can't do it."

"You take these charms back first and let me think about them carefully."

Then he turned his head to look at Yuan Shouwei, and said with emotion:
"I'm determined, Yuan Shouwei."

"Let's put aside other things for the time being. I will definitely cooperate with the annihilation of the Sansheng Sect."

When Yuan Shouwei saw Cao Ziyi like this, he knew that he understood his hard work and said with a smile:

"Okay, then let's just talk about Sanshengjiao."

"Just follow our plan, I'll go back and prepare now."

After hearing this, Cao Ziyi let out a long breath, glanced at Wu Fu with a complicated expression, stood up and said:

"Okay, I'm going to start preparations here as well. Let's get rid of Dou Ziren first."

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu stood up, turned around and left.

Two days later, at Sishi, Bianliang City was in the governor's office.

In the main hall, Li Chengqian, Li Ji, and Yuan Shouwei, who had made preparations, were discussing matters.

Suddenly the soldiers on duty came to report that a man named Zhou Quan came to see Yuan Shou as the national advisor, saying that he had something urgent to discuss.

After Yuan Shouwei heard this, he looked at Li Chengqian and Li Ji and quickly asked the soldiers to invite them in.

Zhou Quan arrived at the main hall, and after giving the ceremony to the three of them, he looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"National Master, the exact news is that Dou Ziren is planning to commit rebellion in Gaodian at noon today."

"In addition, my uncle also accepted your proposal."

When Li Chengqian heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he first thanked Zhou Quan for his hard work.Then he looked at Li Ji and Yuan Shouwei and said:
"The British Duke and Imperial Master, if that's the case, then we should start taking action?"

Li Ji and Yuan Shouwei also stood up and said yes.

Li Ji himself brought three thousand soldiers and horses from Chang'an.

He also notified Li Jiye to go outside Bianliang City and rush to Gaodian with the [-] troops and horses that had been removed from surrounding counties in the past two days.

Li Chengqian, Yuan Shouwei, Zhou Quan, and Wu Fu, escorted by a group of Qianniu guards, left Bianliang directly and went to Gaodian to cooperate with Cao Ziyi.

At three o'clock in the morning, Gaodian, on the embankment.

Dou Ziren was resting in a temporary tent with his eyes closed.Suddenly the door curtain was raised, and his subordinate Dou Jinzhong walked in from the outside. Following him came countless noisy sounds from outside.

Dou Jinzhong first gently lowered the door curtain, then stood respectfully in front of Dou Ziren and said:
"Headmaster, I just came back from Cao Ziyi, and he is still unwilling to accept our recruitment."

"And he is very arrogant. He said that if you dare to use his name to recruit people to rebel, he will come and kill you personally."

After hearing this, Dou Ziren slowly opened his eyes, sneered disdainfully and said:
"A common man, I gave him face, right?"

"Since he is so ungrateful, don't blame me for killing him."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the hourglass on the table and said to Dou Jinzhong:

"Are all our believers here?"

Dou Jinzhong bowed slightly and replied respectfully:
"I took a look just now, and it's already [-]% to [-]% there. The remaining people are also rushing here one after another. It shouldn't delay the noon time."

"However, the two people who were originally planned to use it to worship the flag today were transferred away by Li Ji yesterday afternoon. It was said that there were many homeless people making trouble in Bianliang City and there were not enough manpower, so they were temporarily transferred back for two days until the work is finished. Come back later.”

"Then look at the people who offer sacrifices to the flag, who is the right person for us to use?"

Dou Ziren said impatiently:
"Two ants, tell them good luck."

"You have to understand that I am a person who does big things. Don't bother me with trivial matters like this in the future. Just find two homeless people to sacrifice the flag and say they are Bianliang officials."

Dou Jinzhong asked and agreed, then turned around and left the camp.

Dou Ziren continued to sit in the tent, listening to the noisy people outside, thinking that these people would be used by him, and he also suppressed his nervousness and excitement, staring at the hourglass closely, waiting for the arrival of noon.

After a while, Dou Jinzhong shouted from outside the tent:
"Noon has arrived. We invite our most beloved headmaster, Celestial Master Dou Ziren."

As Dou Jinzhong shouted, the crowd under the embankment burst into cheers like a landslide and tsunami.

After hearing this, Dou Ziren slowly stood up, gently straightened the non-existent wrinkles on his clothes, and walked out of the tent.

Then he jumped up, and after three or two jumps, he was directly on the earth mountain of the embankment.

When the people below saw his graceful figure, they immediately let out bursts of cheers.

After Dou Ziren stood firm, he looked down and saw that outside the embankment, there were densely packed pits and valleys filled with ragged people with sallow faces and skinny muscles.

Although everyone's image is not very good, everyone is full of excitement and energy.

(End of this chapter)

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